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The Anti-Kush


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Just thought it'd be a cool strain name. But anyway, 10/10 on some raskal WiFi's and thought I might as well throw a few PinkKush f5's in the fire.


I won't be on much, back to the cubby hole I go.

:tiphat:See you guys and gals after the holiday break.:huggg:


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Update to myself. 5/5 PKf5's came up a few days after the WiFi's. PK is more vigorous in veg and have caught up and passed the WiFi's. 2 distinct phenos observed in the Pk's, a dominate tall lanky and a shorter, broader leafed, tighter node pheno. The shorter pheno reminds me of the high yield pheno from the f4's. I hope he is a male. I have one WiFi mutant that's branches more than the others, slow grower, maybe stunted, not sure but seems to be growing out of it.


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About half of the Wifi (4/10) can currently take same strength nutes as PK. PK can take pretty much everything I've thrown at it and can take stronger dosage but I am lazy and dont want to have to mix anymore nutes than necessary. I have been playing with mixing at a healthy dose for PK, taking the remainder and diluting with more water to feed the 5 Wifi's next. If any remains, I will repeat to feed the remaining Wifi's and the runt Wifi. As it stands the PK looks happy, 4 Wifi's look extremely happy and have since been topped once, most I believe had 9 blade leaves when first topped. The remaining 5 Wifi's are what I would consider slow-avg veggers even though they appear healthy and have remained untopped thus far. Most in this group have 7 blade fans currently.

3 PK have been topped twice, the 3 I believe will be female. One tight internode, chunky PK which I believe to be a male has great structure and carries an aroma similar to the typical PK's I've encountered but with an added mocha/coffee ground background. It's not a heavy smell but it's there underneath a dark lemony scent, also not too heavy. Structurally different than the 3 I think will be female. The last PK which I aso think will be male is the least vigorous but puts out more kush type branches than the bunch with a little less stretch on the internodes than the 3 presumed ladies. The PK pink lemonade aroma is more pronounced and aromatic, it carries in the air longer after a stem rub and dominates any other plant I rub. Viney growth but as mentioned more shoots on the vine. Reminds me of the father I used to make the f5's. Total accident but that's another story, but he literally gave his donation from the grave so to speak.
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3 PK and all WiFi's have been transplanted into approx. 2 gal containers of Bio-Bizz Coco Mix. The 2 PK I believe to be male will remain in cups and flowered out to collect the pollen, still undecided as to which one will be the proud pappy. I say approx. because they're actually 3 gal bags that I've rolled down about a third of the way and 1 bag of coco (50L/13.2gals) fills 6 containers so slightly over 2 gals of medium. I've played with amending coco in the past in order to cut down my bottled nute usage and figured since I had some dry ferts left over, I might as well use them. So along with the transplant, they got a lightly charged medium that I hope will last until the 4th week of flowering or at least through the stretch with minimal bottled nutes. After that, I'm planning to top dress 1-2 times to finish them off. I'm just playing around here and I know I won't be able to eliminate feeding altogether but I at least can cut down on the nutes used and supply my plants with a diverse nutrient supply. To my coco, I have added the following:

Approx. 20% +/- perlite
Bat Guano
worm Castings
Fish Bone Meal
Kelp Meal
Green Sand
Soybean Meal
Glacial Rock Dust
Alfalfa Meal
Feather Meal
Fish Meal
Composted Chicken Manure
Crab Meal
Blood Meal
Nettle Leaf
Oyster Shell Flower
Rock Phosphate
Hop Leaf
Mychos and Benef. Bacterias

To me, it's similar to Roots Organics pre-charged coco but a little stronger. I've also read that Ed Rosenthal has experimented with something similar but he uses Fox Farm Marine Cusine I believe. Back when I first tried it, there were maybe 2 threads here that touched on the topic but most of the info was for coco/soil mixes, not straight coco and I don't believe the threads ever panned out.

For those interested, I do plan on adding pics to this log sometime during the bloom cycle. After all, who wants to read a bunch of words and not have some pretty pictures to look at? I may get some snaps right before 12/12 but most will be after the 4th week or so of bloom.

I will also be going vert this round, 1000W Hortilux.


Active member
Sounding good man. Can't wait to see some pics and you have one hell of a list of additives for that coco! Interested to see how that coco does...
Best of luck with the rest of the grow


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Since I can't decide on which male I'd like to keep, I just decided to clone both when I clone the females sometime this upcoming week. They both exhibit traits I find desirable at this stage but are so different structurally. My slim guy is what I consider typical of the PK line that I've come across. A lanky dude that loves to branch out, smells of sweet pink lemons with a creamy soft note that tickles the nose hairs. Then there's stud muffin, which I relate to more a 'real' kush, like hindu/afghan. A darker lemon smell with some hints of what I believe to be coffee bean/mocha, earthy I would say. Structurally sound with tighter nodes and a little more stretch than what I would consider landrace kushes. Different enough for me to go back through my old threads and pics to try and be sure he is indeed offspring.

Back when these seeds were made, I was trying to stress to induce pollen but never noted any nanners or male stamen in the mothers. I also had a male that I had chosen and for some reason had to uproot, can't remember why I had to but I apparently I did. I do remember leaving him to die, roots still attached and a little soil that the roots were attached to. He had just started to drop a little when I uprooted but he was in a closet on top of a rubbermaid tub wilting. From what I've grown of these seeds, and the 3 people I gave seeds to, most of the females resemble the mom and the what has been determined to be the father that shoots from the grave. The mother phenos I call "extra branchy, slightly less stretchy, slightly less vigorous than the father phenos. Actual males and females, no herms. I have 2 clones from one friend that did some of the seeds outdoors this year in pots and they are of the lanky, branchy type. He took them while they were blooming and I've gotten them to just show roots but they still have to go through a reveg. Same friend also did a seed he found in a bag of what was termed 'Kush' and I've rooted a clone of that as well, also have to reveg.

My WiFi's are just delighting me with the aroma they give off with a stem rub. Stockier plants than the PK. I made a mistake earlier with the number I thought could take normal strength feedings and have since corrected that above. Although slow to start, they are coming along quite nicely. Don't know if I noted the early Mag deficiency, but have since not seen any signs. Been reading the root aphid threads lately and that has me so nervous I went and bought some Bayer Complete and looking into some of that Met or Merit stuff. If anything stops growing or shows any kind of deficiency in the next week, I will have to use it. They have just recently been transplanted and innoculated and I have noticed new lush blueish/teal green growth from all plants. I am also letting all plants dry out after the transplant before I water again.

The runt WiFi, well I don't know what to say, it's still doing something but is no where near the growth of the others. I have decided to just make a clone of it since the new growth seems to be healthy but it will be discarded. If the clone exhibits same patterns and is a true runt, it too will be discarded. I will adjust the nute strength and monitor but I don't want to have to babysit any plant. Once I take the clone I will examine the root ball for pest. I will get a good stem rub to get a description of aromas and report back. I know a few of them get real smelly with a light jostle. Fat leaves, heavy serrated leaves, I've not had a chance to really get to know them. The smallest one is around 10 inches no training and the largest about 13" with being topped once. I'm looking for the 'kushiest' one as I don't think resin will be a problem for any WiFi, but whatever proves itself in the final smoke is my goal. I'm also partial to plants with that fresh off the vine flavor, the ones that taste great with a minimal cure and those that make bomb bubble.

I'm pretty sure after I take clones, I'm going to leave a branch or 2 on the slim PK. Hopefully I can get just enough pollen to make a couple beans to look at while determining what's getting kept from the mother run.


The wifi is a hard strain to pick a keeper from because every pheno is killer! I picked one that reeked of lemons and had huge knocker sized buds.

The Sensi Rebel

Hope you don't mind if I pull up a chair.

Might need to try these strains in my room soon :)

lovin' the diverse mix.


Active member
Hi guys, nah I don't mind at all. It's actually more for me to keep some sort of record of little things I notice along the way. I really should have started this in the journals forum or something. I probably won't be as detailed as some of you may like, but hell, I'm lazy and spend most of my time just lurking and reading.

The coco amendment thing is just something to try. I can't take credit for the mix of ingredients, they are from Roots Organics and I have no idea of the ratios in the mix, just the NPK values and whats in it. Seems to be working pretty well though and I'm going to proceed with top dressing and seeing how that works out. I'm letting the roots grow and get used to the new containers before I induce flowering, plants should be somewhere in the 55-60 day range. Hoping for bounty before the Christmas Holiday.

Thanks for stopping in, I'll try to keep this thread updated as much as I can, but it won't be an all out grow thread, mainly highlights and notes.


Active member

Everything seems to be doing well and I've since switched to 12/12, about a week in or so. I was correct on the 3 PK's that I thought were female. 2 lanky ladies, I call em the twins, and one not so lanky/stretchy but with a bit more branching, showed pistils later in bloom. All 3 perform very well when topped twice.

Of the 2 PK's I believed to be male, one is a definite, the nice structured lemon/mocha smelling one. Even though it's male and has some favorable traits, I'm still not sure of him. The other one I am not sure of since it never really showed any preflowers, but it carried the typical PK traits I've come to know. Both have been cloned and I'll investigate further in the next round. I decided I didn't want any stray pollen floating around and it's my first time with WiFi so I'd like to watch for any issues with those.

A couple WiFi's are insanely lanky but ironically the stems are pretty thick, thicker than my PK's anyway. PK has a stronger stem though, it can take a bending and still feel supportive were as one of my WiFi's took a slight tweaking and I damned near had to tie up the branch. It's almost like the WiFi stems are of a softer tissue or something. Most stems harden up a little once stretching stops so we'll see how it goes. A few other phenos seem to want to stay close to the main stalk, larger fans, thick girls. There's 2 or 3 with some nice branching, responded well to topping, no super stretching, kind of a mix of the 2 other phenos I've observed.

Forgot to mention that my super branchy PK girl is showing 2 sets of leaves at each node, not sure how I missed this before, but it's worth noting now. I'm also not sure if any other PK's I grew in the f4 generation exhibited this trait, I guess I didn't pay attention, IDK. She has the potential to yield extremely well depending on how her buds develop. I sure hope she smokes worth her salt, time will tell.

I feel like I'm leaving out something I wanted to make note of but I guess that's what this thread is for right. When/if it comes to me, I'll pop back in and make a quick note. All clones taken, males and females. Oh yeah, now I remember, the runt WiFi has been culled. It was a true runt, no where near the size and vigor of it's siblings, funky growth all the way, no clone taken. Also 2 WiFi's showed some slight light bleaching during the switch. I figure being too close too early and a brand new bulb the culprit. Nothing else affected, maybe those 2 were more sensitive, will make note of there #'s later.

My feed now is as follows:

1 tsp - Soul Synthetics Grow (plan to eliminate after week 3)
1 tsp _ Soul Synthetics Bloom (plan to double after week 3)
1 tsp - General Organics Bloom
1/2 tsp - Dyna-Gro Pro-Tekt (plan to eliminate after week 4)
1-2 tsp- Roots Ancient Amber(fulvic/humic)
1 tsp - Roots Trinity(catalyst like molasses)
1 tsp - Hygrozyme

*About 2-1/2 Tbsp give or take/gal*

ADDITIVES as needed or every 2nd-3rd feed/alternates
1 mL - General Hydroponics Liquid Kool Bloom (just started hence the low dose, not sure how I will continue using)
1 tsp - Soul Synthetics Big Swell
2 tsp - Roots Organics HP
1 tsp - Roots Organics HP2 -- Still playing with the HP and HP2 trying to hit the correct ratios. Have to do more reading and little more trial and error.

*About 1-1/3 Tbsp give or take/gal*

I also played with some dry ferts mixed in with the coco a few weeks ago and I think it's working pretty good so far allowing me to underfeed a little without being deficient. I just worked up to my Base + Additives and plants look healthy top to bottom. I have some room to get some tip burn if I wanted to push em but I like how they look and grow right now. I think the dry ferts are just starting to break down good and allowed me to set my standard mix to my liking. The idea with this was to try and provide as diversied mix of nutrients to my girls as I could, organic/chem combination, a result of what I had on hand and a couple purchased items. I'm pretty sure my pH drifts a bit, haven't tested it though and I started from seed. Not sure if that's good or bad but the rest of bloom should be interesting. I went back to same strength nutes for everything and I still think PK can take some more, WiFi's look to be in a sweet spot for all phenos. PK is not deficient but I can tell she wouldn't mind some additional portions. I think I will topdress the PK with the remainder of the dry bloom ferts I have, I didn't have enough for 12 pots anyway, funny how things work themselves out.

I was suppose to snap a couple veg pics before switching but things happen, I'll get some up when I can, for sure a couple when there's more to see. Be back later to edit this post, I know there's some mistakes in it somewhere.


Active member
Stretching has slowed, still a little strecth in the WiFi's but PK has pretty much settled in. Nice early bud formation and the beginning of trich coverage is noticeable. I'm not exact on days but I'm pretty sure I'm closer to the lower end of week 3 give or take.

PK was top dressed with some dry bloom ferts, takes my normal dosage of liquid ferts and could maybe take a bit more. No WiFi got any dry bloom ferts and have only been fed my normal liquid bloom ferts. There's slight leaf curl on 1 or 2 and before it gets any worse, nute strength will be dialed back 15-25%.

I was kinda hoping WiFi would be more of a brancher and while a few have decent branching, most don't. I will say that some are not topped and some only got topped once due to slow initial growth. Maybe a slightly longer veg time and additional training will fix this in most phenos and/or the clone generation may have better initial growth. Also no training besides topping was done on any plant, but PK responds so well to it. Also note that stems on WiFi have hardened more and are not as flimsy as they used to be.

2 herms identified in the WiFi's, #'s 1 and 7 I think and have been chopped and burned. One showed multiple balls around between late week 1 and early week 2. The other started around the same time, but only threw 1-3 a day. I actually gave it a few more days but decided it's just not worth it to pluck balls daily. The remaining 7 look to be herm free at this point, but I watch them more closely now when I'm in the room now and I hate to have to do that.

Pics, pics, pics...Soon, soon, soon.

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