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spiritual uk

Hello fellow curry lover's.After writing up a recipe for a fellow ganja lover i thought i would make a thread where we can all share our recipes ,as curry varies from continent to continent,From ,thai curry,north indian,south indian,british,carribean,malaysian,vietnamese etc etc,the world loves a curry.I love making various curry dishes from round the world,and i would like to share one of the best curry dishes i make.Simple to make,no burning sensation on anus the next day ,nutrient rich,fresh and just damn tasty.Worth trying for anybody,as so easy to make.

spiritual uk, pakistani/kashmir family recipe.
this recipe will make you a paste for a large curry up to 8 people approx.

first up ,is making the paste.ingredients needed for paste-

.one full large garlic bulb
.one piece of ginger the same size roughly by eye[about a golf ball size normally]
.level tea spoon of tumeric
.level tea spoon of red chilli powder
.half a spoon corriander powder
.half a spoon cumin powder
.half a spoon cinnamon powder
.half a spoon salt
.half a spoon of garam masala[optional it may be hard to find]
chop and blend the garlic and ginger into a nice consient paste[no lumps]and add your spices and mix in thorouglhly into a curry paste.if eating solo,then you can make a smaller curry using less paste.stores in fridege or freezer.

Next in a large pan,after you have made the paste,gently cook one large chopped onion[half for a smaller curry]and two sticks of chopped celery until soft for ten minute or so ,retaining all the juice[do not brown or burn]i use goose fat,but any good fat or olive oil will do[whatever your preferance]

then you add the mix to the soft onions in the pan and very lightly cook the paste for 2-3 minutes harmonising the flavours.this recipe i use two kilo of lamb shoulder on the bone but you can use anything you like,but if you are going the meat route make sure you seal the meat in a seperate pan and then add to curry mix strirring and well coating the meat in all the mix.

then i add my vegetables [this varies for me],usually i go for chopped carrot and chopped potato,sweet pepper,or sometimes aubergine and spinacj,potato.its entirely up to you.and mix through ,adding half a litre of a good stock[vegetable ,meat whatever u have it doesnt matter],making it all loosen up and then straight after that add also half a tin of passata or chopped tomato.

for the lamb or meat curry version, i just cook until the meat falls off the bone on a low setting with the lid off and let it thicken up naturally.if it starts to go too thick just add more stock or water as you go.usually lamb takes 4 hours ,chicken 1-2 hours[i always cook it on the bone but you could use fillet i suppose,but make sure if using fillet chicken you do not add till after at least one hour of your mix cooking ,as it cooks fast and you dont want it overcooked and the curry mix needs to cook for two hours]

for just a plain vegetable version cook for two hours on low minimum.

after two hours let it cool down a little bit for 5 minutes and add 250 g[half a tub]of natural yogurt[dont stir in while curry bubbling away lol,with all seperate]

then taste an season if need be,you can add more yogurt if too hot for you but this curry is quite a mild one.medium id say with hot red chilli powder i use.

then i chop frsh corriander,not much and scatter a bit over the top of curry and serve with a hot naam bread or chipati ,smeared in garlic butter.

enjoy!spiritualuk curry.peace

picture is a rabbit curry i just made!picture came out very poor as i left the flash on,however it is too late as all in my belly!


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spiritual uk

i will do better pictures on sunday,when i will make a lamb curry and homemade chipati .


spiritual uk

i think i will do a lamb carribean curry on sunday.i will make a recipe as i cook it.too stoned now.irie!


love curry and have been trying to make 1 thats as good as curry house but never turns out as good ...

my favourite is a chicken tikka naga or schashlick yum yum

spiritual uk

i do not eat in curry house.not up to par.shaslik ,is nice.naga is a chilli and too hot for me.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
if you do not seal the meat, more flavour gets in, I never seal it now, just chuck it in on top of the softened onions and spices and boil.

Speaking of curry houses, can anybody make Tarka Dal like the pros ?

spiritual uk

hi chaos.
if you don't seal it ,it can become a bit too impregnated and potent with spices.better balance of flavour sealed in this recipe.with it being slow cooked it gets plenty of flavour and the meat ,especially unsealed can spoil if you using lamb.chicken i guess would work that way fine,or fish.red meat seal,unseal any other way .

try this recipe and you will never enter a curry house again.

dal is pretty simple too and super yummy!


Desert Hydro

Well-known member
curry has become my favorite food but we only have one place here and its ehhh. whenever we hit san diego its curry and pho FTW! i have a massive naga jolokia plant on my balcony right now. probably 5ft from tip to tip. still hasnt flowered yet. they were setting in then never happened when it got cold. summer time i guess. hope it survives the 110 deg here lol but its on a shady balcony.

i took me ten minutes to find that pic mixed in with all the bud pics in my pictures hahaha it was awful


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tark that i have made is a basic flavor base. you can add just about anything to it and it rocks. but i love dal of any bean. soul food - spicy and comforting, especially on these cold winter days!


nothing is worse than a neighborhood full of hindu's cooking in there garages on a 110 degree day. It will literally make you vomit. YUCK!

spiritual uk

beat's the smell of macdonalds any day haha.everytime i cook curry i stink the road out with the main ingredient to my dish,onion,garlic and ginger.beautiful smell and keeps rats away lol.

happy new year all,i hope somebody try's this recipe and reports back with their verdict.

all the best for 2013


spiritual uk

Not a curry but similar.Caribean jerk ,marinated leg of lamb.slow cooked until it fell apart.


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Active member
Hey Cartel, way to rep for the durty 530.....not. Neighborhood full of Hindu's cooking?? sounds like a party to me! Sorry you had such a negative outlook about your experiences. Have you ever been outside of the Five thurty bro?? Might wanna think about broadening your horizon man seriously. Anyway if anyone wants to share some recipes for curry hit me up!! I wanna start making my own curry dishes. Can't get enough of the shtuff. Curry chicken curry beef curry lamb curry veggie curry it's ALL good! Btw, I had a buddy from Pakistan in Hschool who's mom made a potato -and- curry -spicy BOMB smelling sandwich everyday. I wanna try to mimic that sometime.... I always wonder what the hell all was in that sammie haha!


Hey Cartel, way to rep for the durty 530.....not. Neighborhood full of Hindu's cooking?? sounds like a party to me! Sorry you had such a negative outlook about your experiences. Have you ever been outside of the Five thurty bro?? Might wanna think about broadening your horizon man seriously.

I leave quite frequently and thankful to get away from the smells of the city which is the exact reason i sold my house and i live in the hills. I was tired of trying to work on my car and nearly vomiting.. waking up on a nice warm summer morning walking out back to stretch in the sun only to be smacked with such a horrid rotten smell and fight back the puke. Leave the 530 you see less hindus. In fact a lot of people have never even met an indian so how would leaving a huge area like the 530 (in which a lot of hindus are only in a huge population in one general area) broaden my horizon? I think its funny my comment offended you.
i am curry mad , i am also an old time India traveller
the place the people, its magical

and the food, shit man the food and juice so good.

love a good fishcurry rice and a lassie, thanks i am going to try the recipe
I would like to make a yellow or panang curry but all the recipes are full of ingredients most don't have in the house. Does anyone know of a recipe thats simple for a beginner ?

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