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Applying for refugee status in Canada

lost in a sea


your not in an army, its called leaving the country..

canada is only one or two steps behind the us thesedays, i wouldnt bother..

headband 707

Plant whisperer
You know it's fucking cold here and it really sucks right? Go south where it's warm and fun.. and the Gov isn't all up in your face.. headband 707

lost in a sea

go to venezuela..

you may mock me now but in less than ten years that place might seem like a paradise compared to america.. albeit a socialist one..

h^2 O

if the USSR was still around i would go to the embassy and ask for a modest place in Moscow, a hot blonde with good hips, and a job


Well-known member
For $100,000 you can get dual citizenship in Dominica and passport, visa free travel to over 100 countries. Tax free status, There are no capital gains, gift, and inheritance taxes in Dominica. If you have income coming in from outside of Dominica you do not pay income tax on this income. And you don't even have to live there. You can get a residential permit for persons wishing to reside in Monaco, Switzerland, Andorra, United Kingdom, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Bahamas and other Caribbean countries is easier to obtain by Dominican citizens, based on relations with these countries.


Active member
welll thats gonna take him quite a while i would guess unless the indians raise his loan limits . maybe offer your services monitoring the hydro electric water stuff. do worrry if you leave the rest of us superheroes got it covered.
if u go to canada ...the yukon territory is where it's at.

just outside whitehorse you can get "super-lost" (...new internet slang for "the bush")

....and live off the land homie


if the USSR was still around i would go to the embassy and ask for a modest place in Moscow, a hot blonde with good hips, and a job

been wondering if Lee Harvey Oswald was really delusional for a while now:chin: new data can be found in the goofiest places

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
hey h^2 O- You don't have to live like a refugee!


Ya You DONT HAVA TA LIVE LIKA REFFUGEEEEEEEE!!!! (dont have to live like a refugee)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Just when you thought it was
safe to go into the water.......


so maybe your impassioned plea for refugee status might include that you've been washed up now for years and that living in grannies cellar has been wreaking on your lungs/gills/whatever.

btw, when going through the visa interview at the appropriate embassy it would be best to take your meds so you won't be slipping back n' forth from one personality to another.



headband 707

Plant whisperer
For $100,000 you can get dual citizenship in Dominica and passport, visa free travel to over 100 countries. Tax free status, There are no capital gains, gift, and inheritance taxes in Dominica. If you have income coming in from outside of Dominica you do not pay income tax on this income. And you don't even have to live there. You can get a residential permit for persons wishing to reside in Monaco, Switzerland, Andorra, United Kingdom, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Bahamas and other Caribbean countries is easier to obtain by Dominican citizens, based on relations with these countries.

Who gets the $100 thousand? lol there are similar deals throughout the world.. I guess I would see what's up with the Gov. and how stable things are.For example right now here in Canada they have a hold on many of the Iranian's property/cash from TD Bank stating that this money is proceeds from the war now being waged. Now there are many pissed off ppl in this town. Trust banks is like trusting the Gov. headband 707:tiphat:


sorry S4L, i had to fix it........

should specify 'child bearing hips' so we don't lose your wonderful gene.......

nobody gets to hang out by the pool when their family tree already looks like a stump:Bolt:
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gang stalkers sent by the goverment? your a horrible superhero. i am talking to the council and getting your status revoked.




You could always sign up for the Legion of Doom. You would begin as a junior member however. You would start out scrubbing the floors, bathrooms and responsible for the Friday fish fry we do every month.

Also, you could be the first member of my prestigious club SSGG.


I will PM the applications to you


h^2 O

For $100,000 you can get dual citizenship in Dominica and passport, visa free travel to over 100 countries. Tax free status, There are no capital gains, gift, and inheritance taxes in Dominica. If you have income coming in from outside of Dominica you do not pay income tax on this income. And you don't even have to live there. You can get a residential permit for persons wishing to reside in Monaco, Switzerland, Andorra, United Kingdom, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Bahamas and other Caribbean countries is easier to obtain by Dominican citizens, based on relations with these countries.

thanks draztik!