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time for the glass jarl. need help


Hey!, once the buds have been drying upside down and its time to put em in the glass jarl, put em in the glass jarl and keep it closed for 12 hours and once i open it, it should feel abit wet again but for how many hours should the glass jarl be open?. and should i keep it in a cooler space?. i know i should repeat this process with the glass jarl but when do i know its done?. it is when i open the glass jarl and the buds feel dry is it done then? and until that i repeat this process 12 hours closed and how many hours should it be open?


Active member
Unless you're in the desert somewhere the process will take days and maybe weeks. Order a few hygrometers (if you have a bunch of jars). Plenty of time before it gets critical. Do it by touch until they arrive.


howdy perfekto

how you do?

recent dry herb usual to contain internal moisture, such to require of this burp technique with respect to seal jar. burp this jars each day and if very full perhap remove herb and refill this jar....such to rotate and create most even sweat of this moisture

if the jar is not very full perhap not require for this technique to rotate and refill

with this burps you can touch to the inside of the jar and do you notice this sweat? at when this sweat become to none is done....this sweat is moisture and potential of mould within seal jar

this sweat feel one perspective to analyse and to thinks at frequency of burps and such

this moisture also help to allow for slow cure...one perspective slow cure is great hehehe

is ready at when you can enjoy this herbs, am not only to think cure is only best....and am to enjoy fresh and all sample until most cure

variety of this process similar to variety within cannabis spice to life! hehehe

enjoy and not worry much, the burp technique with respect to jar is to consider jar as seal environment

you herb vary with moisture content as such to think is not exact answer

indeed you are to visualise and analyse this data in a preference for your pleasure with scientific measure instrument also or with human measure device

moisture content is relative and am prefer for touch to feel, also am respect to this scientific instrument of measure

store at where you prefer, cannabis volatile cannabinoids degrade at various rate within a spectrum unique to each cannabinoid or terpene or such am think

cooler to slow this degradation with respect to some cannabinoid with respect to terpene am not know much with respect to degradation

not cold to frost, not hot to degrade....hehehe balance, such is life

positive vibrations

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