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help please


New member
I try to explain (i'm from italy). I've planted 10 days ago, now a lot of plants has the 2 leaves curled and looks like 'plastic' (second pic) and others folded up (first pic), but others are good


To Have More ... Desire Less
I see NO pic's....hear or in U'r album......need to upload photo to icmag 1st....


New member
Created a new album called 'problems'. I retry...maybe i did a mistake with the thumbnail link


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To Have More ... Desire Less
yes soil too hot....need to be cut w/ perlite or rice husk...
looks a little over-watered....seedling need to dry out between watering's....
and i'd worry about those plastic liners U have in the pots...
they will restrict air flow too the roots
and stop the drainage process...thus leading to soaggy roots and rot.....


New member
Well, the days after sowing were very warm and I had trouble keeping the temperature below 35. The lamp is very hot and is already one meter away. Now there are around 30 and during the night something less. The plastic covers only the walls and not to the bottom (I lifted the pots with cardboard and I lined with plastic wrap). Thanks guys, tomorrow I get the rice husk and hopefully bounce back :)


Did you make a planter using cardboard lined with plastic wrap (Saran)? If so, you need to make sure that water can escape, making cardboard a poor choice. You'll need to poke holes into the plastic. What is the other pot made of, and does it allow water to drain out?

You can use mulch like wood chips or the rice husk/hull on top to prevent the soil from drying out. I would not pull the seeds to replant them in a better soil.

If you keep the roots cool and good air flow, the seedlings should be able to handle the heat. Yes, 35C is HOT, but they can take it IF the roots stay cool. If not they die.

It looks to me that the soil may be hot, or the pH may be off.

Learn about vapor pressure deficit and how it affects plants. It is the circulation system because plants don't have hearts or other muscles to move water and nutrients through their tissues.


New member
I added 30 cm of cardboard lined on the top of flowerpot for more soil. the base of the pot has the holes, then a layer of stones and sand. For a couple of days the temperature has dropped (22 min-28max) and new leaves appear normal.
Thanks a lot, this is my 2 experience, last time I did not have temperature problems because I have sown in February and with the window open I could better control the temperature. I changed the soil, this has more peat (I read that peat is fine). If I can maintain this temperature are in the same conditions of sowing on february. I'll let you know the progress :)


I think I understand what you did there now. You made the pot deeper by raising the sides using cardboard, and protected that with the plastic, yes?

Just give the baby some time and keep the roots cool, it should grow. I can't say how well it will do.

Just a little FYI, Jesus Christ Superstar was one of my sisters' and my FAVORITE albums when we were little. We would put it on the record player (of course it was vinyl) and belt out our favorite songs at top pitch. This was around the same time that our parents would play Iron Butterfly's Inna Godda da Vita (or however the song is spelled) as part of the bedtime ritual. Dad would start the record and turn on his strobe light that he'd built himself, with all the different colored gels, and we'd have ourselves a go-go dance session and get ourselves worn out. Worked great!


New member
Temperature under control, wood chips placed...new leaves look like good. Thanks a lot, this is my 2 experience, i've just lifted the vassels, but the bottom is free, with holes, a layer of stones and sand. I planted on february and had no problems with temperature. this time I was stupid, I should sow now that the temperature has dropped. Thanks a lot...I hope no longer need this section. The site is fantastic ;)