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cloning with promix hp

the gnome

Active member
i usually clone with a 50:50 perlite vermiculite mix and i usually get 90+% success rates.
you can root in most anything but who has using PM
and how id it go?


98% success rate.. i used it in a tray .. and i packed the cells . and got them moist.. and actually got amazing root structures on almost every one of them..

the gnome

Active member
thanks BG....
my perl-verm does great but wanting to try something else
looks like promix is gonna be it

have a great weekend!


I took clones for the first time recently, using a Root Riot tray and peat plugs.
100% success. Very strong clones now in the tent. I am sure that it had more
to do with strong genetics than skill of mine.

Take care,



I used promix and was damn near 100%
Had some roots organic laying around and tried to root in that.. no go 80% died within 3 days.


str8 promix works great. also noticed.. if u pack the cells tightly .. instead of having a small root base.. i ended up with a completly different root ball then wen i used peat pellets.. or rapid rooters. it was more complete .. more roots.. and using promix.. i havent had transplant stress.. really no drooping nothing.. at all straight to growin more roots within the day.

the gnome

Active member
I have a bale of promix and have been cutting my FF OF with it.
I also have some coco too.
i like to experiment with new things

but my staple for cloning media has been perlite 50:50 verm. and get very good consistent rooting with it, and have left clones in the trays for around 60 days, after a few weeks i start giving fertz and its like a small hydro system.

I to like read what other use and they're success or not.
keep the posts coming



Re: cloning with promix hp

100% for me over 3 rounds. I wet and spread the promix in the bottom of the grow shop plastic domes, up to the top almost. You want it to be a Bed. Insert cuts wherever you can fit. Cover and 2 weeks or something, you can cut out the cuts like a brownie tray.