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BajanGreen's 2012 outdoor Rain-Dance.


passing the gas
'sup BG? how's those girls? we get a lotta rain here lately by my girls never feel it.
hope you are chillin' with de Jamaican mon....


This year i got 3 small spots it hasent been bad but i think i could do better. haven't really been growing for a long time since "overgrow."

Spot 2 has MY strain headbanger a arizona/vincy F1 cross they are in 10 gall pots, i have 8 of those: media is peat moss, bagass, chickenshit, sea sand duck weed and ash. those girls are the best about 2 by 2 with 30+ tops tired defoliating and topping on these worked out ok. This spot has 2 vincys in 10gall pots too these are my biggest i think i over did it with the topping though.
One of these girls have me worried because the bottom branches are dieing and i don't know why maybe root bound? or over fert the tips are burnt. the suckers on this spot are aufull i transplanted them to small bags 60 from the whit pots in the pic before but i got no rain and i left them in full sun most of them died. got to check back next week.

spot 1 has 2 batches of plants numbering in all 60 ranging from 1.5 feet to 4 feet most are starting to bud but very unstable and grouchy.

spot 3 is pure GG attached by scale and sutty mold the two plants i have next to them are in pots.

yet to take pics. i am waiting on rain the rain has been falling off and on form the start of this tread. If it does start to rain i still think i icould hit the 10 pound mark i wanna this year.


Tropical Storm Ernesto dumped 2 days of constant rain on my ass i hope my babys are good, i just transplanted 60 to small bags, i would love to check them but tonight is foreday jump up, is a carnival in the city from 12pm to sun rise!!!!!


passing the gas
I'm curious why do you put them into the bags instead of right in the ground? seems like they would catch more of the rain if they were planted maybe?

I stuck 5 clones that were about 10" high outside yesterday. they should start to flower
but they are hidden by the natural weeds around them. I'm thinking it might work with the right strain. my 1st outdoor plants.

hope your girls are soaking bro!




I sure did have a good time, these are some random shots of people enjoying them self.


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I'm curious why do you put them into the bags instead of right in the ground? seems like they would catch more of the rain if they were planted maybe?

I stuck 5 clones that were about 10" high outside yesterday. they should start to flower
but they are hidden by the natural weeds around them. I'm thinking it might work with the right strain. my 1st outdoor plants.

hope your girls are soaking bro!

There in bags so i could grow alot in a small place and until they show sex then i can put only females in the earth.


Did a nute run today, got the shock of my life, this is going to give me nightmares for sure. Lost 6 plants today because of a Tea I applied last week, strange thing is they look withered and not nute burn maybe it’s the sugar that messed them up? I used a lot, Read somewhere about osmosis pressure or something (got to look it up) that off sets the plant moisture uptake mechanism, not sure though BUT they were some of my best plants. Before I checked the 3rd spot and saw that it was destroyed by last week’s application of compost tea, I happily foliar feed with compost tea of the same recipe to the other 2 spots and top dressed them with chicken shit & 12-12-17-2, now i am worried that all my plants will die as well, I really hope this is not the result of such hard work this year, I am not going out to the spots for the next 2 weeks for fear of seeing dead plants and I will keep my fingers cross, when I go I will take the camera too. This Tea was stronger than the last one but I used 5 gall to 70 plants sprayed on the leafs while the set that killed the plants on spot 3 was 5 gall to 9 plants to the roots. So I am hoping that it was not strong enough to kill my main crop this year. I got all excited with the people on this site talking about this "august stretch" a little too excited I have to say…………

I Bagged out 40 bags with my soil mix, just waiting on the rain to put the suckers in now.
Got 6 seeds from out of a vincy that I liked, quick budder smells so nice and sweet. but with all this rain they started to germinate while in the bud so I immediately planted them along with the next round I have going out; 10 HeadBangers, 10 Arizona and now 6 vincy.


Chunkypigs my brother, i hope all is well with you? i will say my prays for you hope you do the same for me!!! I have my fingers crossed.


passing the gas
Hey BG! sorry to hear about your tea problem, perhaps you sprayed a mix that had the wrong ph?? or maybe there was something in the tea they didn't like this time.

I checked my 5 outside girls and they made it thru the transplant, we are having regular rain every few days so we will see.

I've been trimming my 1st indoor harvest this summer, had to take them at 8 weeks because of powder mildew. it's been very humid and its the 1st time I've had to deal with PM. I was spraying with milk and water but eventually I got some eagle 20 and now I will
treat them all in veg with it.

I have about 30 of my new seed run in flower and I have a couple that really look and smell great. I'm sampling the 6 new clone only strains I brought back and they are pretty good. I have about a dozen males going off from seed right now and Im making some crosses. yesterday I crossed lemon larry OG male with apollo13 girl.

lots of work here for a farmer like me, today I take more clones and repot clones.



I take some crappy ass pics!!!! all my plants are looking so nice i have no a thing to worry about.

Yes that is a bird's nest in my tree.


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passing the gas
Thats cool! Yeah sometimes the plants get some stress. try ph strips that people use on themselves. I don't even touch my ph pens anymore, its all i use. got to keep it dry tho' maybe a ziplock down there;-)

So every thing in the picture is sexed? The nest is very cool.


Damn finch knew why he was building a home in my tree! it was for the seeds, the little guy cut off lots of new bud looking for a belly full, so he had to go, i got rid of the nest i know he will come back, how do i deter finches? All the plants are doing fine, no rain for 8 days and the sun is hotter than ever, i pack in water every 2 days now 8gall, with the mulch it been enough to keep the girls alive.

So, i took some pics, not the best but......... there are 8 big ones in pots and about 25 in small bags, can spot them?


Keep dancing for the rain guys, i need it,thanks, the sun is very hot this last week and the girls are drinking so much its starting to get hectic. lots of stuff to update about but that is it so far.


Well-known member
Ok ill do a rain dance for u and hopefuly all my rain will head your way. Im hoping for sunner days for my ladies till harvest time. best of luck.



Whoa #1cheesebuds, i got a micro shower over my spot, like your dance is working for me B. looks like i don't have to water today. i will try to get some bud shots tomorrow for you guys i know how every one likes pictures.


lol yo chunky, was saying that train wreck got you too busy to be online. fly high my brother, i got me a kush or grand daddy purp seed. don't know witch one yet they got mixed up, but it growing time will tell which it is.


Well-known member
sweet, glad the rain dance I did helped out a little bit. I actually did a rain dance just to see if it could really work for someone else. and it looks like it did a bit...
