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cloning pepper plants

sooo has anyone cloned pepper plants? was just curious. I tried it once and had stem rot but it very well could have been due to my water being used in a second cycle lol let me know!!!! :D


I have taken cut of a variety of peppers. Bell peppers, habaneros, and cayennes. Not difficult at all, give it another try. :)

Good luck
great question....been thinking about that and tomatoes....but all the videos shown on utube show them just growning from seed...but they usually do some grafting.....one thing about peppers.....90 days ++++ to really get some good yield.....going to really try to grow some this winter in my green house.


Active member
This summer some rodent tore up a couple of my black hot peppers, shredded branches. So just for fun I dropped one of them, maybe 12" long, in water and left it on the window sill for a couple of weeks. Didn't really think anything would come of it but that stem sprouted roots, got put in a pot and is still growing.


all the capsicums i've grown have been cuts. also spread some forward. next step is to try sprout some seeds personally :D

Sessile G

all the capsicums i've grown have been cuts. also spread some forward. next step is to try sprout some seeds personally :D


out of 100 moruga scorpion seeds..i have 2 plants..9 germinated .and 2 huge plants..ready for march..
hahah thats my next pepper i will be germinating unfort. out of 10 seeds i only got 1 plant and it was a runt so i just tossed it :/


I tried some ghost pepper they never took. I thpight my clone skills were top notch....apparently only one variety

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