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over watering (trying not to)


I'm trying not to over water my newly planted seeds.. how much water does my seed need? how much and how often after my seed starts flowering?:tumbleweed:


Registered User
Go by weight... Have a cup fully saturated and compare to one that is bone dry... When you come closer to bone dry vs fully wet, rehydrate...top of the soil should be flaky dry.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Honestly I was a mess until discovering this method:
just fill a bowl with your peat pellets or rockwool, soak the media
and have a little water on the bottom of the bowl. do not soak the seed or insert into the media,
just place the seed on top of the media and put a heat source on the bottom or in a furnace room where it is hot.
then put a lid on the bowl for 2 days.
what you'll notice if you keep the media wet for the 2 days with a little water on the bottom of the bowl is that the root will come out and head down to the soil/media and when you see the root is an inch/2.5cm or longer with the head/top/leaf part out of the seed it's ready to plant.

Honestly this works 95% or better, plus you see what is going on,
just put the seed on top of the wet media, make it wet, and cover for 2 days... all you need to know

try it with a few and you'll be a believer!!!!!!!!

Hank Hemp

Active member
Seeds need very little water in soil. They are small so they use very little. Try to keep them close to the light source and with a fan blowing across them. The fan and close to the light will keep the from stretching. This keeps them short and stout.


The right moisture is critical when starting seeds. Too dry and the seeds don't sprout, too wet and they rot. I use 16 ounce containers filled with very dry sunshine 4 or promix potting mix for starting seeds and moisten with 3 to 3.5 ounces of water per container. Put the pre-soaked seed on top of the moistened soil then cover with an 1/8 to 1/4 inch of dry potting mix then cover with plastic wrap until the seed sprouts.
water seed and let it dry out, when your soil drys the roots grow in search of water, once dry soak good again repeat this 2 ro 3 times then you can plant and put on a schedule

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