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52w CFL PC Trainwreck from seed

Second try at this, I've got two Trainwreck plants at 17 days in hempy buckets, feeding Fox Farms hydro nutes.

I think I've gone and burned them with their first feeding, which was 1tsp/gal of Big Bloom and Grow Big at 9 days. They've been flushed, but the bottom fan leaves are still curling up and turning brown. The seedlings got five days of 18/6 and then went straight into 12/12. My last plants were both male so I'm crossing my fingers for pistils on this one


Nice...going to watch this one...

And advice for more female plants: more N in soil in the start, lower temperatures, short light cycle and enough water. If it's otherwise you'll get more male plants...
yeah on my last attempt I started them in potting mix and burned the bottom leaves right off, so this time I put the seeds straight into the perlite/vermiculite mix with neutral water. After a week they were looking yellow and the stems were turning purple so I figured a 1/2 strength feeding would be good for them, and apparently it was too much too soon.
Well with the temperature dropping in my area I've been able to keep the room they're in at about 74*f, so I added a 32w CFL, for a total of 84w. Temps in the case hold at around 79*f during lights on, 69*f when off. Nute burn symptoms are progressing in the lower leaves, but with the new growth looking very yellow and curled, I gave them a 1/4 strength feeding today @19 days
I'm having trouble telling what exactly is wrong with my plants. I've assumed it's nutrient burn caused by my inexperience, but I realize it could also be a deficiency, particularly in K. Looking to get some opinions on this.
It's day 28 here, and no big changes other than topping and beginning to train the larger one. The temperature around here has dropped a lot, so I've been able to keep the PC at 76*f with the three lights on. Only things bothering me are what you see happening to the bottom leaves, and the kink in the stem of the big one. I figure the kink will likely work itself out eventually, but I don't really know what to do about the lower fan leaves.


The stem will be fine in a few days to a week, don't worry.

As for the bottom leaves, you can take the very burnt ones off. They serve no purpose now and will fall off soon anyway. I'd say it's a classic nute-burn, which you already know. If you're still getting burnt leaf tips, especially on the newer foliage, it's still too much. Small plants + low light input = lower nutrient requirements.

Also what's your pH?
If you haven't yet, check out this thread about most of the problems you could encounter.

If your problems get worse you can make a separate thread in the infirmary and you should get things under control with their help. Imo it's not looking too shabby and as the plants will get bigger (assuming your pH is ok) they will grow out of it.

PC-s are fun, good luck!
my pH is around 5.5-6.5. I'm just using a GH liquid test kit so I can't give you exact measurements, but everything that goes into these pots has been in that range, so my runoff is the same. I've been assuming that these are burn symptoms, but it's been hard to differentiate between that and K or P deficiencies, since I have little experience with either. I'm not gonna freak out over it though, the last run did pretty much the same thing and they just grew right through it
Both started showing sex yesterday. Unfortunately, the big one was male so I trashed it, but the smaller one is definitely female. I think I'm gonna name her Delilah. As you can see, I didn't top her because she was so stunted to begin with, so I'm hoping some of the lower budsites will fatten up now that she's tied down. I don't expect a lot out of her, but anything at all will be good enough at this point.

also, a sneak at what else is growing in my closet


Active member
'Chase & Status - Time ft. Delilah' you didnot think of that song by any chance? Excellent name anyways, seems to be enjoying her time in ther. Sorry to hear about your male though!


Active member
Hey if I may offer some advice on your burn issue :)

It is not really that you are feeding too much, its thats your feeding the wrong thing. Even though you are on 12/12 your plant is still in its veg stage until flowers start to appear. Next time hold back giving just veg nutes and a root stimulator, as well as not yellowing your plants will grow much faster.

Keep up the good work, I started about a year ago micro too, I made lots of mistakes and learnt along the way, micro is a very unforgiving environment.
Hey if I may offer some advice on your burn issue :)

It is not really that you are feeding too much, its thats your feeding the wrong thing. Even though you are on 12/12 your plant is still in its veg stage until flowers start to appear. Next time hold back giving just veg nutes and a root stimulator, as well as not yellowing your plants will grow much faster.

Keep up the good work, I started about a year ago micro too, I made lots of mistakes and learnt along the way, micro is a very unforgiving environment.
yeah I think next time I'm gonna start with just the nitrogen-heavy Grow Big in small doses, instead of trying to measure a weaker version of the Fox Farms recommended schedule
I hope female turns out great...Also like your shrooms (do you know what kind?) :D
golden teachers, I'm excited for 'em. It's the third time I've done it with the BRF tek, but it'll be only my second time going all the way to fruiting, since last time I did it my furnace was down for a week in the middle of winter and all my cakes died