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Gettin Dabby - 4000 Watt, 36 Plant Vertical Stadium Build/Grow


Active member
Hey guys, sorry for the extended delay. It has sucked waiting on my end too, trust me.
My med card expired before I was ready to pick up the girls, and renewal time takes SOO fucking long in my state.. So, after waiting for over a month, I decided to take some cuttings from a friend of mine, and just get started. Fuck the bureaucratic bullshit..
So, without further adue -
I have 41 girls going.
16- Master Kush<br>
10- Super Lemon Diesel<br>
5 - Hawaian Indica<br>
10 - Lupes Headband<br><br>

Took the cuttings myself, drove em home and put them into my homemade 40 site aerocloner (1 pod has 2 cuttings in it).
Its cold as fuck right now, so i have a space heater in my veg room keeping the temps around 80. Water temps are hanging around 65*f.<br><br>

Used 5 gallons of distilled water, 2 drops of superthrive, and a tad less than the manufacturers recommended amount of olivias cloning solution. Ph'd to 5.8...
That was monday, so im hoping to see roots by this weekend hopefully...
Heres a couple lame ass pics, enjoy guys. Here we grow!



Hey guys, sorry for the extended delay. It has sucked waiting on my end too, trust me.
My med card expired before I was ready to pick up the girls, and renewal time takes SOO fucking long in my state.. So, after waiting for over a month, I decided to take some cuttings from a friend of mine, and just get started. Fuck the bureaucratic bullshit..

Sorry Dabs, when I first started growing I had the same beurocratic delays and said fuck it get moving. Hope the paperwork sorts out soon. I'm redesigning and setting up a 36 plant 4700w grow, so am very interested to see how yours plays out! Good luck and keep us updated :)


Active member
Hey dabs... Try to get the water temp in your aero to 76-78... Or you will be waiting forever for roots. Im dealing with the same issues... Threw an xtra mag drive pump in the cloner just to get the temps higher. It isnt even spraying water... Just recirculating some water.
Can't wait for this to be rockin' full swing! Going to be dank central...


Active member
So today is day 7, still no roots... Also, my clones are starting to yellow and wilt, and in general are just looking like complete shit. I've never used an aerocloner before, and this wasn't exactly what i expected... I thought it was supposed to be much faster?

Water temps are 73*, ph was 6.1... Temperature in the room is set from 72-76, and the humidity is pretty low 25%, but isnt that okay when you're using an aerocloner?

Im wondering if my cloning solution was too old? its been sitting unopened for 2 years...

Heres a pic, any input, advice, etc would be helpful.


Active member

Tyga: Thanks for the advice, however my other pump is a 1500gph pump that is WAYYY too big to go in my little bucket, so unfortunately the temperatures will just have to remain as they are.


Active member
hey, glad ya got things movin. 400gph pump is like $30-40 right? should be enough to bring the cloner temps to 78 so roots start happening. 25% RH seems low for clones even though it's an aero. grab a dome, a buddy in CO says they're almost required with aerocloners cause of the arid air.

couple questions.. what're you planning for the levels/tiers?

and how far apart did you space your bulbs? i put mine at 19.5" apart from center and think 22" woulda been better as the ends aren't as bright.


who dat is

Cave Dweller
Looking really good so far. As far as the cloning goes I would agree with everybody else that the water temps in the cloner should be as high as you can get them up to 78 degrees. I have a DIY bubble cloner that worked pretty good aside from the temperature thing. Some cuts rooted fine, others took a long time, and others still just never rooted. This was at room temperature and I've since bought two of these, http://www.greners.com/glass-reservoir-heater.html one for making ACT's and the other for putting in the cloner. I've not used it in the cloner yet but I know it worked for making an ACT. Being in CO myself (if that is where you are too) I would recommend to also not use a humidity dome. This might just be personal experience but it is dry as fuck up here always so I would just get the broads used to it right off the bat and not fool with humidity domes and hardening them off, etc. Lastly, I would use just plain water instead of all the bells and whistles and see how that works for you. Rooting for you (no pun intended), this looks like a solid ass grow in the making. :yes:


Active member
Check the stems too.... Are they still nice and sturdy? or are they slimy and rotted? Could also be the issue... between every run I run the cloner with a pretty strong water/bleach mix for 24 hours and then the next day empty and run with regular water before it gets put away.
First few days before roots pop I had 1 drop of bleach per gal.... and then when roots pop I do 1ML of Roots Excel which makes the roots explode and also has some sort of anti fungus in it also.


Active member
The stems are still green and sturdy. They dont look to be rotting at all.. Also, this was my first time using this cloner..I cleaned it out with fresh water, but thats about all..

I'm really stressin..I cant afford for these guys to not make it lol.


Active member
It has also been awhile since my last grow, and completely forgot to trim my clones underwater to prevent embolism...I'm hoping I didnt fuck this up completely. erggg


New member
Did you get a humidity dome or raise the humidity yet? Clones don't have roots so they take in water from their leaves with the high humidity.


Get humidity up and double check to make sure you don't have the slime or a fungus problem. Those clones look pretty stressed to me at only 7 days old. You must sterilize the cloner between runs.


Active member
So, after 14 days, I am pleased to report that 10 of the girls have roots. I went out and bought a humidifier, which has been able to get the room up to 50-60% humidity. The clones are still stressed, but seem to be responding to the extra moisture.

I changed out the water, added a little bit of olivias cloning solution
Ph - 5.7
Temperature - 77*f
Room Temp - 72-76*f
RH - 50-60%

Im gonna leave them in there for another 5 or 6 days to see if any other roots pop, but i guess 10 is better than 0.


Active member
The girls have been in the cloner for 19 days now. Climate has stayed the same. Im gonna leave them till exactly 3 weeks(monday), and then transplant...

Couple questions:
1.) Would it be beneficial to just transplant into my 5 Gallon Pots, or transplant into clear cups to nurse the clones back to health on a smaller scale and develop a root system that I can see and be happy with before transplanting into 5 Gallon pots.
(I was gonna put a few inches of hydroton on the top and bottom and probably only use 3-3.5 gallons of coco per plant. I've read that bigger pots arent necessary when growing in coco, especially since i plan on watering up to 3x a day mid flower DTW.)

2.)Since the plant numbers arent what I wanted them to be in order to fill the room, should i veg these girls out and grow trees (6 -7 per side), or should i rearange the lights and do something like this

x x x x
0 0
x x x x
0 0
x x x x

Where x's are plants and 0's are lights.

Any input is appreciated!! Heres some pics!



As you can see, they're still a bit stressed. I'm hoping that after transplant and with some nutrients they will make a speedy, full recovery.


New member
Or i guess another option on how to arrange them would be to just veg as i planned with 40, but take clones and just fill the room up next time/in a month or so, and set up a perpetual harvest that way...hmm, decisions decisions


Active member
Really envying your space and setup DOD, build looks great so far! Hope you little ones bounce back for you, can't wait to see this place fill up :lurk:

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