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How do you go about a grow when a Cop is living on the other side of street.


Hi there a new member here, but I will add my .02 cents to this discussion, as someone who lives across the road from an ex cop. Like someone said once a cop always a cop, but hey seriously everything in plain site is the easiest, there has been some good advice already offered, take it. Get a good carbon filter, get deodorants or incense if you have to, keep your place nice and clean, you'd be amazed at what you can do. Don't let the Repressive State Apparatus get you down and good luck.


Well-known member
Yeh guys, I feel the buffer room with dehumifier is do-eble, I guess we'll settle for thatone.

Thanks a tonne for your input all!

To bad there was no price, otherwise it would have went to Arthritis for the most do-eble solution ! Thanks mate :=)
Been there done that. Appearing to be just another working stiff that likes to have a nice garden is the best cover. As long as the residence appears to be like any other law abiding freedom loving family. Around here the union for the cops likes to call and ask for money, I try to do all I can to appear to be pro law enforcement. As Sun Tzu said, all warfare is deception.


Registered User
It's an apt complex... That's difficult to not get noticed. Getting the gear inside is a task... If anyone looks when you do it... Or taking out the trash, or getting the next batch of medium in there... Or the noise at the front door... Or the fact that the window is open at sub zero temps... Though you should really be able to recirc the heat at those extreme temps... May need a space heater even. And of course the smell... Better have a ton of negative air pressure with those scrubbers.

But all in all... Luckily, the cops iv lived around pretty much keep to themselves and seemingly would rather not socialize with the neighbors. Just don't stand out.

It's a small grow... I'd worry about the neighbors in the complex or the apt manager rather than the cop across the street. Just an opinion tho... Whatever ya do, do it with eyes wide open.


Get a good quality tent large enough to work in - 10x10 or larger. Get a real large carbon filter 8 inch or so, a fan with a speed controller, new ducting flexible and use chrome air conditioner tape to seal it. If the ducts on the tent are to small for an 8 inch filter, use an adapter to go from 8 inch (or 10 or 12) to the correct size for the tent ducts - 6 inch. All he hardware can be this size including fan and ducting. Keep the tent closed 24/7. The lights need to be sealed in cooled reflectors and they need a fan also to draw from outside the tent and exhaust outside the tent also. Using speed controls on fans keep from having to put more air through the ducts than necessary to accomplish the chore. They also help filters from getting overloaded and letting smell through amd makes them last longer - less flow= longer life. Lights need just enough air to keep the air coming out of the exit duct to keep the light reasonably cool when felt with your hand - warm but not hot. 8 inch filter is used to keep a slow draw inside the tent for negative pressure. Just enough to see the tent sides suck in and to keep a slow flow moving through the tent. If you use CO2 then the fan will waste some of it. In that case, the filter needs to be hung from the roof. It would be best to use the Sentinel and a tri-meter if hydroponic with the read outs outside to keep from opening the tent and more than necessary. Then, you need another big can filter that re-filters the air in the room including tent exhaust and removes it from the room - dual filters. Use screens on open ducts to keep whatnot out of the ducts and tent. And intake duct into the tent needs to be twice the size of the exhaust duct = exhaust - 6 " , intake needs to be 2- 6" intake ducts = screened on both ends! Tape the screens over the duct pipe. One 6" fan will cool two 1000 watt lights. Put the ballasts outside the tent. Tent intake could be drawn from a cool source - but not cold - to keep tent temperature down. 70 degrees or so is nice. Exhaust can be sent out of a window but needs to be hidden so people outside cannot tell it is an exhaust...maybe a board cut to fit and open window with a dark cloth over it with no duct sticking out to be seen...The rest is normal setup...


Well-known member

It's a single floor appartment complex in a silent neighbourhood, last building of the block. The guy keeps to himself and along the back yard & at night there will be plenty of opportunity to bring in stuff unseen.
Window open would be nasty yeh, we got to thinker upon that one still, but he could put a container or something in front of it to disguise it beeing open.
The way we'll do things, there will be no sound at the front door.
Negative airpressure > ofcourse.

@Brncow. Thanks for posting but I am familiar with the things you wrote. We got a large fixed closet availeble to work in.


The correct fan speed for the room exhaust fan is when a small draw can be felt under the door of the room the tent is in with the door closed...


Active member
push him out

push him out

I know in the UK if you made his name address and proffession public he would most likley move
Cops are never in the phone book or on electoral roll registers.


Open window invites thieves..cut a board the exact size to fit the hole of the open window, screw it into the frame with metal screws so it is secure. Paint it the same color as the outside of the building to hide the filler board, cut a hole in it, cover the hole with cloth the same color as the outside of the building also, screw a duct flange on the inside - room side...put the duct on it and tape it in place...window needs to be covered with building colored curtain taped on the edges.


Active member
Yeh guys, I feel the buffer room with dehumifier is do-eble, I guess we'll settle for thatone.

Thanks a tonne for your input all!

To bad there was no price, otherwise it would have went to Arthritis for the most do-eble solution ! Thanks mate :=)

dehuey for the win....without the added moisture, the scrubber will perform as intended. That said....I know a guy that had a cop move in right next door. He went with ozone. Scrubber > duct > ozone > then duct out. ZERO smell. He got a Uvonair...like the one below. Not sure how many cells it has though...but knowing him he got the 3 cell $600 version.



The Dude
Yeh guys, I feel the buffer room with dehumifier is do-eble, I guess we'll settle for thatone.

Thanks a tonne for your input all!

To bad there was no price, otherwise it would have went to Arthritis for the most do-eble solution ! Thanks mate :=)

no problem, i had to use this method when i was living in mammoth lakes....where theres a will theres a way bro. keep it green.


The Dude
dehuey for the win....without the added moisture, the scrubber will perform as intended. That said....I know a guy that had a cop move in right next door. He went with ozone. Scrubber > duct > ozone > then duct out. ZERO smell. He got a Uvonair...like the one below. Not sure how many cells it has though...but knowing him he got the 3 cell $600 version.

View Image

those things rock, i just got a bar type for when i trim for added security. Scary thing though leo knows the smell of ozone if they are in the field of narcotics so scrubber after ozone is best nowadays.


It would be wrong to just whack him? Right?
But it is a war. They started it.
He is proud warrior suckin up your money to put you in prison or possibly end your life.

Just seems like we should be able to address LEO like any other parasite in our gardens. What would you do if it was the Borg livin large on your dime across the road?

Fuck the police (or their wives n daughters)
Sounds like your doing this off the book, with no med card...

I would not grow at all if so period.

Some folks just don't have a legal option. Are you saying that these people should not smoke or grow? Medical options are relatively new in the Canna world, and most "legal growers" (i.e. all USA growers) are not really legal at all.


I am in this situation too. But I'm friendly with the cop LOL. I try to keep it neighborly and we bullshit from time to time. Other then that the cop stays to one side and me to mine. I'm sure if it came down to it I would get hung by the balls, so def need to keep odors and any signs under rap.


No Jive Productions
one thing no one has mentioned is prevailing wind. if the wind is coming to you most of the time from their direction they are not going to smell anything.

whenever i look at locations the first thing i check is wind direction. the wind won't be from the dominant direction all the time but most places have a prevailing wind pattern.

i once grew for seven years in the second bedroom of an apartment less than 100 yards across a shared parking lot from the regional drug task force offices. i could see all of them coming and going. what cars they were driving. everything. i mean there was every type of narco cop coming and going at all hours of the day and night. feds, state, local, snitches. i watched them all and knew their faces.

but what i was watching for mostly was whether or not they were paying any attention to my building. if they had come over and walked around it even once i would have ripped the grow out, but they never did.

i did not use a scrubber but was growing a low odor strain, sweet tooth #4.

i vented into the attic of the building which was shared by all apartments. my vent fan blew across a pan filled with pine sol cleaner. and exited the building through a ridge vent 30' above ground level. i burned incense on my balcony.

this was 72 knee high plants in a plastic lined frame on the floor. 2.8k

but with all this modern tent and filter tech you should be able to control smell fairly well.

i did not originally set up my grow with them there. they moved into the facility after i started so i just lived with it.

really the best thing to do is move on to another locale.

while looking for my current situation i would drive the neighborhoods looking at the cars. if i saw a cop car of any type i would move on.

if you have older neighbors they will be nosy and will rat on you in a heartbeat. my apartment was in a college town and i had young pot smokers living all around me. they were noisy and partied a lot. perfect distraction.

where i live now i have yet to see even a routine patrol vehicle.

i guess i'm sharing this to say that it can be done but don't do it if you don't have to. play the long odds.

oh yeah, when i finally moved i walked 72 flowering plants and a bunch of clones out right past a bunch of the cops in the parking lot. i had them in taped cardboard boxes. put them in a rental van and drove off.



Active member
Some folks just don't have a legal option. Are you saying that these people should not smoke or grow? Medical options are relatively new in the Canna world, and most "legal growers" (i.e. all USA growers) are not really legal at all.

Well he asked for advice and I gave him mine, Im not saying anyone who is not following their states rules should not grow, that's their choice to make. I am saying though, with proper rules being followed you have a leg to stand on in court. I had my ducks in a row and no overcooked turkey here... when they came for dinner I had my stuff ready. Had I not im sure I would have taken the rap for it all.

Legal I am to my state and it cant do a thing about it to stop me NOR do they care about me or my plants since they know my paper work is in order. He is talking about a local cop, not a federal cop... thats why I said to walk/call/email or however to that cops station and ask what their view is. Well obviously if he doesnt have a card why even bother asking.


Active member
As above.. my partner runs 1k 5 housed down from a K-9 who gets walked everyday past his house.. Kind of puts a lump in your throat when he walks by but hey.. we like to think we are professionals here. His shit is all in check ( filter, baffle room, --nothing vented outside) and we are too old to party or have traffic.. lol... :biggrin:

Just make sure your shit is in check.. if it is.. u are good to go.

Lay low, be normal ( dont know how old you are but that includes maturity) and grow on:tiphat:

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