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cigarette smoke=co2??


Active member
This season I helped a friend trim, and from the moment I walked in to the end I had to put up with his cig smoking! I first found him trimming while smoking, blowing his smoke over the pile of buds in front of him...

Then he led me to his small drying room, where he continued to smoke, the room reeked of cigs.

When I went thru his outdoor crop looking at buds I found a long cig ash on one bud while he blew smoke all over his crop.

In fact I ended up refusing to take any more smoke from him (which was part of my deal) as all his buds smelled like an ashtray. I can't imagine how he was able to unload it. I suppose his buyer also smoked cigs and probably didn't even notice...

I did bring all these facts to his attention, and he did try to keep smoke out of his drying room, but it was not that effective.

IMO, if you're gonna smoke you shouldn't be growing (esp. medicine) unless you're gonna be aware of where your smoke goes and how it can ruin your crop.


There are FOUR lights!
Yeah, the smoke isn't so bad when you're smoking. I did for 20 years.
But it really sucks when you've quit or never smoked. Smells like shit,
permeates every pore and piece of clothing. Smoke hair and ashtray lips. yuck.


Active member
Guys like you are the reason I don't exhale before entering bars and coffee shops...enjoy. :tiphat:

Hastening an already hasty death? That just sounds dumb....but how should one expect one to respect others when they don't respect their own self.

It perplexes me how much people abuse their vessel of cosmic navigation...only one you get.

I can only imagine that cigarette smoke is about as good for stomata as it is for a bronchioli.


Active member
There are many joys in life, for some of us that includes smoking tobacco.

Buds reek of cig smoke? Don't buy 'em. Don't want to be in the same room as a smoker? Leave.

The establishments I visit (bars specifically, and quite often I may add) have patio's larger then the actual bars because 80% of the patrons are smokers and we're told to do it outside...and thats fine, we comply. 80% of your clientele is outside of your establishment smoking...seems like poor economics to me.

I smoke (when available) air cured tobacco. Tastes better. It's not any cheaper then buying a carton of cigarettes/box of cigars...just tastes better. Funny thing...it grows outside like a dope plant...gets cured same as a dope plant...smokes in my bowl like a dope plant.

As far as this "hasty death" bullshit, I got news for ya bucko. We all gotta go sometime or another, your either prepared for it or you ain't.

I don't turn up my nose when you and your boyfriend pet your lil' dogs, giggling while wiping frapichino mustaches off each others faces...don't turn up yours while I'm over in the parking lot having a smoke. :tiphat:


There are FOUR lights!
There are many joys in life, for some of us that includes smoking tobacco.

Buds reek of cig smoke? Don't buy 'em. Don't want to be in the same room as a smoker? Leave.

The establishments I visit (bars specifically, and quite often I may add) have patio's larger then the actual bars because 80% of the patrons are smokers and we're told to do it outside...and thats fine, we comply. 80% of your clientele is outside of your establishment smoking...seems like poor economics to me.

I smoke (when available) air cured tobacco. Tastes better. It's not any cheaper then buying a carton of cigarettes/box of cigars...just tastes better. Funny thing...it grows outside like a dope plant...gets cured same as a dope plant...smokes in my bowl like a dope plant.

As far as this "hasty death" bullshit, I got news for ya bucko. We all gotta go sometime or another, your either prepared for it or you ain't.

I don't turn up my nose when you and your boyfriend pet your lil' dogs, giggling while wiping frapichino mustaches off each others faces...don't turn up yours while I'm over in the parking lot having a smoke. :tiphat:

lol! I grew 2 Hopi Tobacco plants (Organic) in my garden this year.
Dried it, cured it for a month and gave it to my trimmer. I guess that stuff has a shit ton of nicotine in it. He said if he smoked too much, it would make the room spin and make him throw up. lol
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Am I the only one who finds it a little bit more than amusing that someone who advocates some rather toxic chemicals to be used on cannabis, ostensibly for medical patients, would have anything to say about cigarettes and the chemicals found in them?

Sweetest, IIRC you're still pretty new at growing. Don't concern yourself too much with how CO2 may affect your plants' growth, learn the basics first, then move onto stuff like sealing up a room to modify its O2/CO2 ratios and levels. Also, there are problems with the sequence of logic you're using to arrive at your conclusion. If you think you're ready to start messing around with CO2, then IMO you should just do it right, get the regulators and CO2 canisters that you need. You should be able to find CO2 through a welding supply or someplace like that (that's where we were getting ours for kegging our homebrews).



There are FOUR lights!
Am I the only one who finds it a little bit more than amusing that someone who advocates some rather toxic chemicals to be used on cannabis, ostensibly for medical patients, would have anything to say about cigarettes and the chemicals found in them?

Who are you referring to?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Am I the only one who finds it a little bit more than amusing that someone who advocates some rather toxic chemicals to be used on cannabis, ostensibly for medical patients, would have anything to say about cigarettes and the chemicals found in them?

I finds it funny that you follow me around, trying to push your organic bullshit....

Get off my nuts, its getting real old....




OP, um, MORON, oh sorry, I'm Jewish it's xmas and I have no bud.

Nicotine is a deadly poison to cannabis plants.

As an ex smoker, I will testify, smokers are the MOST SELFISH ASSHOLES on the planet. 5th certainly validates my theory.




Kiss My Ring
the only CO2 your plants will get is from your exhalation. you can do this effectively without paying for cigarettes with your health and wealth.

sit and sing to them...it's free and soothing too, you'll like it, they'll like it.


teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
yuck! Sweet E you smoke ?, this is a deal breaker, might have to break it off with u . I dont mess wiith smokers ,.....nasty habit , shouldnt smoke around your plants, .
feliz navi da . lol ahhhahahah


Active member
As an ex smoker, I will testify, smokers are the MOST SELFISH ASSHOLES on the planet. 5th certainly validates my theory.

Hey jerk off, I was an asshole before I started smoking and would continue to be even if I quit.

Your stick to your theory, I'll stick to fact...you and a few others in this thread are condescending douche bags.


cant re Member
i think smoking anything is bad.

thats my opinion. i think vape is probably the safest thing for your overall health. or edibles..


Active member
Hey jerk off, I was an asshole before I started smoking and would continue to be even if I quit.

Your stick to your theory, I'll stick to fact...you and a few others in this thread are condescending douche bags.

lol hey 5th hows it growin bro?? Been a minute!


Active member
Agreed my friend!!! Been way too long. Shits pretty fucked up on my end...bail conditions n' shit lol. Yourself? How goes the battle?


I finds it funny that you follow me around, trying to push your organic bullshit....

Get off my nuts, its getting real old....

What organic bullshit am I pushing now? I'm just pointing out the dichotomy in reasoning I noticed. You're ok with putting chems on pot, but not ok with the chems on tobacco. Got it!
the only CO2 your plants will get is from your exhalation. you can do this effectively without paying for cigarettes with your health and wealth.

sit and sing to them...it's free and soothing too, you'll like it, they'll like it.

^^^ This is a much nicer solution, and free.
OP, um, MORON, oh sorry, I'm Jewish it's xmas and I have no bud.

Nicotine is a deadly poison to cannabis plants.

As an ex smoker, I will testify, smokers are the MOST SELFISH ASSHOLES on the planet. 5th certainly validates my theory.


Since when? Are you serious about that? If so, got anything to back it up? (The bit about nicotine.)


Got tired of readin , might have already been brought up ?
I read a case study once that some strains of bacteria etc... can lay dormant in tabacco for up to 60 yrs n become active spread again by the smoking of said tabacco . Wish I could link yas to it .

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Just on the Advanced Nutrients page reading about hydroponics etc. They recommend not smoking in the growroom, just like the tar stains in a smokers car windows the tar in the smoke collects on the leaves and various parts of the plants parts and hinders respiration. So it will kill your plant much the same way it kills a smoker, by fucking up respiration.



What organic bullshit am I pushing now? I'm just pointing out the dichotomy in reasoning I noticed. You're ok with putting chems on pot, but not ok with the chems on tobacco. Got it!

^^^ This is a much nicer solution, and free.

Since when? Are you serious about that? If so, got anything to back it up? (The bit about nicotine.)

Nicotine is used as an organic herbicide/pesticide I believe but you don't need my uneducated self to tell you it is bad for you.

