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Blackberry - Smoke Report


Active member
Date: 15 July 2012
Time: 5:30 pm PST
Strain: Clone only Blackberry




Physical Examination

Visual Appeal: (visual appeal of the buds from 1-10 unappealing - excellent)
Visible Trichomes: (visible trichome content from 1-10 none - totally covered)
Colors present in the buds: ( on a scale from 1- 10 light - dark)
Purple: 9 Green: 2 Yellow: 2 Yellow: 9 Orange: 3
Bud density: (Bud density on a scale from 1-10 airy - dense)
Aroma Description: (on a scale from 1-10 upon freshly broken bud where 1 indicates subtle presence and 10 indicates pronounced presence )
First: Acrid: 4 Sweet: 2 Hash: 2 Berry: 2 Then: Floral: 5 Dank: 3
Aroma: (Aroma from 1-10 repulsive - delightful)
Aroma Intensity: (Aroma intensity from 1-10 subtle - overwhelming)
Were there seeds present in the bud?(Y or N)
Were there herm flowers present on the buds? (Y or N)
Overall Appeal: ( from 1-100 where 1 is frightening and 100 is majestic)
Additional comments:
This sample looks nothing like other blackberries I have tried. Completely different then Blackberry from nirvana or Nebu. Simply put, this was some handsome weed. The smell was complex and ever changing. There were different hints of acrid plant material and subtle berry flavors. There is a nice warmth coming off of the nugget when I smell it, I can feel the smell inside my nose. Deep purple calyxes riddled the inside of this sample highlighted by dark gold veins.

Smoke Test

Utensils: 8" steamroller

Taste Description: (use numbers from 1-10 that apply to the taste where 1 is a subtle presence and 10 is a pronounced presence)
Floral: 4 Acrid: 3 Sweet: 2 Berry: 1
Taste pungency ( pungency of taste from 1-10 light - heavy)
Taste impression: (impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant- scrumptious)
Moisture Level: (1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal)
Harshness: (1-10 smooth-harsh)
Smoke expansion: (smoke expansion in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explosive)
Smoke test comments:
The smoke on this sample was very tasty, the most subtle berry flavor lingered in my mouth for minute after my first toke. Initially there was a really nice floral/flower taste, but that evolved quickly to a more acrid berry taste that was very delightful. The bud was slightly damp and I believe what little harshness there was on this sample would have been non existent if dried more, it was a very smooth smoke. The expansion would catch you off guard because of how smooth the smoke was and would make me cough from time to time during this review.

Follow up questions

Dosage: .3 grams

Effect Onset: immediately & 20 minutes to full effect

Potency: (from 1-10 none-devastating)
Effect length:
~2 hours
Usability (from 1-10 where 1indicates the worst time of the day to consume this strain and 10 represents the ideal time of day)
Morning/wake up: 6 day/work: 4 Evening/relax: 8 Night/sleep: 8

Effect (what effect did the strain have write P if it had a POSITIVE effect and N if if had a NEGATIVE effect, next to each selected area please rate the intensity of effect from 1-10 where 1 would be a subtle presence and 10 would be a pronounced presence)
P - 6 :Ability to rest or sit still
N - 3:Anxiety relief
P - 3 :Appetite
P - 8 :Audio Perception
P - 4 :Humor Perception
P - 6 :Imagination/creativity
N - 5:Memory
- :Mood
- : Ocular Relief

P - 6 :pain relief
- :Paranoia relief
- :Sex drive
P - 5 :Sleep
N - 6:Speech Process
- :Taste Perception
N - 4 :Thought process
P/N - 3 :Visual perception

Overall rating from 1-100:
Final Comment:
The high on this acted immediately, which made it very difficult to complete a review in a single sitting. The high was at first potent but continued to get stronger for minutes after peaking a full 20 minutes later. Music in particular continued to get my attention. This is a very good choice for evening/relaxation/sleep, it was a very potent and well balanced body stone. At times during this review my body was buzzing almost, I could feel the high in the veins of my body, in the back of my neck and in my bones. I had a hangover before I did this review and this stone completely covered that up, I can say honestly that it cured my hangover 100%. I also had pains in my hand and they had gone away too. My eyes were bloodshot and I had minor cotton mouth. My head became slightly clouded after the full effects set in which made it easy to get distracted, hard to recall my short term memory, and most of all speak correctly. This blackberry completely changed my entire perspective on "blackberry" as decent smoke. I have never enjoyed the stone of a blackberry ever, and I am pleased to say I enjoyed the shit out of this. In combination with its beautiful array of colors, the high makes this some very desirable weed~ indeed.


Thats not Blackberry. The original Blackberry was by Somablaze and it was actually purplish and smelled like Blackberry.


Active member
There is more then just one blackberry. There are even companies that have sold seeds with the name blackberry on them. As far as the original goes, who is to say which came first, but I certainly did not claim this was the original, only that it is a clone only plant. This one in particular was grown in Washington, however I am not sure of its origins before that.


Active member
S2b this is not the Blackberry you know, I just googled the story you are familiar with, and that blackberry is exactly what I was comparing this to in my additional comments section of my initial physical examination.

I don't think S2b is hating, he is trying to keep the information out there straight and that's what needs to be done.

This is not that blackberry, I am positive. I know he's had this for ages too, but for how long exactly I am unsure. I liked this version of blackberry so much I grabbed a clone from him, not only was this pot potent, but the yield on his plant was pretty outrageous and filled out head to toe with nuggets just like in my pictures.


not hating at all, those pics look great! Getting a "blackberry" cut from Oregon this week...id be happy if it looked like that! lol

im one of the ones that paid $1000 for 10 seeds of the black russian back on overgrow and just trying to keep the information straight!


Active member
I had a friend pop some of those black Russians, good luck on those bro they came out killer for him from what I remember.

I hit up a lot of people over the last couple of days since posting this review, A few of them told me my description and pictures were identical to their Blackberry Kush, after going into detail about the plant with them they were convinced that this sample was in fact the Blackberry Kush. I'll be talking to the grower of these meds within the week so I'll get more information on this specific cutting and fill everyone in.

If it is indeed Blackberry Kush, then I'm sorry for the mix up, and I'll correct the title of this review.


That looks like the blackberry kush we get in cali , its not related to the nirvana with cambo.
Sometimes it looks like what you have , & more often than not its pretty black (purpleish black) looking , depending on the grower.


Active member
I smoked some blackberry kush and then compared both plants, I do not believe this is the blackberry kush. The plants are notably different, the smoke is also different.
I have heard of platinum blackberry kush as well as the other, is this the one you were referencing chase?


New member

I have about 12 original F1 Blackberry seeds from Nectar seeds.

Are the any good and worth to make F2 seeds of?


Active member
Nice Pics!
I will never grow BlackBerry Kush again!
I call it BlackBerry crap.
The only thing kush about it is the small nugs it produces.

All the trimmers loved working on it.
It looked so pink, green and purple yummy.

But was just average bud. Nothing special.
I think you may like something better/stronger.
Good luck!
