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Current med scene in CA


Just out of curiosity, what's been going on in california recently? And how has the situation been changing lately for the average MMJ patient? I don't live there so i'm not really up to speed on a lot of things. Reading all the news articles regarding prop. 215 doesn't really tell me much about how the average grower/patient has been adjusting to the intervention by the feds, new ordinances, etc.

So i was hoping to hear things straight from the horse's mouth! All californians please put in your 2 cents :tiphat:


It's no secret from the Press that most shops have been closed in some areas, like Sacramento for one. There are still shops, but very few, most people are doing delivery now and the prices even for delivered weed is the best I have ever seen it (quality varies greatly), maybe due to an epic year weather-wise. You can still get a card for a stubbed toe AFAIK... It's just a matter of time, CA is chock full of people who appreciate the medicinal effects of MJ and it really needs to be legalized, though I know that's the last thing anyone who grows for a living wants.


Bubblegum Specialist
My experience here is that there are plenty of clubs and lots of mediocre Meds available but often at high prices. Growers take less but clubs don't charge less.

Delivery services are the new wave and they often do have better prices but the reason so much pot is mediocre is because clubs are paying a lot less and so growers usually grow what yields best rather than taking the trouble to grow the best.

We are working to improve californias gene pool not only by providing seeds but also good quality clones for many clubs as the new year comes.

Things will improve given time for our glut to be shipped to other states that have a shortfall due to recent changes in their law. Some people take the chance and export but it's safer to stay in state wherever you live. The highways are not safe for transport across state lines so be sensible and try to stay within the laws of your state.

Sanity will come and Cali is still one of the best states to grow in.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
If you grow your own it is great but you can't go enjoy a dozen collectives in big cities anymore as they have all been shut down from what I have seen.

I used to love going into a ton of different collectives seeing who has what clone in stock etc, signing up to get the free gram of this or a free edible of that. It was alot of fun until the feds came in and the local/state cops didn't man up and keep the feds out of a state issue.

Some places are banning growing outdoors, some are banning patient to patient exchanges as well as trying to ban growing completely. There are alot of fights going on all over the place and for some reason people have somehow been conditioned to think plants are dangerous.

I still don't get democracy, if enough people vote then you are able to take rights/property from others.


Bubblegum Specialist
Prop 215 is all we have and it never placed a limit on how much a person could grow. 420 was overturned by e courts so locals restricted us and the Feds have never recognized our civil right to use what we choose as our Meds. The gays are winning justice and so shall we. Remember that many have died for the freedoms we cherish but we will continue to be persecuted until we win our freedom too.

We are winning and we will win even if we die first. Our is a just cause if you think about it and we will never stop growing the sacred medical herb.


just bring up google earth and look in a few peoples backyards, some areas obviously have more to see than others. There are ALOT of people growing ALOT of weed... I'm sure nearly all of it is "medical". So even though the club scene might not be fairing too well, the cultivation scene is doing great!


Bubblegum Specialist
That's why I wrote my grow book and started a seed company. So people could grow their own as they always did in the past. Growers will be the survivors when food becomes scarce because they know how to grow food too...

Doomsday preppers? Always best to be prepared for emergencies of any kind. I am a doomsday prep per myself and I have always told people that this time would come.

Are you prepared to survive more than persecution from the law?


Bubblegum Specialist
Yeah...that would be cool and I would probably score about 70 out of 100.

We are only half nuts...no gas masks yet...

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