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love this thread, bought some bud in st. maartin a few years ago and a few hours later saw the pusher get busted by cops with some serious fire. no shots or anything, they just tackled the dude, but i'd say the bud wasn't great, but i didn't look hard at all


I have scored in so many places i can't even remeber now... these are just some:

- Alaska: cool place, cool people, great weed easy to score
- Jamaica: sun, sea and nice weed (badly cured, quite always wet). But not feeling safe as someone suggested before
- Mexico: Playa del carmen. Scoring there is as easy as eating a piece of cake, just go inside any shop selling stuff for tourists and you'll be asked. Not legal but if you know how to move no prob there
Morocco: Wow, just wow. If you're looking for some killer hash that's the place. Safety? so and so
Thiland: weed anywhere in the south but you should be scared by drug law.
India: not legal too but depends from where you go. Goa is your best choice
Kenya: (sea regions) Just ask the first beach boy you meet. Weed is badly cured but does the trick and it's so cheap you won't believe
Amsterdam: nothing to say more than what has already been said


Registered Non-Conformist
So GIYO what is your favorite place...? All told, based on the scene whether exotic or western, and the quality of the pot..


New member
Jamaica the herb is cheap, organically grown and superb if you dont get it from the airport. You can smoke in a cab, on the beach , in a resturant, in your room, at the pool or walking down the street. Not just in a coffeeshop or your room. The weather is much better nad the beachs and ocean cant be beat.

how open is smoking for people in public or in social settings? You can smoke while tanning at th beach, you can smoke in the cab as long as you ask first, you can smoke at a resturant while you wait for your meal, you can smoke at the club or concert, you can smoke at the pool of your resort with security right next to you ( if have a picture to prove it)

What? Are you sure about that? cause as far as I know weed is however still illegal in Jamaica. I mean of course so many people smoke there, but I'm not sure if them or especially tourist would do it in public