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I have a question about AF plants.


Well-known member
I wanted to plant some of my auto flowering seeds outdoors for the wenter... provided it doesn't get too cold.

should I go ahead and plant some and just see how it goes?

ill keep this thread updated if I do plant some.

also how soon can I plant freshly harvested seeds? or do the seeds need to cure first. because if I planted some seeds now I could maybe get some bud by the month of jan first of the year.


it all depends on your climate/where you live/grow

as for waiting on your seeds - i just cure my buds and by then the seeds are good to go, never had any problems planting fresh seeds


Active member
Re: freshly harvested seeds.

I was curious about this after my first seed run. Planted fifty fresh seeds, twenty or so cracked, ten turned out to be good plants. (not runts)

Planted fifty more I collected as the weed cured over a month long period. Germ rate was noticably better, 40something out of fifty.

Dunno if that helps as its just my experience/luck/experiment.



Well-known member
Ok so thursday I plan on planting some of thouse seeds. and save some for curing and for future gardens. the only problem is that they'er full sativas so Ill have to supercrope the new plants this time round. so ill be planting them in a way more sunner spot in the yard this time too. the flowers I got from the mother plant were very very fluffy this season because she was in the shade.

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