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911- Can they be saved?


New member
I've tried a few forums but I haven't gotten any info. I'm really hoping that we can revive our plants, any help is greatly appreciated. They are 4th week into bud and up until this point have been doing amazing. Dark green, growing fast and super bushy. Last Tuesday we flushed them with straight water, PH was checked and right on. Friday night we ran Blossom blood through them for the first time (our first time using this, we heard it was really good- is anyone familiar with this?). We checked on the plants Saturday night at 10:30pm, all were good and still a bit heavy so we planned on watering today. Sunday morning we went in at 7:30am to close our veg room door so the light wouldn't disturb the ones flowering and they looked like this! The first picture was from last night, the second is the same plant this morning. All of them were extremely dry and crispy and the leaves curled up. In less than 9 hours! Everything is on timers but it looks like one of our 2 large fans turned off so our guess is heat burn? It wouldn't have anything to do with the blossom blood would it? We watered yesterday morning and most of the fan leaves are coming back, most plants softened but are bad again today. We misted the leaves twice yesterday and once so far today. We have fans going and the door open to cool our grow rooms. Is there anything else we can do? Do we have a chance? Will it stunt the bud growth if they do make it? There's 38 all together with only 4-ish weeks left, we can't lose them! (Slightly panicking) They still look pretty rough today. Should I try revive? Has anyone had plants this bad off that made it?
we have 6 1000w HPS and 2 vortex fans, the venting is 6inch. The room is about 150sqft, the plants are on a raised bench in an "L" shape. We normally keep the temp around 76 and have always been very careful with checking the PH of the water, soil and runoff


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Well-known member
sorry but i can't pin point your problem, you seem to have the environmental aspects of the grow under control...although i did have similar happen to some plants i had over 20 years ago in hydro but that was root rot. have you checked the condition of the roots by inspecting the root ball/medium?

I was growing in an attic once (years ago when I was still living in my parents house haha) and during my first grow the plants were about half way through their flowering and summer really started to come and hit hard. The sun beat down on the roof tiles and the attic temperatures soared, that paired with the 2 x 400 watt lights I had up there one day roasted my plants. They went super dry and they never recovered. Get some thermostatic switches and plug your lights into them. If the temperature goes above a certain range it will turn your lights off. That way if in the future your fans fail, your temperatures will climb and your lights will shut off. Which is must better / safer. I hope that helps...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Just make sure you disinfect the entire grow before you start more.. I dont think these can be recovered from there illness. Sounds like you fried them. Its is very possible to do that over night. I have seen plenty do it. They look like that. leaves are crispy not burned looking still kind of green just a different shade..Hope im wrong good luck


Flush them with drip clean if you can,hit them with some hygrozime and foliar feed lightly!!! and let the pots dry out good, that's what I would do good luck. P.S double check your calibration on the ph meter.


Active member
Hope for the best... plan for the worst.

Never grow more than you're willing/able to lose. :(

If the only thing you KNOW you've done different is the blossom blood... flush with drip-clean, like mentioned previously, or just flush with plain water and go back to your regular feed when they're ready to feed again.

Always start with 1/4th of the recommended dosage for a bloom product... when applying to cannabis.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


New member
Thank you everyone! Blossom blood is done! I had two guys at the hydroponics store we go to recommend it argh. I ran revive through them last night and also used it as a foliage spray. There are a few plants that look fantastic and a lot that look awful. I have been trying to do as much research as I can to see if they can be saved and I'm not really getting any answers. Some say give them a week and they'll be good, just harvest a week or 2 later than schedule, some say they won't make it. A lot have really crunchy leaves on the top that break if you touch them, on those plants the buds seem crunchy, but the lower leaves are looking a lot better and are fanned out again. Is there a point to keep going with these? Or once they're crunchy will the buds still grow? According to our schedule, they have another 4-5 weeks left. I agree with not growing more than you're ok with losing, I'm just not ok with losing any hah! The permit is for 64 so we've been doing stages. I just can't believe this happened, they were AMAZING one night, this the next? I'm really hoping we can save at least half (and that even kills me to say)


Active member
Snake oils. Our history is rich with them in all fields of endeavor. The interesting part is that most of the snake oil vendors a couple hundred years ago used cannabis oil in their 'concoctions'. Imagine that... making money traveling the country selling people cannabis oil for their maladies. LOL Awesome!

Sure... there were rip-off artists galore but there was also good stuff... just like today.

The crunchy stuff isn't going to recover if it hasn't by now. You can go ahead and cut those parts off. Anything soft and growing should at least stay alive now.

I'm sure the blossom blood is just fine, when used at a lot less concentration than you ended up with there. Next time.... try something new on ONE plant... eh? :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


New member
The soil amount for the blossom blood is 1/4 tsp for 100L, I didn't think it was a big concentration but must have done something. Try something new on one plant? Oh, but that would be the smart thing to do! :)

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