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Can you give me your opinion on this soil?


New member
I want to know if this soil is good for outdoor growing, its a biohumus and here's the lab analysis

dry substance 45.25 %
Moisture 54.75 %
Organic matter 60.62 %
Оrganic Carbon 35.16 %
pH /H2O/ 7.37 ph
Salts (or sodium) 3.99 mS
Total N 2.34 %
Total P2O3 2.20 %
Total K2O 0.86 %
Total CaO 8.31 %
Total MgO 1.30 %

water soluble N-NH4 (natural moisture) - 11.12 mg/kg
water soluble N-NO3 (natural moisture) - 1574 mg/kg
water soluble P2O5 (natural moisture) - 250 mg/kg
water soluble CaO (natural moisture) - 673 mg/kg
water soluble MgO (natural moisture) - 423 mg/kg

water soluble Cl (natural moisture) - 574 mg/kg
water soluble SO4 (natural moisture) - 730 mg/kg
water soluble Na (natural moisture) - 65 mg/kg

Total substances - Dry
Total As - <4.0 mg/kg
Total Cd 0.313 mg/kg
Total Cr 9.34 mg/kg
Total Cu 44.4 mg/kg
Total Ni 11.2 mg/kg
Total Pb 11.7 mg/kg
Total Zn 164 mg/kg
Total Hg 0.120 mg/kg
Total B 13.3 mg/kg
Total Fe 0.643 %
Total Mn 319 mg/kg

I can use some additives to change or enrich the mixture if necessary ,but the total volume of the soil will be over 300 gallons.

I ideally want something that resembles a soil with Chicken Manure, Perlite, Bonemeal and Gypsum.
So why don't you just make a soil with chicken shit, perlite, bonemeal and gypsum??? I really don't understand your post.

Sounds to me like you've got yourself a bag of compost.

Plenty of great soil mix recipes around here. Pick one.


New member
because I cant find all the materials. All I got is this ready compost. Is it optimum for weed? should I add anything to it ?


Sounds like the scam from Russia - claiming to be using a 'new hybrid' that they call the "Red California Redworm"

Avoid - send your money to a Nigerian banker - a much faster way to get scammed
Last edited:


60% organic matter?? That's not soil, that's compost. Cannabis likes high levels of OM, but that is way too high. You need some soil to mix it with, that is probably going to burn the crap out of your plants.
Most local nurseries will carry exactly what we need as far as peat, compost and perlite is concerned. Ag feed stores will carry the rest. Hell, I've seen people do alright from shit they can find at walmart. Hardware stores. I just made well over 100 gallons of compost in 3 weeks...with alot of shovel work. In our natural environment many plants can be made into fertilizer. I just began using a Burdock FPE.
Don't just sit on your ass and think you'll order everything off the net. Go burn some fossil fuels and get the shit you need. Bonemeal, liquid seaweed, and a 5-1-1 fish fert are usually very easy to find.


60% organic matter?? That's not soil, that's compost. Cannabis likes high levels of OM, but that is way too high. You need some soil to mix it with, that is probably going to burn the crap out of your plants.

^^^ However, the ratio of C:N, while off, can be pretty easily corrected, wouldn't you agree? Also, it's got decent Ca:Mg and NPK ratios, as well as the micros offering a fair starting point, seems to me. I think it's a good start, and if the worst he has to do to it is either add some native dirt/earth or carbon then that's doing alright. The carbonaceous material is easy enough to get in there.

Myron, may I suggest using something other than perlite? I really, and I do mean REALLY like rice hulls. I cheap out and use the baled hulls sold for animal bedding. I get about 6'cu for $8. I tried to use it alone as mulch and it blows away, but mixed in with something it's WONDERFUL for keeping a mix light. It never floats to the top like perlite, either. Yes, it sprouts, but those are very easily pulled, either by me or by birds.

I'm thinking you could go as high as a 40:60 ratio rice hulls:soil and get decent performance, though it might need some tweaking.

Sinky, I have an album of the girls. They're doing a LOT better in those beds as compared to last year, despite my late start. The only plant showing issues is that one weird African that's still behaving oddly.


60% organic matter?? That's not soil, that's compost. Cannabis likes high levels of OM, but that is way too high. You need some soil to mix it with, that is probably going to burn the crap out of your plants.

pro-mix bx is around 60% OM


I want to know if this soil is good for outdoor growing, its a biohumus and here's the lab analysis

dry substance 45.25 %
Moisture 54.75 %
Organic matter 60.62 %
Оrganic Carbon 35.16 %
pH /H2O/ 7.37 ph
Salts (or sodium) 3.99 mS
Total N 2.34 %
Total P2O3 2.20 %
Total K2O 0.86 %
Total CaO 8.31 %
Total MgO 1.30 %

water soluble N-NH4 (natural moisture) - 11.12 mg/kg
water soluble N-NO3 (natural moisture) - 1574 mg/kg
water soluble P2O5 (natural moisture) - 250 mg/kg
water soluble CaO (natural moisture) - 673 mg/kg
water soluble MgO (natural moisture) - 423 mg/kg

water soluble Cl (natural moisture) - 574 mg/kg
water soluble SO4 (natural moisture) - 730 mg/kg
water soluble Na (natural moisture) - 65 mg/kg

Total substances - Dry
Total As - <4.0 mg/kg
Total Cd 0.313 mg/kg
Total Cr 9.34 mg/kg
Total Cu 44.4 mg/kg
Total Ni 11.2 mg/kg
Total Pb 11.7 mg/kg
Total Zn 164 mg/kg
Total Hg 0.120 mg/kg
Total B 13.3 mg/kg
Total Fe 0.643 %
Total Mn 319 mg/kg

I can use some additives to change or enrich the mixture if necessary ,but the total volume of the soil will be over 300 gallons.

I ideally want something that resembles a soil with Chicken Manure, Perlite, Bonemeal and Gypsum.

the numbers are around 10x what they should be imo


OM (organic matter) is not the same as compost. OM refers to the humus content - or at least it should, some labs have different terminology. There is a huge difference between a mix that is 60% compost and a mix that has an OM of 60%. Anything above 5% OM is usually considered fertile soil, but cannabis does seem to like it well above the 5% mark. Compost can range from 20-70% OM, so even if your mix is 60% compost your OM still might be as low as 12%. This is why when I need to boost my OM I don't actually add just plain old compost - you need something more 'pure' and concentrated like dairy cow manure if you are looking to boost your OM.

Overall I would agree with Seamiaden, the mix looks decent but the N levels are too low for outdoor IMO. Cannabis uses more N than any other element, especially when growing outdoors as you tend to get much larger plants to veg for longer. Outdoor plants use 10-100 times more nutrients than indoor plants will from what I have seen with sap readings and soil lab tests, so do NOT go by indoor soil mixes, you will be seriously underfeeding your plants. My mix this year had 10 times more N than this mix does to give you an idea ( was shooting for about 100 lbs per 1000 square feet). I would also second the recommendation to use rice hulls instead of perlite, they work better.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Forget what you got, get some miricale gow soil from Wally world, grow what you got in that first and pay close attention to you watering regimes.
Next year save up your allowance get your mom to drive you to the local hydrostore and get some soiless mix, then join the internet again and log on the weed forums and learn how to mix nutrients and feed your plants pay close attention..
Next year get some good seeds and now that you have all the pots and nutrients and some knowledge, go get some worm castings and mix it into your soil...
next year get some seeds from the previous grow and work diligently through the forums that have been gracious enough to entertain you... your scientific gobbldy goop is not going to help, experience is the key to knowing how this plant will grow in the environment you want it to grow in...



I used almost pure compost for my (new back then) raised beds, and it didn't work out very well. Certainly not as well as using top-soil. This year those beds are doing much better than last, but I think they can do even better. I kind of wish I'd made them deeper, but we'll have to see how it works out by the end of this year and next year's season is when I think I may have things a little better worked out.

I'm thinking the compost itself is a huge variable right there.


I used almost pure compost for my (new back then) raised beds, and it didn't work out very well.

If I may ask?What problems did you have?

Store bought,homemade?

Mostly K uptake problems, but also clear signs of a Ca-, despite having added back gypsum and oyster shell flour (and some other rock dusts which I forget now without my notes).

Bought from an outfit upcountry from me that sells bulk supplies. I lost the analysis.


60% organic matter?? That's not soil, that's compost. Cannabis likes high levels of OM, but that is way too high. You need some soil to mix it with, that is probably going to burn the crap out of your plants.

How can organic matter "burn" a plant?



Kiss My Ring
How can organic matter "burn" a plant?


yeah this.

also, my weeds grow bigger and faster in pure compost...

jus' sayin' again...

and the compost is pure organic matter, i put it in there.

no analysis necessary when experience prevails.:ying:


How can organic matter "burn" a plant?


High OM usually means lots of chemical and biological activity, which creates heat. You can literally heat burn the plants roots if you use too much or don't give the soil mix time to cook. Ever stick your hand in a pile of composted chicken manure or composted green waste? The stuff can get HOT, easily up to 130 F. Not saying you can't grow straight compost if it's mellow, but it will be FAR from ideal conditions for the plant.

Also compost is NOT organic matter. People don't seem to be getting that. No compost is pure OM, that is bullshit. Pure OM would be humic substances like humic and fulvic acid, plus non-humic substances like min acids, lipids and carbs. We're talking lab results and soils science here, not nonsensical stoner-jargon. OM is not compost; get it straight.

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