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Well-known member
Patience is crucial.

Never try changing more than ONE variable at a time. If it doesn't work, it's easier to return to the previous state than if you made three changes... Again, patience.

Your babies will tell you exactly what they need, you just have to take the time to learn to understand what they are telling you. Which takes... patience.


Since less is more has been mentinoed alot, I will say something different.

Be careful! Don't need thieves or the fuzz.
1) keep up on carbon filters
2) don't throw ANY grow trash in your own bin
3) keep up on your carbon filters

and 4) Don't take a break to run to the store to pick up some more beer after 6 hours of trimming with leaves stuck to your shoes while you reek of bud to the high heavens.


Active member
Since less is more has been mentinoed alot, I will say something different.

Be careful! Don't need thieves or the fuzz.
1) keep up on carbon filters
2) don't throw ANY grow trash in your own bin
3) keep up on your carbon filters

and 4) Don't take a break to run to the store to pick up some more beer after 6 hours of trimming with leaves stuck to your shoes while you reek of bud to the high heavens.

1 and 3...What about ozone gens?

And 4, that must be why I get those crazy stares...


Active member
seen it over and over and I have to say it again..........

LESS IS MORE.......:yes:<<<<<<<<<<<<the best advice I've received


1 and 3...What about ozone gens?

And 4, that must be why I get those crazy stares...

If done correctly ozone does work.. but if not, it has that "ozone smell" which isn't much better than leaking bud smell. I have a bud that got fingered because of a "weird smell".

and yes, probably. :)


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
If you get bugs such as mites when plants are small, less then 2 ft, use a drench or dip instead of a spray or powder. In confined indoor spaces it sucks to have to spray. You have to shield the bulb and clean the walls and your equipment more often. Try using a 5 gallon bucket and dip affected plants into it instead of spraying. Not only is it cleaner, but you are sure to get 100% coverage.

I recently used pyrethrum spray for a solid month every few days to keep mites at bay. They were really minimized, but never beaten. A few days of dipping in a neem oil mixture and the bugs are dead all over the place. So much safer, and a lot easier in the end.

Keep goin

Great thread...

Never try changing more than ONE variable at a time.

That's one of the best tips so far ^^^

BTW you guys that are talking no dump res...
I have found that I only am able to do NO dump with GH 3 part nutes...

I have tried it with MANY other nutes and have not had any luck!!? Always have imbalances show up, and I can do it without fail with GH 3 part. And that's with well water, not RO, and some "little" bio products added...still no problem. And I only check my pH IF things look very wrong! Which is not often.

And the beauty of hydro...when in doubt, flush it out...start fresh.


Active member
Great thread...

That's one of the best tips so far ^^^

BTW you guys that are talking no dump res...
I have found that I only am able to do NO dump with GH 3 part nutes...

To run a no-dump... ya gotta use a balanced nutrient profile. Any nutrient profile that's close to what you get with lucas (0-8-16) is going to be able to run a no-dump for a few months at least. (When growing cannabis)

The reason most nutrient companies say dump after 2 weeks.... it's not balanced for 'your' plants. They're eating too much or too little of something and whatever they eat 'too little' of becomes a toxic buildup over time.

That and there are nutrients that have lousy pH buffers in them. LOL Different story though.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Keep goin

To run a no-dump... ya gotta use a balanced nutrient profile. Any nutrient profile that's close to what you get with lucas (0-8-16) is going to be able to run a no-dump for a few months at least. (When growing cannabis)

I must respectively disagree.

GH Flora Nova...for example, IS equivalent to the Lucas formula I believe...try running that no dump and see what happens. I am a huge fan of Nova...but it clearly imbalances after 2 weeks! (my experience anyway)

Not sure what other companies nutes you have run NO dump...please enlighten. I have a list of ones I've tried..NO LUCK!? And ones like Nova, that I liked fine, just not past 2 weeks, maybe 3...that's it.

Don't think it's the Lucas configuration...I think it's the GH nutes...they are TOP NOTCH. (but you know that...your running Lucas...lol)


Well-known member
It works great.

I've ran both traditional lucas, maxibloom and FNB and have never dumped my reservoirs when running re-circulating systems with hydroton or no medium.

I simply top-off with RO water and addback the necessary amount of nutrient to bring me back to my target EC of 1.8 - 2.0.
It works.. no deficiencies, lockouts or noticeable imbalances... in my experiences anyways.

Lucas went as far as to test his no dump res program over multiple grows. He didnt advise but has done it with no issues. I don't know why it works without imbalances due to various element uptake, but it does in fact work if your using RO and managing your EC/pH in accordance to where those numbers are taking you. Maybe the resulting lucas analysis just hits perfect to the uptake of cannabis?

There was also much success in doing an initial reservoir with FNG... and then topping throughout with FNB. I'm not sure if this is one of the batches he took multiple grows, but the results were favorable with the initial FNG dosing.


Active member
I must respectively disagree.

GH Flora Nova...for example, IS equivalent to the Lucas formula I believe...try running that no dump and see what happens. I am a huge fan of Nova...but it clearly imbalances after 2 weeks! (my experience anyway)

Dunno what you were doing but it wasn't the Nova... didn't mention/recommend it myself because I don't like the dirt sediment it causes in the res.

That being said... I've run it, no dump, for 3-4 months myself. No problems.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Keep goin

I don't know...? Nothing different. Just noticed imbalances, I have absolutely NO patience for that. One of the things I love about hydro...when in doubt, I flush it out. Start fresh!

I've tried MANY different nutes..keep coming back to the GH 3 part..like you mentioned Hydro-Soil, I didn't care for the sediment in the res either.(loved the results though)
I liked maxibloom for a no dump also..but didn't like the pink everything afterward.

I've kinda given up trying "new" nutes...tired of disappointments.


I must respectively disagree.

GH Flora Nova...for example, IS equivalent to the Lucas formula I believe...try running that no dump and see what happens. I am a huge fan of Nova...but it clearly imbalances after 2 weeks! (my experience anyway)

Not sure what other companies nutes you have run NO dump...please enlighten. I have a list of ones I've tried..NO LUCK!? And ones like Nova, that I liked fine, just not past 2 weeks, maybe 3...that's it.

Don't think it's the Lucas configuration...I think it's the GH nutes...they are TOP NOTCH. (but you know that...your running Lucas...lol)

I've run FN with just top offs, you try changin a 55 gallon rez every 2 weeks, RO top off, and nute adjustments for me.
for my dirt(soil) I run the same rez just add a watering in or 2 between feedings.



well i dont dump any thing here for a hole cycle and not done for 10 years now i dont have any trouble at all i use ionic chems 3 x 150tl tanks and my last crop i had a 19.5oz dry from just one plant what a monster it was my tank when i full through uses 75lt a week from them just top the water up and add chems as needed
