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Old School Weed?


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I have just finished a grow of Critical Mass that is from a very old clone. It is now I believe over 15 years old. Now that it is finished and dried (still needs a cure) it brought back good memories of bud I use to smoke in high school and later.

It finished a dark army green with large plump buds with brick red hairs making them resemble a bunch of little Wooly Mammoth's packed into a ziplock bag lol. The smell was not over powering but mellow and fruity, almost of grapes. The strains I remember from long ago use to look just like this. I am going to date myself, but that was 20 years ago. Yes, I am getting on up there - but not quite 40 yet haha!

Back in the day it seemed all the pots around was like this and always covered in dark red hairs. It was almost as though good pot had to have these massive amounts of hairs or else the majority of smokers would think it was crap. Most smokers also didn't know the tric's were what got you stoned and thought the heavy stone these olders strains possessed were from the multitude of hairs surrounding the buds like a winter sweater. Tric's didn't even have to exist! Also, another funny thing was if it was crap it would be called home grown. My how times have changed.

It seems today (not us of course!) most of the general public believe red haired strains are bunk and relate them to Northern Lights, Big Bud, Hash Plant and the likes, but I know from experience, yes these strains seem to be not up to standards these days, but when they were new they were the creme of the crop and could be as good as almost any strain today.

For some reason there is a lot of crap going around that carries these names and may be it is for good reason, but that was not the case back in the day. It also makes me wonder if people label these mediocre cuts with these names even though they are not the same genetics or highly watered down versions. I know for a fact a good select cut of Northern Lights or Hash plant from back in the day was just as good as any elite I have grown or smoked today.

One thing I do believe has improved and I could be wrong, but taste seems to have increased so that now more strains than yester year taste better on average. I would also like to point out this isn't always so.

So day dreaming of days long past it made me come up with a hypothesis that I would like to discuss or here your opinions on. It seems many strains in the past had much more red hair and I was wondering if this was due to breeders breeding for this because of the thought of the general public that more hairs mean't higher potency? or is this the case because these were the only strains available at the time? This trait of older strains seemed to have changed dramatically over time. Not as many plants have the red hair like they use to exibit and if they do most think they are crap. Also, hardly any commercial strains had purple - that was a rarity. Even in the last ten years I have seen our green strains slowly changing in colour to almost all having some darker colouring. I think this is due to Urkle, Grand Daddy Purple, Master Kush, OG ect. but that is a different story I won't get into because I already wrote an essay lol.

Sorry for such a long post. I smoked a couple bong loads of CM and it has such activity! It makes me want to write, as you can see. I don't exactly know how intelligable it sounds but I guess tomorrow will bring a new day. Thanks for reading and I hope to here from some of you.

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Interesting post TGT. I think it can easily be explained away by simple buyer preference changing over time. Across all products the common thread is that people are pretty bad at educating themselves about what they consume. I think what is accepted by the mainstream as guides for "good" are disconnected from what actually makes pot good. That's the nature of a product where such a small fraction of the consumers produce. Sometimes we get annoyed by people who don't know the plant saying ridiculous things, but imagine if we were all trying to purchase beer based on the variety of hops used without knowing any better. Red hairs once upon a time, now it's people hunting for OG and GSC. In ten years mainstream buyers will have some other crazy theory like "the stuff with seeds is ACTUALLY more potent; smoker's secret".


Yes I remember those days, NL and Orange Bud. It's all we used to smoke. Only after a couple of years we started judging weed by the 'crystals' found on it. When White Widow became big. Still love smoking Orange Bud though and it's the cheapest weed in the coffeeshop I visit.

"the stuff with seeds is ACTUALLY more potent; smoker's secret". That's what DJ Short said in one of his articles. I was inclined to believe him so I don't have to worry if any of my plants hermie.


Well-known member
Critical mass wasn't around 15-20 yrs ago, or at least wasn't known as critical mass. Just a reworked big bud from shanti, but hell yeah I remember what you are talking about. Miss flower like that for sure


To Have More ... Desire Less
i'm finishing a original Albert Walker cut in the next 2wks.... that's from a 20+ yr old clone...
reeks of garlic & tangerines...very orange haired buds like old Mexican oaxacan
w/ old Skool funk...very very old genetics from the PNW
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Vaginas were also hairy back then, hmmmm....

Yea, I laugh when I think back on getting exited if the buds had lots of red hairs.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
At first I was a little disapointed with the yield, but after weighing things out I realized that Critical Mass probably doesn't mean bud size but density and numbers. The total mass was great, so I guess the name suites her. I got 8 oz. off each plant, in which it only looked while on the plant to be 4, so I am really impressed. I think with this strain I can finally get a little over 1 gram per watt - we will see.

I'll post some pictures when she is ready and looking good. Nice old school buzz that I like to say has 'activity' and not like a lot of potent strains today that have a heavy but boring buzz.

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Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
very tricky subject IMO TGT....thick wooly or Yarn lookin bright orange or Red hairs..Yea we used to think that is what held the effect..heh...no idea why back then either...There was a time tho when breeders may of gone outa their way to breed plants that produced very copious amounts of Pistils..But shortly after this alot of those types were pushed to the back ground cause it wasn;t that they prod more Pistils..It was cause the herb took longer to flower and could not be pushed and manipulated to way we do now a days with all these fancy formulas..
We learned that calyx's and Trichomes were the way and it changed the Look of herb for a while...
Allot of times when we got old Lumbo or Mexi Golds it still had the leaves on it and they were really thin..not big old wide cut blades wraped around a small undeveloped bud..
Some really wild sats are very hard to work and run so long the growers just got tired of waiting so they would harvest these plants about 2/3rds done giving thick orange or red hairs with a nice super charged effect...I would see excess Pistils on NLs, HPlants, BBud, Hazes, Thais, some Skunks and some odd and end types...Allot had better calyx dev and a more even calyx2pistil ratio making the bud look very uniform...like NL was...nice chunky buds with thick orange/red hairs but not to thick with hairs....just thick hairs like yarn thick..heh....
I am over 40 and it all does relate...so what would happen is a cat would grow a plant and it would get to about 6-8wks but look half done...They dont know better so they keep feeding or even trying to flush it and it just keeps growing...But now with the amount of food they have given it it just keeps dev new pistils and caylx's instead of swelling calyx's and dieing pistils..So then they get to like 10 wks and it look 2/3rds done if that cause it still kicks out new growth on top and the lower is lookin un-dev....But midsection looks half decent..
Some strains are even more touchy and would prod a ton of pistils thinking it was going another 6wks but the grower forced it and it rounded down to 2wks and you get very hairs buds with lil dev meat...The whole pistil craze didnt last long at all really but it was true for while...Because mainly back then teh backbone of the scene was still all Sativa doms and imports if your in the states...
When the Indicas took over...they really took over and changed the face of all of it really...But improved is a personal view..
I pref both old world and some new makes...
But we ran CMass to and Chronic and yea its a more mercial yielder unless you really dial her or find the best/fastest/most dense pheno type..Heath ran the hell outa CMass and set some serious weight standards to...
anyway CMass is N sensitive as are allot of Skunk lines..to dark/deep green and it will fluff out on you..Gata stop the feed 1-2wks in and go mid-high level bloom formula for a while...Switching from a 2-4-6 in wks 1-2 of bloom to a 1-4-5 at wks 2-3 and on ward does it up real nice...Big massive standard looking spears a lil more hurky than ak47 but sorta bout the same type..Its a production strain really to start...as was BigBud, HPlants, NL's and why some of these ppl will associate excess pistils and different bud forms with certain varieties...Least how I see it...just my view tho so hope it relates for ya....keep rollin


Tom 'Green' Thumb
FOE20, thank you for your post, it was very informative and interesting. I too beleive the red hair myth didn't last too long, but probably longer here in Canada because even back then we got more Indica than the USA since most was imported then. I am very happy to read your recommendations of fertilizing CM because I too have noticed it to be very nutrient sensative. It seems it is not an extremely easy plant to grow like I previously thought and I wouln't recommend her to a newbie, but this is a very old cut so may be the new seed line is much easier.

I didn't know Heath used CM on this grows, I'll have to check out some of them from past posts. Thanks for gthe info, it was a great read. Take care!
