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Sex Education 101... Professor BOG Speaks:

Sex Education 101... Professor BOG Speaks:

  • No because what the hell else is there? Pot?

    Votes: 23 62.2%
  • No because I heard sex was better than money.

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • Yes, well I find sex to be a bother and if it takes over 10 minutes I stop.

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • Yes, BOG for christ sake sex other than to make babies is needless.

    Votes: 3 8.1%

  • Total voters


Big Girlz need luv to ,and belive me you could send "her" my way anytime Good work Bog Psy


I dont like small cars or big women but somehow i always find myself in em. {"Kid Rock

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
.....I bought D.G. a bunch of flowers today.........my reward was to see her face light up when I thrust them under her nose....

....ah.....made me feel all mushey inside....

Prairie Boy

It takes a long cola I have learnt,to get er up high where it's neither frost
bitten nor sunburnt.

Cheers PB


Original Editor of ICMagazine
WoW! Now that's what I call a blast from the past!!! I nominate this thread for publication in IC4!!!


Wonder what Mrs. BOG thinks about this one, eh?


Well-known member
Sex on 2c-b was definitely not overrated. Sex with my gf isn't overrated because she knows my penis quite well by now, delivers every time. Sex in general can be quite overrated and I have been stuck banging the fat chick for way too long and not cumming. This is me, on sex.

Edit; Yes I read the whole thread before posting this, I just like to talk about sex, and drugs, and have sex and do drugs, ect.
men are usually all talk when it comes to sex. we women talk and compare lol men loose their ability and desire as they get past 30 it all goes down hill from there. Women on the other hand have a more heightened sex drive that is never ending. Sex to men seems to be more of an ego thing rather than a need or desire as we women find

I have not had sex in many many years my man does not have any want or liking for sex. I am not overweight. I have blonde hair to my bottom blue and look 20 somewhat much like a model. I have men chasing me most women are mean as hell as women are jealous of me. not vain one bit its how it is and its not fair.

But I have no one to hold me or put their arm around me at night or any other time. No one to hold my hand. no one touches me period. Yes I have done all the right things, I am very creative. He just dont lke sex period. YEs sex is important. but you can live with out it because I have to. He does not want me to touch him he does not like to be touched.

Now on the other hand I know a girl who with holds sex to get her way and to me that is abuse and stupid as hell. I know another that her husband is very strange. He does not like physical sex with a woman he is a PERVERT and watches porn and has his private party when she is not around. She caught him he just dont kmow it. She needs to toss that perv to the curb. Watching porn is actually cheating if you have a partner. That is time they should be working on their relationship and giving her pleasure...

as they say that " A tired man means a happy woman"


Lammen Gorthaur
For God's sake BOG, put down the pipe. You're cracked, man. Enjoyed the poll. For once I voted with the majority though I had no idea I was doing so. I guess that makes me hip today. Whoa!


, The Ghost of
WOW! I cant believe this thing crawled up outta the dust after 9 years! I 2nd the publication nomination.


Bubblegum Specialist
Yeah...one always seems to want it more than the other.

That SB plant was a mother in a fifteen gallon pot and she was like five months old. It was big and I had her all tied up.

Forty years married to a great girl and we both still like it.

If a guy underperforms a woman who wants sex should have some...

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