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Fed crackdown on medical marijuana dispensaries spreads to Los Angeles, Again...today


Bong Smoking News Hound
By Associated Press, Published: September 25


LOS ANGELES — Nearly a year after federal prosecutors started targeting California medical marijuana shops, they took their fight to Los Angeles on Tuesday after city officials struggled to halt a proliferation of dispensaries.

The U.S. attorney’s office sued three property owners that house pot collectives and sent warning letters to 68 others as they enforce a federal law that doesn’t recognize a California initiative that legalized pot for medicinal use.

The move came as the city’s own ban on pot shops is being challenged and could be overturned by voters if a referendum is placed on an upcoming ballot.

“As today’s operations make clear, the sale and distribution of marijuana violates federal law, and we intend to enforce the law,” U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte Jr. said. “Even those stores not targeted today should understand that they cannot continue to profit in violation of the law.”

California’s four U.S. attorneys pledged last October to curb pot collectives they said were running afoul of the law by raking in huge sums of money and serving as fronts for drug traffickers. Proponents argue the dispensaries are protected by California law that allows medicinal use of marijuana with a doctor’s recommendation.

David Welch, an attorney representing some of the Los Angeles collectives targeted by federal authorities, said he plans to file a lawsuit.

“I expected this to happen and we have planned for this contingency,” Welch said. “The future is a lot less certain considering what seems to be a full press by the federal government.”

Los Angeles passed an ordinance two years ago that was supposed to shutter hundreds of pot dispensaries while capping the number in operation at 70.

But a set of legal challenges against the city by collectives and the recent expiration of the ordinance due to a sundowner clause led to another surge of pot shops. City officials said more than 750 collectives have registered with the city and as many as 200 more could exist.

City officials have had a difficult time striking a balance providing safe and affordable access to pot for people who need it for medicinal purposes while addressing worries by neighborhood groups that streets were being overrun by dispensaries and pot users.

“The shops had an opportunity to work with the city on a path to legitimacy, but once again they chose short-term profits over long term safe access for legitimate patients,” said Michael Larsen, president of the Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council.

More than 175 California cities and 20 counties have banned retail pot shops, according to the medical marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access.

The state Supreme Court is expected to address whether local governments can ban medical marijuana clinics, but a hearing hasn’t been set by the high court.

Los Angeles could soon face a possible referendum on the latest ban approved by the City Council.

Council members must decide by next week whether to call a special election for the measure, repeal it themselves or put it on the March 2013 ballot.

About 375 pot stores and growing operations have already been targeted by federal authorities in the Central District of California, which stretches from Santa Barbara to San Bernardino counties.

Some officials in Los Angeles said they welcomed the federal government’s response after repeatedly being challenged in court by medical marijuana advocates.

“The city has felt like it’s been on its own trying to regulate hundreds of pot shops that don’t want to be regulated,” said William Carter, the city’s chief deputy attorney. “It’s like be careful what you asked for. If you don’t want to be regulated by the locals, you will be regulated by the federal government.” *Best statement ever.)

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Bong Smoking News Hound
people are so worried about someone walking into a shop and buying medication like in a pharmacy. Or would they rather have thugs on the street slanging the anything they can to make a dollar. Once again the better of two evils. at least they are tying to contribute to this U.of S. A.


Bong Smoking News Hound
the jig is up!

The only Jig, is our Government. Medical marijuana is widly needed, and is now founded to KILL cancer. Now we wouldn't want 800 shops, and proof it kills cancer! Then we would legitimize it.

People need to GET THERE ASS DOWN to the City Councilmen, and or at least EMAIL THEM, and CALL THEM. they will ask you for your address. Dont get all scared. just make one up if need be. But make your voice be heard! Because this is not going to end nicely. I recommend you LA people work with L.A. vs against them.



Registered User
I always hated the reasoning that because it is the law, it is just/right. Such a crock of shit considering many come as knee jerk reactions to fear... And aren't well suited to address the underlying issues. 'its the law'... Doesn't make it sensible or esp morally right.

I can't remember how many, but several states still have sodomy laws on the books where if a husband/wife engaged in oral sex in their own bedrooms... Violates the law. Should they enforce those laws? But it's' the law'.

They have discretion in what they pursue, or how. This has no moral grounding... It's a private agenda to quell public interests. I'd like to see some city/county cops to grab a ball sack and arrest the federal agents for violating state laws.


Active member
i am suprised it all has lasted this long to be honest. fucking federal assholes.something drastic needs to happen.luckilly i dont rely on dispensaries

Grass Lands

all good things come to an end...now maybe the growers can make a buck or two...instead of being low balled by the so called clubs...
I probably don't have the most popular opinion, but I think IF the crackdown is going to target 1) dispensaries with rich, fat owners who don't pay taxes and 2) those with ads of green girls in marijuana-shaped-leaf-bikinis, advertising bad bud with no standards for $25 an 1/8th

That will automatically "weed" out 2/3rd of the dispensaries in our fair city. And yes, I do like dispensaries. Just those with morals and shit.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
One step forward
Eleventeen back.
Typical bureaucratic bullshit.
I guess they're motto is "better late than never" instead of "if you can't beat them, join 'em".

Good luck Californians. And everywhere else, too. CA will be the first example...


Well-known member
“As today’s operations make clear, the sale and distribution of marijuana violates federal law, and we intend to enforce the law,” U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte Jr. said. “Even those stores not targeted today should understand that they cannot continue to profit in violation of the law.”
And yet the Federal government has no problem profiting off of the federal tax paid by these dispensaries...and then raiding them afterwards..

Doesnt it make them guilty of the same charge. Profiting off of the sale of cannabis?


Active member
hell none of ya got to worry yet. we gonna keep the feds busy a long time lol. wonder if they will be visiting sd next.


I want to qualify this with I am high as hell. Louis 13 working on my brains.

Seems the Feds realize they can act up with no fear from the boss stepping in because its campaign season, and Holders butt is on fire already.
They also realize if Romney wins they can count on cranking up the boots 100%.
If Obama gets reelected and the states vote to legalize, they are screwed.

So busting dispensaries is really awesome right now if you think about it from a drug warriors point of view.

Ok laugh at me or agree, I really don't care and am going to grab another bong hit.



The Dude
I want to qualify this with I am high as hell. Louis 13 working on my brains.

Seems the Feds realize they can act up with no fear from the boss stepping in because its campaign season, and Holders butt is on fire already.
They also realize if Romney wins they can count on cranking up the boots 100%.
If Obama gets reelected and the states vote to legalize, they are screwed.

So busting dispensaries is really awesome right now if you think about it from a drug warriors point of view.

Ok laugh at me or agree, I really don't care and am going to grab another bong hit.

hammer on the nail bro....pretty much dead on.

Grass Lands

yep its election season...the men in black just wrapped up their "operation mercury" here in the Central Valley...supposed 1/2million plants taken down....I suspect the majority was asain grows.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I want to qualify this with I am high as hell. Louis 13 working on my brains.

Seems the Feds realize they can act up with no fear from the boss stepping in because its campaign season, and Holders butt is on fire already.
They also realize if Romney wins they can count on cranking up the boots 100%.
If Obama gets reelected and the states vote to legalize, they are screwed.

So busting dispensaries is really awesome right now if you think about it from a drug warriors point of view.

Ok laugh at me or agree, I really don't care and am going to grab another bong hit.

Just how fucking stoned are you? ALL this federal crackdown happened solely on Obama's watch! Hell man at least Bush left us alone, I WISH we had him back, man get a clue?....Il take Romney any day over this " hope and change" liar we have now! He has done NOTHING for the MMJ community and in fact has done a lot of damage to friends of mine who have lost business's and their livelihoods!


Active member
I wish I knew what to say here. I can understand why a straight laced US attorney would consider this a simple, complete, and crucial violation of Federal law. It's pretty simple to me, we need to change Federal law. But how? It's going to be extremely difficult to get the government to let loose of control on this issue. They want to own the option of letting you have it, or not, and they generally don't want you to have the option to have it.


ruger 500
there is not one bit of differance in mittens and osoma,both have the same goal just a different approach