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Jail time for one plant?


New member
Just wondering if there is any chance someone would get jail time for growing just 1 plant. I know someone that would like to try growing 1 plant(freedom bucket style)under 2-3k watts over a 5-6 month period to see how much it can produce.

Any thoughts on this?

Thank you kindly:)


Active member
As TURBD said........if there is no prior record, then chances are that no..but........if said person was a real handful for the cops and was abusive, resisted arrest..etc..etc..the judge would look at that not all that favourably....

It's all a judgement call on the part of the cops and then in court on the part of the crown attorney..........I know for myself personally, if I did not have a license, they would not think twice about giving me another vacation but that is due to the wreckage of my past...

Good Luck


Active member
well i look at it like this . Do not do it if you cant do the 6 months . And its not a crime if you dont get caught . If your worried about growing 1 and going to jail i would telly you right off dont do it . You will be so parinoid the whole time you grow.


New member
Right now in Canada as long as you are not growing for trafficing and you have a medical reason you will not go to jail. You may have to fight in court if you get caught but you will not go to jail.

The minimum mandatory is only for production for the purpose of trafficing. Then you will do 6 months for 1 plant mandatory min.

So if you get your doctors approval and apply for your MMAR you will be ok as long as your not trafficing. Just get it done legally, it doesn't take much and who knows the laws may change very soon pending the Matt Mernagh appeal.

the med man

depending on where u live. and who u have to deal with. charges may not even be pressed. if u can prove u are a student or have medical issues chances are they will just take the plant matrial and call it a day.


Active member
in most cases when its small, they'll just knock on the door, demand entry, tell you they're coming back with a warrant and thats when you chop down.

Its much easier for them to do that than actual investigatory work that could be used on a large grow


One plant is unlikely to cause jail time. Would have to be other factors at play such as also possessing dry bud or having a record.


sick country that gives 6 months for one plant, bloody terrible a.


Active member
Plant numbers are irrelevant.

The cops and the crown are pursing my production charge on "plant material". (roots, stalks, leaves)

My plant numbers were in the hundreds, so were my clones. You've been warned.



hope you fare well matey, sounds' like a lot of gear, they like to make ya suffer when they can. no respect at all for the pricks'.
Is it not over 5+ plants gets you min 6 month jail sentence?
Under 5 you goto court and do the probation thang.

This has been posed about a lot in the canadian forum...


Genetic Resource Management
I thought mandatory minimums for pot meant you had to smoke at least 5g per day.....


Active member
HA...then I'm fucked.

Lawyer finally talks to the crown on Friday...this should be interesting..


Nope u smoked 2 many , that would be a mandatory . Could u imagine .... all the 6 plant people sitting in provincial jail keeping the drunk tank occupied .... whaT a fuckin joke... i outta down some rum and go piss on someones ...... sorry for the drunken rant