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endless humus building photo dump


how about a spot here to post anything & everything connected or related to living organics?..
a thread dedicated to various images that demonstrate the organic goodness in our lives were canna growers,to radical soil enthusiast & gardners alike are welcome to post images of what ever is on the mind as long as the general ideals dont get too off topic: worms,dry nugs,compost,clouds,animal humor,plants,insect drama,fungi,projects etc etc

detailed tutorials to guilt free image sharing
meaning blurry shots, veging stage of yeska,males,old and or new photos,food,germinating seeds,pretty views ect;heck throw a paragraph or detailed story explaining what the photo or moment ment or simply share what you captured while working on those camera skills
so lets see them organic inspired images IC but please, lets keep it civil & respectful of others...

start off with some fall colors

a few beneficials



NLH f2


cherryak47 x haze

so will see how this goes,hope that helps get things going...peace


Active member
I can contribute pics of praying mantis found out in the organic garden to help get this thread on a roll. I've released lady bugs & mantid to help with pest control in the past. But these mantis in the pics & green lacewings have found their own way







kick ass images herbalistR

heres a great stacking function tool to mulching..

were using dried horsetail (Sisupplement) as a mulch to keep the top soil from drying out too fast, as water is a must for all soil interaction..
most soil organic gardeners understand the more microbial interaction;the better over health the plant will be.so mulching is a great way,to keep our soils "engine" running at full capasity..
ill add to this as the soil level drops some,diversifying with dryed yarrow,comfrey,chamomile,lavender & other local accumulates or scented herbs i have at the time.

we do this because living soil is active and alive,i aim to keep it continually converting OrganicMatter to plant nutrients or nutrients cyclers;so mulching with a diversity of scented sprigs,dry leaves,casting,etc keeps things simple..
i prefer dry material as it keeps the top layer dry yet holds moister really well below,it also can act as a decent deterent to certain pest like mites,gnats,etc when incorporating certain scented herbs or sprigs with natural anti fungal/microbial properties..

these of course, are no match for decomposing microbes nor intended too not decompose & will break down from the bottom up,so more will be needed as the plants mature and the soil feeds.

here we have some FPT


both greens and flowers of this well known biodynamic nutrient accumulator,
make great mulch,worm/compost feed & or liquid supplement of a greater iLL.


Darc, there are a bunch of pix I can't view. When I feel up to it I might go shoot some pix of the cover crops that helped my tomatoes perform better.


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Parasitic fungus (Entomophthora muscae) attacking a fruit fly under a cannabis leaf.



Active member
That is just too cool gascanastan... cultivating a fruit fly eating fungus, wow...

check out my pile DARC,
It's my soil recycle centre. it's 4'x4'x4' x 2

the basic idea is to feed to the right, take from the left. I put anything and everything I think will make for good compost. Fish carcasses, mushroom stems, broccoli scraps, dead heads (from my rose bushes :) ), all the leaves I can rake, rotten berries, Spanish moss... you name it, besides the obvious no no's... the right side's humus has been working for about a year now... besides last cycles buckets of soil... I mix in more perlite, DE, bentonite, some other usual suspects... and it's ready to use

this is what it can make...

sssdh x jack


activating char

activating char

been diging this ancient practice of building better soil for a few yrs now,i seem to see some people just now starting to use "biochar" as a texture amendment but keep in mind,the dust really does wounders on the the foundation to building humus rich soil/ EWC & compost bins..

any who
i thought id share how ive been going about activating char to amend my endless recycling soil mix..

for those who dont know,
the benefics of biochar
Enhanced plant growth
Suppressed methane emission
Reduced nitrous oxide emission (estimate 50%)
Reduced fertilizer requirement (estimate 10%)
Reduced leaching of nutrients
Stored carbon in a long term stable sink
Reduces soil acidity: raises soil pH (see 5.01 below)
Reduces aluminum toxicity
Increased soil aggregation due to increased fungal hyphae
Improved soil water handling characteristics
Increased soil levels of available Ca, Mg, P, and K
Increased soil microbial respiration
Increased soil microbial biomass
Stimulated symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes
Increased arbuscular mycorrhyzal fungi
Increased cation exchange capacity

so we start off with char

i buy the cheapest shit i can find,witch happens to be mesquite

mostly i activate with FPT,LAB and others but here were only using the best purchased ingredients

add some water,give a little mix and cover from flys and the sort


couple weeks its ready for amending,once dry

i find it better to ferment first before crushing,less dust and ahell alot more easy to crush..easiest way is throwing in compost or worm bin but i have lots of fermented goods and char is cheap in the summer time

ive grown more then 100+ plnts with this method od activating char,veggies and meds but its what works for me..if people are scared of mesquite by all means go another route


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Cool to know someone's using mesquite with success...also good idea crushing while moist.


whats wrong with my plants

whats wrong with my plants

black haze
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v shiva (saty sister)

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cant seem to stop the purpling..it started slowly but progressed threw out many plants.
now that im thinking about it,gots tobe the lack of kelp meal:biggrin:


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Well what's NOT wrong w/your plants is you the fact that you are bringing long flowering sativa's to full fruition under warm So Cal sun in living organic soil. My gawd that must be some of the finest smoke on Earth bro~

What's the outlook on the Vshiva...does she show promise man?...pretty color eh...that Black Haze looks mighty frosted.


im enjoying what im seeing bud
the taller girl looks like a great sat leaning hybrid with a thicker resin coat
ther both packing on nugs & seem tobe running along smooth
pretty fast in veg,response well to pruning,toping & clones with ease

just got these two,already want to dive deeper & see what else can come about
thanks for stopping by gascanstan
always good to have pro's like you stop by
was hoping,when you get the chance
that you can maybe help ID the problem with this plant
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was thinking a lack of N?:dunno:
the soils kept moist,i really hope im not overwatering

i first noticed a slight fading of the main leaves early in flower.then they all fell off & she fully turned blond almost gold?
i dont know man,would you smoke this?
been kicking rocks overthis for the last few weeks
any help would be appreciated


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Looks done....and on second thought roots look like they are dying...root rot? Could have been something hot in the soil that burned off the delicate sativa sugar leaves.....wow man nice way to defoliate bro...hehe.

What if someone hit it with roundup over the fence?...naaa...could be gophers munching the roots?....I'd pull it at this point if you haven't already.

Neo 420

Active member

If you grow living soil, might as well smoke it with "organic" papes... lol

A GSC I am mothering right now..(living soil of course...)

My homemade airlift brewer. Life became so much easier when I cut out the cleaning of the air stones.

Some living soil "goodness". I think it was diesel.???


Cool thread idea Darc -

- Can you tell what these girls are saying? -



(Cpt. K x White Satin)

A few days after both a foliar/top soil spray of alfalfa sprout tea & the next day a combo of CT & AKT (alfalfa kelp tea)

Thanks doooods :D

(Peyote Purp)


Looks done....and on second thought roots look like they are dying...root rot? Could have been something hot in the soil that burned off the delicate sativa sugar leaves.....wow man nice way to defoliate bro...hehe.

What if someone hit it with roundup over the fence?...naaa...could be gophers munching the roots?....I'd pull it at this point if you haven't already.
yea man i pulled her
was thinking of getting some high N guano to foliar or some thing but im a cheap ass & just pissed on it
DSC09746.JPG <<< shwagg
i recall reading in one of those canna mags thats how you prep for what passes as kat piss

any who
here is another sister of the black hazes i got going
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the aromas are off the chart fellas,very similar to the funk id get in the SSHf3's but with little to no zest..

& here is another alien OG
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from my understanding it has tahoe/SFV & LVPK,along with some afghan coined alien tech..
im actually shocked to see such nice,very true "OG" looking girls coming out of these gifted seeds..no hermie,PM or pestilent problems what so ever..
Cool thread idea Darc
the idea was planted else were by gas,i just thought id help spread the seed & see what happens,
thanks all for contributing!