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Good or bad outdoor weather this season?


Active member
IMHO the fall will be wet, not as wet as last year. Current forecasts show El Nino conditions becoming stronger in the winter/spring of 2012/2013. So hopefully that means a warmer milder fall. That being said, last year was such a hassle almost anything could beat it lol.
Well for me it's going much better. Last year we had a terrible August, 80% of the time it was rainy or overcast. Slowed down flowering and hurt my yield I'm sure, had some mold problems. It's a little wet right now, but we have a whole week of mid 80s, sunny and partly cloudy most days. Even when it rains we are getting a few days of Sun to help dry things out.


Active member
been alot of smoke in the air lately....blockin out some of the sun some days until 11am....hoping it all clears up soon..

hopefully no ones gardens are getting burned down by the fires up in trinity and tehama..


Active member
I say it has SUCKED

I say it has SUCKED

Weather has SUCKED here in Puna ,Hawaii.. Not more than 3 days straight of sun, well maybe 4 since February. Most days are overcast and rainy. We seriously have not had a week straight of sun yet this year. My plants are hardly budding, everything is creeping along. Yellowing leaves, rain damage ,the whole nine.
Most days are 2-3 hours of sun, then overcast and rainy all day. Or rainy all day and then 1-2 hrs of sun, then rain all night.. It has rained at night most every night I can remember.
If it dries out this fall and winter, we will be golden, if not worse year EVER...
Sonoma County has been unreal! Hasn’t been this good since ’97. Most of my plants are Sativa based, so hopefully the gamble pays off. The Sativas’ went through the transitional period on Aug 13th, and now the flower sites are settling in, growth is truly amazing, plants have been consuming all of their nutrients, including too much CalMag (as always), but that’s expected. Good luck all!

OD budzz

the midwest has been terrible! Over 100 degrees practically the whole summer. worse summer ive lived through. All the watering was a bitch but i fortunate to only loose one.


This past summer in my part of the midwest has been insane had record drought, record heatwaves, record raccoons infestation but these last three weeks have been absolute heaven and actually a little cooler than it should be mid80's to Low 70's with rain at least once a week so girls that survived are starting to put on the weight without any issues and my late clone was put out a week ago at a foot and in a week has grown another half a foot with no pistols coming out of her so little clone will end up a good 2 1/2- 3ft which should give me a lotta seeds so hopefully the rest of the summer stays this mild


The warm/hot weather up here in the Sierra foothills have been good for all our crops this year. Its been more like a typical Sierra summer this year as opposed to the "non summer" we had last year.


Bong Smoking News Hound
i dont know man i swear the plants exploded during the heat wave....grew a couple inches each of those 100 degree days...its just a bitch working in the field in those temps so we bought a redneck pool to cool off in lol...also doubling as an emergency reservoir.

Yeah the bitches love it Hot... 100 plus please for me! its all about the water cycle. the more wet, dry cycle, the more O2 you get to the roots, the bigger the plants in veg and flowering combined. Enjoy this hot summer!

pS. its been a few years since i read this research, but if i remember correctly the optimum temps for cannabis growth are 82 daytime, 62 nightime. Or was it 68 nightime?

If you care the research exist. Also, Dutch passion has done considerable research on temps and sexuality and high temps = male plants.

a lot of that is more indoor based, as the heat from HPS lights and or MH lights and create a very Dry heat that can cook your babies, in which optimal conditions are in the 78 area . the less greater and lesser than you have. the closer you keep your night and day temps indoors, the danker your bud will be ;) tip of the day.


Registered Non-Conformist
Most Things moving along nicely, at a rapid rate.

Except for the Sativa Seed plants, within hearing distance of the Ocean. We'll see how that goes this year.. .

Looks like first week to second of Oct, though for most to really finish.

Usually by the first week of Oct we get some rain at least..

Fingers crossed.
OrganicBuds, Affordable? Sonoma County, nope, hasn’t been since ’81. Too expensive out here, lived out here my entire adult life, I dream of the day when I can purchase acres of land. Your best bet for both growing and affordability is Cloverdale. Its’ hot during the summer, averaging in the mid 90’s, but the plant seem to love it, with no downsides that I have seen. Plus our laws are pretty good around here. Overall the community doesn’t seem to support 215, but they don’t seem to be against it either, but usually pretty hard to find a cool landlord that doesn’t want an arm and leg when you tell them what you plan to do.


Registered Non-Conformist
I know I just posted otherwise a few days ago, but.....

Are any of you Magicians realizing that things are not as advanced as they were in years past - at this point in time of the year..? A Friend and I were wondering why things were not further along it being Sept., and all. I have some plants that are a little Bulky, and the Gonzo #1 doesn;t count - massive - but what's happening out there..? Or not happening, as it were.. I used to pull my plants in the first week of Oct., but this Summer it looks like that same harvest will have to wait at least 10 days if not longer on most.



Organicbuds, I would add that unless you are talking cloverdale/geyserville, the rest of sonoma county has too much overcast for my liking. I have crushed it there for the last few years but compared to southern mendo its a world of difference, all sun all the time. This year in sonoma has been good, but nothing to write home about, the last 2 weeks it has been cold and cloudy almost every morning till noon, booo. Besides the further north you go the cheaper land gets, even some nice spots in lake county.


New member


Man thank god for the indoor garden Im done with the outdoor shit for a while. decided to take a hike and go and hit the girls with some nutes and take some pictures been getting some good rain so havnt had to worry to much well we came in from the north and then theres a nice 40 acre alfalfa field to look across well we sneak up to edge and look across and there two hunting tents full of people about 150 yards from the garden shit we sat down and watch them for awhile sure it was innocent and they were hunting or takeing picture hopfully they didnt walk around into the woods much and stayed in the field. We have had some good weather so should be ok. We were talking about it anymore there a new season earlier and earlier every year fricken people in the woods always lol dont blame them. god i want to see my texadas my buddys are huge and budding beautifully.:woohoo::woohoo:


rain killed plant

rain killed plant

east coast south east foot hills to much rain this year just harvested my cheese wayyyyy to early every thing on it has been dying so i pulled it up and all the roots are gone root rot over watering from daily rains normally this area is dry not a swamp anyway gonna be a lean year smoke wise be lucky to get a oz from the plant but hey better then nothin
see ya in amsterdam cc 25

Veg N Out

The extra stretch of heat in August got them to stack a bit more. Now that the nights are cooling off, they should really speed up. It's not just the day length that tells them it's time to come in...Temperatures play a huge part as well. Bless.

PS> Lake County is straight garbage. Yes, it's hot and dry - But the long time Lake County locals in majority are not that friendly to Ganja and the atmosphere in general in that county isn't that great..Have a buddy down there who has had nothing but problems over the last 5 years.
Weather forecast is saying 6 days of rain, cloudy, 4 more days of rain :frown:. There is also a tornado warning nearby, but it looks like it's going to miss us thank god. Fingers crossed for some surprise sunshine :headbange!

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