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Anyone else allergic to certain strains?


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ICMag Donor
hiya,,,i myself have no problems but when i harvest my wife goes to parents or sisters otherwise she gets running nose and eyes,constantly streaming,sneezing,coughing,my smoking dont effect her but harvest time is a big no -no also last few weeks of bloom she cant go nowhere near the room for above reasons,,terpine reaction for sure?,,,,peace and regards s2


The Dude
create a trim station with a air cooled hood with one side blocked off and the glass removed an connected to a blower and a scrubber/filter.

Smoking Gun

Active member
I have no reaction to any type of weed when smoked. There are some varieties that I just can't enjoy and even give me a headache, but no allergic reactions.

I have however gotten small hives while trimming. From what I can discern through my experiences it may be a natural reaction to the trichomes. The trichomes are a natural defense of the Cannabis plant, and I would not be the least bit surprised to find that part of that defense mechanism is to cause allergic reactions on the skin of animals passing by, or in our case people who are trimming. Our hand will not have reactions because they are far more calloused than most other parts of our bodies. But if you rub the same plant on the arm which does not usually develop callouses we start to see reactions. Our eyes and nose are also highly susceptible places for allergens. This is why naturally during allergy season the eyes and nose are always itchy and running. It is also surprising how often we touch our face without even thinking about it or even noticing it. So we accidentally bring the allergens right up to our most susceptible body parts.

Now as for smoking, I find it a bit strange that only one variety will give you an allergic reaction, but I am not saying that is not what is happening. I am sure you have considered this but was there anything you ate or came in contact with when the allergic reaction started? Is it only at one time of year when this happens? Could there be any other explanation? I am also not sure if the smoke is left in the room, and do not think that would cause an allergic reaction. I would actually chalk that up to the allergen staying in your system for a few days.


Like a few of you mentioned, I get it bad while harvesting. The full runny nose sneezing and watery eyes, wheezy chest...it sucks!! I get these symptoms from any strain, no matter what when harvesting.

Gonna try that walter white mask for sure next time :D

With certain strains, I get the stings/hives. My ATF was absolutely killer and I had to ditch it cuz of it lol...seriously felt like the itch from a stinging nettle without that initial sting. I looked it up though and on nettles their stingers are called trichomes...maybe some marijuana plants grow both resinous trichomes and defenseive trichomes?
my agent orange makes me have the worst hives.. I'm gonna get one of those respirator masks from the next trim session, seem like a pretty good idea.

Certain strains are worse for my allergies than others.. I have even found myself getting allergic reactions when smoking certain strains but not others, so i'm inclined to blame the terpene profile in much of this.. I find that my hydroponically grown plants give me more dermal allergy problems when encountered in garden maintenance... My hunch is that my hydroponic flowers tend to be more resinous than the ones in soil


Ill be more clear for some of you. I can go to a hotel room in another state and bring no meds at all. Ill leave the room and my friends will smoke a joint of powerplant and they will have no meds left at all. I can wait hours after they finish smoking and then ill enter the room. Within 3 hours ill look like the elephant man and didn't even smoke. I am extremely allergic to certain strains to the point where bumps will continue to grow until I leave the room. Like I said before I've had bumps as big as an orange. This has happened to me many times. It took years to figure out it was from my meds. The hospital use to say "are you using a different soap or detergent?". After seeing a specialist in a Boston hospital is where I finaly found out it was from my meds. I didn't believe the doctor until my hives went away and I smoked a joint outside and got them again.

The hives start as a very small red mark that is itchy. Within 3 hours they continue to grow and grow and grow until I'm in extreme pain. If I don't leave the contaminated area, they keep growing. Once I leave the area, they stop growing. It takes about 48-72 hours for them to disappear into little red marks on my body. Its not fun and pretty scary. I've gotten these hives inside my throat and that's when I go to the hospital.

It doesn't matter whether its organic soil or hydro. I still get the hives. I don't use pesticides or hormones.


Active member
I am allergic to cannabis; all strains, as far as I know.

If I touch any part of the plant and then my eyes, they will itch badly; break up bud then scratch myself with my fingernail, it will swell.

The more plant matter I am exposed to the worse it is; I limit edibles to those derived from extracts, and I vape rather than smoke. I broke out in hives once after eating a bunch of ganja leaves, but in retrospect it could also have been bee pollen I tried from a new area.

GMT, good observation, I cannot vape male flowers because the male pollen in particular causes me headaches, sneezing, and uncontrollable runny nose / tears for a while.

I'm allergic to my cat and I still keep her...

when i was a kid, i was allergic to animals with hairs, (that and pollen from just about anything.)
it got so bad my parents put down my dog and cat (and told me they sent them on to a farm...)

well, later, still loving animals, (in my 20´s)
i just said fuck it and got me some animals and just stuck with it, basically said "fuck that" to the allergies (Amazing how often that works..)
and today i never notice any allergies at all.

and i got 5 cats. (thinking about getting a dog too.)


New member
Agent Orange gets my sinuses SO messed up. I get a runny nose, puffy eyes and a wicked headache... Shame too cause it's one of my favorites!


Active member
when i was a kid, i was allergic to animals with hairs, (that and pollen from just about anything.)
it got so bad my parents put down my dog and cat (and told me they sent them on to a farm...)

well, later, still loving animals, (in my 20´s)
i just said fuck it and got me some animals and just stuck with it, basically said "fuck that" to the allergies (Amazing how often that works..)
and today i never notice any allergies at all.

and i got 5 cats. (thinking about getting a dog too.)

Mind over matter. I don't mind cause it don't matter :) Coolio. I just think that mind body connection thing is SO cool.


I have no reaction to any type of weed when smoked. There are some varieties that I just can't enjoy and even give me a headache, but no allergic reactions.

I have however gotten small hives while trimming. From what I can discern through my experiences it may be a natural reaction to the trichomes. The trichomes are a natural defense of the Cannabis plant, and I would not be the least bit surprised to find that part of that defense mechanism is to cause allergic reactions on the skin of animals passing by, or in our case people who are trimming. Our hand will not have reactions because they are far more calloused than most other parts of our bodies. But if you rub the same plant on the arm which does not usually develop callouses we start to see reactions. Our eyes and nose are also highly susceptible places for allergens. This is why naturally during allergy season the eyes and nose are always itchy and running. It is also surprising how often we touch our face without even thinking about it or even noticing it. So we accidentally bring the allergens right up to our most susceptible body parts.

Now as for smoking, I find it a bit strange that only one variety will give you an allergic reaction, but I am not saying that is not what is happening. I am sure you have considered this but was there anything you ate or came in contact with when the allergic reaction started? Is it only at one time of year when this happens? Could there be any other explanation? I am also not sure if the smoke is left in the room, and do not think that would cause an allergic reaction. I would actually chalk that up to the allergen staying in your system for a few days.
Trichomes can be very irritating, especially when mature / dry, every new trimmer either gets a warning or a bad case of red eyes on their first day at our warehouse, burns almost as bad as fiber glass.

Although, I can't imagine that the majority of the population reacts badly to trichomes on the skin, after all, our ancestors began consuming trichomes by rubbing the resin from the plants onto their bodies, so this might be more of an individual sensitivity, one of our workers breaks out when he stakes without long sleeves.

I have a disease of the scalp that 90% of the population is completely immune to, perhaps trichome hives are your dermatitus seborreica?

Smoking Gun

Active member
Trichomes can be very irritating, especially when mature / dry, every new trimmer either gets a warning or a bad case of red eyes on their first day at our warehouse, burns almost as bad as fiber glass.

Although, I can't imagine that the majority of the population reacts badly to trichomes on the skin, after all, our ancestors began consuming trichomes by rubbing the resin from the plants onto their bodies, so this might be more of an individual sensitivity, one of our workers breaks out when he stakes without long sleeves.

I have a disease of the scalp that 90% of the population is completely immune to, perhaps trichome hives are your dermatitus seborreica?

Possibly, but I do know that just about every time I have had any kind of hives has been in the presence of other allergens. I have successfully used topical Cannabis ointments with great success, so it is certainly not something that happens very often. However from your own description it does appear most people will have some kind of allergic reaction to Cannabis trichomes. Its kind of like poison ivy, most people will react to it, some however do not.


damn...so this hit me by surprise

i was just looking at a leaf from my ATF that is finishing outdoors (the one that rashes up my arms big time!) under a 30x scope for the first time ever

i noticed a bunch of spiky, almost barb like trichomes with no head whatsoever. they were about 10% of the total amount of trichomes on the leaf surface.

they looked exactly like these smaller trichomes shown here on the stinging nettle! im convinced some cannabis strains have possess defensive trichomes

damn...so this hit me by surprise

i was just looking at a leaf from my ATF that is finishing outdoors (the one that rashes up my arms big time!) under a 30x scope for the first time ever

i noticed a bunch of spiky, almost barb like trichomes with no head whatsoever. they were about 10% of the total amount of trichomes on the leaf surface.

they looked exactly like these smaller trichomes shown here on the stinging nettle! im convinced some cannabis strains have possess defensive trichomes


So just to clarify a few things. These barb like things are called Cystolith hairs. If I recall my reading of The Chemical Ecology of Cannabis these function to discourage herbivores and insects. I would argue that these are not, nor are capitate-stalked trichomes, capitate-sessile or bulbous trichomes the cause of this phenomenon. It is not a mechanical reaction, but a chemical reaction. I'm not saying these other things are out of the question, but the simple explanation is terpenes. Cannabis contains so many, and many terpenes are known to cause allergic reactions in some people. Although it is also possible that some people can be having reactions to a mold or pesticide/industrial chemical found on the plant material.

Below is a link to an article which talks about Christmas tree (pine) allergies. We all know that beloved pinene, and terpinolene etc are terpenes present in cannabis.


Below is a link to the article titled: Selected oxidized fragrance terpenes are common contact allergens.


This article talked about some people with 'cannabis allergy' also having a higher chance of tobacco or tomato allergy.



id be willing to bet a lot of you have minor PM on your plants and dont even know/see it. happens all the time and will cause these issues


My friend smoked a Roach 3 hours before I came home. There was no smoke in the house. After 2 hours here's how I look. These bumps will continue to grow until they are all over my body. They start as itchy and then as they grow they get very painful. It is not caused by PM.



Active member
My friend smoked a Roach 3 hours before I came home. There was no smoke in the house. After 2 hours here's how I look. These bumps will continue to grow until they are all over my body. They start as itchy and then as they grow they get very painful. It is not caused by PM.

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Have you tried taking Zyrtec? Works great for allergies...


Active member
Fascinating thread. Thanks for bringing this up. I don't suffer allergies myself (thank God) but I do have Agent Orange, which is still in flower, so I will pay extra close attention during harvest, smoking it, etc to see if I suffer any of these same effects.


Well-known member
It is not PM, a certain skunk1 variant does it to mates and did it to a girlfriend reliably. She was very sensitive to allergens anyway and had to carry an adrenaline pen with her always, but this strain as soon as it is dried is fine but freshly cut will send her body into a spin. Hanging is a no go. I am pretty sure that it is terpenes. I have layed in a room with her with the stuff drying and I'm fine, she woke up convulsing nearly having a allergic fit. This has been repeated with mates staying over and sleeping in the 'spare room' with some of this strain drying.

Plants living do not have the same effect (she helped me train and pick bugs etc..and was fine) so I do not think it is hair glands, and the strains affected with PM did not do it.

The cross with this and the blueberry does it too but to a lesser degree. The oil or hash from these strains waxes up no matter what you do and how pure and are the most aromatic I have encountered. Like honey crystallizing. It seems to be the quality and quantity of that particular terpene content. I sweat out the oils of the dope I smoke and smell like a sweet musky skunk (It is pungent) when I wake up and no it is not my BO. I can swear I used to set her allergies off in the morning.

Anyway, don't know if I mentioned before, reishi mushrooms really help for treating this. A tea or home-made extract completely sorted out her allergy issues when she used it regularly and gave about a month of protection after. U can extract with a stainless steel pressure cooker, sliced ganoderma, 1g Vit C/ 100g mushroom and spring or rain water top cover. 2 x 15 medium heat cooks will do it, the 3rd cook is worth it but about 1/8 as concentrated. This should make 10ml eq. to 1g reishi extract for a shot a day tonic and has a 2 week shelf life in the fridge in a closed and clean container and indefinite shelf life frozen. Everyone should use this mushroom. It grows wild where I stay luckily but I can get it from china from next to nothing. My neighbor has just fixed his broken rib in 3 weeks on it and is now feeding it to his old cow and it is really helping her hip problem and general condition. It has growth hormones, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, anti-tumor compounds, insulin regulating compounds, cholesterol clearing compounds and blood pressure reducing compounds in it amongst others AND is completely non-toxic. It is THE SHIT and assists in fixing or treating any physical disease. It will sort out your allergies come harvest time.

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