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Sloooooooow Growth? DWC


Active member
I am assuming this is due to high temps in my tent but wanted to make sure there isn't something I'm missing.

Strain; Blueberry Gum
Seed popped; 8/19/2012
Room temp; 78-80
Temp in tent; 82-91
Ec; 1.5 (750ppm)
pH; 6.0
Res temp; 76


I guess my question would be; When I get my temps under control will my plants start growing again at a normal rate. Or can the heat stunt them? The plant is still producing nice white roots.

Thank you


Active member
Wouldn't worry to much about room temp if you got good air exchange (do you?). However the res temp is gettin a little warm. If you got white roots then you should be fine(frozen 2 lts or nute jugs will help - milk jugs will spilt open). What kinda light you got and how far from plant?


id be trying to lower the rez temps man,76 is a little higher than optimal in dwc,and cooler water holds more oxygen,so youd have to have serious bubbling in the rez,to conpensate for the higher water temps,and i just cant help but look at that pic and say they look overwatered/oxygen deprived,maybe even overfeed?

theyr a little small/young for 750ppm...and the ph should be a little lower in dwc,maybe let drift from 5.5-5.8..

and lastly,the tent temps are 82-91??thats higher than id like,is there any way to lower them?


Active member
So high res. temps and maybe too much food. Ill try dropping my PPM to 300-400 and see if she responds.

As far as the tent temp goes; I do have good air flow. Its just with the hot weather we/ve been seeing here it been tough to keep them low.


Active member
Went ahead and did a res change. Added only Grow a&b at half the recommended dose,. I also left out the add .27. I am running DutchMaster nutes


Active member
Any guess on how long I should wait to see an improvement?
I cant see your pic for some reason (must need an update)

Can't see how 1.5 EC can = overfert. I doubt this is the problem.

I knew a guy out in CO who would grow 3lb per 1k in rdwc (I am still a little short of that) in his shed that reached temps of near 100F. He did have CO2 however, I dont'. Kept the res cool tho.

PH of 6.0 on hydro is at the upper limit. All avail but no room for error. So, if you are getting drift, which is normal start a lil lower and don't let it go over 6.0.

Res temp is dangerous. You probably won't have problem until flwr when plant needs more DO. DO and high temps dont mix. try the frozen jugs if u aint got $400 for chiller.

What about the light? type/watt/distance?

NOTE: in soil if you go from a cup to a five g pot growth will slow while the roots expand. If you are having great root expansion and they're fuzzy white then all is well. So what about the lumens?

BTW- I've done dwc/rdwc for a couple years and just gave it up b/c of the DO issue in flwr. Once you get pythium in system its hard to eradicate. So hope u have vigorous bubbling and you will need to get temps in check soon or you'll have to add the O2 via H2O2, which sucks. O2 won't stay in H2O at high temps so all the bubblers won't matter much.

To answrr your question, even at the lower EC as long as PH stays 5.6 -6.0 they should be showing new growth now. That is if you have white fuzzy roots, your PH really is 6.0 or lower, got ample lumens, and have adequete air exchange AND your nutes are fresh and mixed properly.

If not gettin good growth in a day or two list everything(light, height, nutes, cfm of fan etc) about your grow and someone will help you out. Maybe get all that together w lotta pics and start new thread.



Active member
I have always ran a pH of 5.5-6.5 with no issues. I normally set my pH at 5.6 and wont mess with it unless it goes over 6.5. Never had this issue. As far as lights go I am running 420w (281w out of the wall) of led. Now that I am typing this is remember that all three of my led panels are for flowering. I wonder if I'm not getting enough blue. hmmmmmmm. I normally have some cfls in my tent with my led's but seeing that I was having some high temps I left them out of this grow. I wonder?


Active member
Bout the red light, (I cant see pic), but I have had plants explode w growth after swappin bulbs(used an old ass MH from a warehouse). The diff in spectrum was like from a orangey incandescant to this brilliant blue.

And I must say I'll start at around 5.7 and let her drift to 6.2 b4 addin down. Some say that's actually best cause you get all nutes that way. So long as ur not stayin at high PH for too long. Takes more than a day or two at 6.5 to get a lock out....


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
the first 2 weeks in rdwc from clone can be a little slow while they are establishing. I would suspect since you are growing from seed that is even more so. For the size of plant you have growing I would be at 300ppm. 750 ppm would be used in my RDWC system for bushes/trees at the end of veg or in the stretch. I can grow in rdwc or dwc blindfolded so please consider lowering your nutes.


Active member
the first 2 weeks in rdwc from clone can be a little slow while they are establishing. I would suspect since you are growing from seed that is even more so. For the size of plant you have growing I would be at 300ppm. 750 ppm would be used in my RDWC system for bushes/trees at the end of veg or in the stretch. I can grow in rdwc or dwc blindfolded so please consider lowering your nutes.

This is a good question for debate:
What is the ideal EC (don't use ppm) for a 1 month old seedling/clone; well established veg plant; mid flower; late flower???

The idustry standard when I started hydro was 1.8 EC (pushin 20 years). I'd go right from clone to 4x4x4 cubes at 1.6 EC then 1.8 at next change and kept it there til harvest.

Is there something unique about dwc/rdwc? What should the EC be in the aforemetioned Q?



Active member

Pulled 1.5# + some fluff

.8 ec and res temps reached up to 82f

Had I put a trellis up I would have pulled closer to 2. A few plants fell over and blocked light to a few plants.

I use ro water. The growis in my sig.rswc.


Active member
Seen your pics. NICE looking set up. I've ran that low b4 and I just dont if more is better or not. Need to do a side by side, which isn't practical. Ussually net 1.2 + (.3 starting water) then bump to 1.5+(.3) = 1.8 later when I add PK. I like your system tho. Might play around with the concept next run. Thanks!!!!

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