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Met another grower...


Moon-grass farmer
How funny would it be if we see a thread pop up with the coworkers experience....

"I got too baked and started running my mouth to my coworker about my grow! Should I be paranoid? Should I kick it with this guy again???"


It's probably not that he's mouthy but that he invests a lot of trust in you, being a coworker and all; and usually some people can tell just by the way other people carry themselves that they're not going to be the type of person to fuck one over. I mean you just wrote all of these words and have expressed so much anxiety and concern over this, that alone shows that you have no bad intentions.
Just chill with him more keep walls up and then eventually whenever you're comfortable with it just surprise him sometime or carry out conversations pertaining to things only people who grow would know or identify with until you at least tell him you do or have one? idk man its your call im really ripped and i think this is kind of silly, but really cool awesome vibe story!
perhaps throw out that u have grown back in the day if your an older kat. or something to that manner.

also i think rustlewoodnw might be onto something.

people seem to tell me about krazy shit all the time. maybe u come off as a trusting person.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Much about getting older sucks! But, not everything about getting old sucks...for instance, all those extra years equals a bunch of extra time interacting with and observing your fellow humans...its called wisdom. During those extra years, almost all people learn a valuable lesson...that you shouldn't trust anybody 100%, should even be prepared in the back of your mind for a best friend or family member to potentially fuck you over in some fashion.

When it comes to trusting another person with information that could land you in jail and all the other bad shit that comes with getting busted, a wise person knows to be careful, even when the "other" seems to be the coolest person in the world.

Serial killers, for instance, are known to be extremely friendly and outgoing people, who have fine upstanding reputations in their community.

With people...ya just never know.

Uncle Jesse

Active member
Lots of Good Advice in here on the topic . One thing ive learned over the years is keep you eyes and ears open and your mouth closed . you mentioned you have a wife.....keep her safe ! Stay Silent about your Hobby she allows you to have ! peace .


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

you have a wife right?

you didn't start talking about having
kids on your first date did you?


Silence is the best policy. Even if you two hit it off famously, etc., people change and he has a big mouth, IMO. Here I am posting on the Internet....LOL


Hi GrassRoots! :wave:
Just be sure to put some in a baggie and lay it under some books before you burn one with him.
A grower will know the tell tale appearance of something you have grown vs something you bought.. so break out the baggie and abuse the bud before you share. :)

Silence is the best policy. Even if you two hit it off famously, etc., people change and he has a big mouth, IMO. Here I am posting on the Internet....LOL

yeah funny how everyone here is like "tell no one" whilst they are on a weed site posting pics of all their grows

Here i am using my actual nicknames... go figure.



the shit spoon
People always blab their shit to feel important/special and I'm just like "uh huh wow thats really cool maaan". I'll even buy a lil bit here and there so nobody thinks shit.

The more you hear secondhand info floating around and see firsthand how stupid seemingly normal people are, the more you realize what a massive mistake it would be to breathe one word of your business.

I'm so surprised these West Coast Hustle swagboy networks aren't getting tore up. The benefits of surburbia, even minimal affluence is a major insulator from predators.

Him blabbing to you right off the bat is an indicator you should put him in the never-tell category. Starry-eyed innocence = sloppy.
yeah funny how everyone here is like "tell no one" whilst they are on a weed site posting pics of all their grows

do you know my name and face? can you arrest me?

nope you sure can't.

governments worldwide hate the internet due to the anonymity it affords.

use your brains, like the OP did.

OP: all the other posters are on point. take it slow and reveal nothing. sounds like you found yourself an occasional smoke buddy. don't get too deeply intertwined with this cat, til you got him figured out and decide if he's a security risk.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
yeah funny how everyone here is like "tell no one" whilst they are on a weed site posting pics of all their grows


If I hadn't gotten accused by like ten users already of being a "narc" lol the funniest shit you ever heard... Id accuse you man.

I guess its a good thing its just a plant, or else we'd actually, really, not shitting you be in trouble.


do you know my name and face? can you arrest me?

nope you sure can't.

governments worldwide hate the internet due to the anonymity it affords.

use your brains, like the OP did.

OP: all the other posters are on point. take it slow and reveal nothing. sounds like you found yourself an occasional smoke buddy. don't get too deeply intertwined with this cat, til you got him figured out and decide if he's a security risk.

I've been on the boards since 2002 back on overgrow and i've seen people outed, chased down, there ip's revealed. My own friend got chased off the boards by a complete nutter that tracked him down to his home address although he never divulged that information to anyone.

You think the world wide wiretap is really anonymous??? Are you for real??? The whole thing was set up by the CIA to track and trace us, google has a profile on you so detailed they will soon be able to predict what you will search for before YOU know what you are gonna search for.

Get real, if you really got your security locked down then you aint on these boards. Simple.


No reason to tell him you grow.

Its your PRIDE messing with your family's security.
Make the right choice.

You can still be friends. smoke/trade buds etc..
good smoking buddies are hard to find.

remember he is a caretaker (likely legal) and you are not(guessing).
I've been on the boards since 2002 back on overgrow and i've seen people outed, chased down, there ip's revealed. My own friend got chased off the boards by a complete nutter that tracked him down to his home address although he never divulged that information to anyone.

i can absolutely promise you have no clue of who i am.

just because dumb people in the past have outed themselves through their own stupidity doesn't mean all of here posting pictures are vulnerable hypocrites. no, you really don't know who i am, sorry, and you will never know until the day i choose to reveal myself.

You think the world wide wiretap is really anonymous??? Are you for real??? The whole thing was set up by the CIA to track and trace us, google has a profile on you so detailed they will soon be able to predict what you will search for before YOU know what you are gonna search for.

1) ok then, why aren't we seeing a rash of big growers going down left and right? could it be that the people who control the strings on the U.S.'s internet intelligence assets don't give a damn about marijuana growers?

2) this site isn't connected to google, and nothing i do on google is connected to here. this is a web server in amsterdam, where talking about growing weed is legal and the u.s. government doesn't have shit to say about it. where was overgrow hosted again?

3) the connection is encrypted via SSL and while yes the U.S. government may have the ability to do a "man in the middle" attack, my web browser is set up to warn me if the security certificate unexpectedly changes.

Get real, if you really got your security locked down then you aint on these boards. Simple.

you're paranoid. nobody is going to get busted from pics they posted online, unless they are just exceptionally stupid about how they do it, what they say, or who they deal with. in 99.9% of busts its snitches, insiders, informants, improper preparation or accidents that could be avoided, or just plain bad luck w/ local law enforcement....NOT because the CIA used its multi million dollar assets to track down some random internet guy running a warehouse op. lol


Active member
Definitely decided not to tell him anything and to take things slow and cautiously and we'll see where things go from there.

The experience made me tighten up my game a bit, I'm going to have a more diligent eye when it comes to my own place and identifying anything that could possibly tip someone else off to a grow and making sure all things like that are securely out of site.

Will not be saying anything to him about being more careful with his loose lips. It's his problem and I don't know him well enough to be offering him that kind of advice when it's unsolicited.

I'll keep you guys in the loop if I got anything new to tell you about the situation. Thanks for the advice, it's what I knew in my mind was right and I'm glad a bunch of you chimed in to help make sure I kept my heads out of the clouds on this one.