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aliens smoke marijuana?

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
The ol keep an ALien baby.....

The ol keep an ALien baby.....



terrance mckenna had a theory that mushrooms are a highly advanced alien organism that landed on our planet via a cosmic dust wave.i think his idea is theoretically sound as fungus reproduce via endospores which can survive temp extremes(like the cold in space)and can stay viable in a vacuum(space) they only survive on already dead material and have there own section in the kingdom classification model completely different than any other organisms on earth.clearly the most advanced organisms on the planet all things considered.side note if your eat specific type you trip balls and the organism shows you where you can improve as a person and humbled my once to prevalent male ego i.e spiritual growth-sorry for getting super tangential on your original post


Fucking epic threa title. A+++++. Isn't there a tribe in Africa dogon I think. They talk about weed being brought to them by aliens.

yep.they say aliens from sirius came and taught them all they know. including teaching them that sirius is a binary star system with a third dead star, a brown dwarf, orbiting the system. a fact they knew hundreds of years ago, and we only figured out in the 1990s. the aliens were suppost to live in the water and they showed the dogon where to migrate in africa to avoid climate change 10000 years ago. thats the herotidus story at least.


Active member
there is one problem with that theory.

humans like to make up stories, both for fun and power (the bigger the lie..)


"why sky have blue fire sometimes Bog?"

"Bog no know, but..maybe..maybe, it big man sky, who control fire, same Ug"

"yes Ug good control fire, maybe big man sky, name Big Ug."

"dont be stupid, he big, name ...eh, Thor."

later conversation, Ug (no relation)

who had not been getting pussy and food as he wanted, suddenly had a brain storm and later said to the group.

"i have big dream, in the other world that we go into when we sleep, Big man Thor came to me and told me...that we need to give food to he and that i should control this and that i now high priest, big important man with big penis..".

(course later different sort of people wanted the job.)
and then there was the

"Fuck, mountain angry, what do we do??"

"maybe mountain like meat, same we.."


Active member
sorry for getting super tangential on your original post

^great post. these sacred plants were brought to us by higher benne sentients to help us. the abusive prone drugs were probably brought to us by malevolent sentients. check out reptilians drugs:

Reptilian humanoids are a common motif in mythology, folklore, science fiction, fantasy, conspiracy theories, and cryptozoology and ufology. Depending on context they are known by many names, including Snakepeople, Reptoids, Dinosauroids, Lizardfolk, Lizard People, Lizardmen, or, in the context of conspiracy theories, Anunnaki.


^great article on the reptilians.

Strange as it sounds, there appears to be some kind of anecdotal correlation between meth use and reported Reptoid (or lizard) delusions. Branton, one of the popular Reptoid conspiracy writers, claims that, "...the reptilians promote the use of drugs especially methamphetamine and crank..."



I would have no problem with proof that this amazing plant came from another world. By far more intelligent beings.

I have no problem with all the conspiracies. I really like Robert Morningstar - Star Elders series and David Icke & Credo Mutwa -- The Reptilian Agenda. All make perfect sense to me!!

And even though I can understand the aliens coming back to get some of the truly elite genetics that humans have developed.....

But please somebody has got to help me with the aliens stealing our guerrilla grows, that was the funniest shit i've heard in a long time....please someone on here tell us their story of the weed abduction by aliens!!!


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
I believe it was the Terra Papers said that there was a drug availble on earth that the aliens used that could only be grown on certain planets, and ours was one of them. Always been curious to what it could be


Active member
haven't read the whole thread so sorry if already stated.

Look into Cannabis = Two dog Plant = two dog planet.

Long story short with horrible details.......an ancient society that had no telescopes worshiped a star system in which their culture believed the gods came from. You can not see this star system with the naked eye, but this civilization knew many details about this system. They knew of a star with two planets. They called this planet "the two dog planet." They also believed that cannabis came from this place. Cannabis actually means dog-two. Makes you think

here is a link, that kind of explains it. I just did a quick google search. http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=89689

putrid retch

New member
My theory is that with all the different planets / moons / stars / galaxies...there's no way that Earth is the 1 & only civilization. We'd be pretty arrogant, thinking we're IT!!
I have no doubt there's others out there.


haven't read the whole thread so sorry if already stated.

Look into Cannabis = Two dog Plant = two dog planet.

Long story short with horrible details.......an ancient society that had no telescopes worshiped a star system in which their culture believed the gods came from. You can not see this star system with the naked eye, but this civilization knew many details about this system. They knew of a star with two planets. They called this planet "the two dog planet." They also believed that cannabis came from this place. Cannabis actually means dog-two. Makes you think

here is a link, that kind of explains it. I just did a quick google search. http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=89689

you can easily see sirius a with the naked eye. its one of the brightest stars in the northern winter sky. seeing its binary counterpart however, was not done til the 80s and the dwarf star that orbits the two we only found in 98. crazy shit. the zulu also have ledgends about how they came from mars because of a war in a spaceship called the meerakava. the hebrew word for the vehicle angels used to visit creation is meerkahbah, almost the same word, from two totally different civilizations, the word describing an object that brought an intelligent entity, supernatural or otherwise, from the sky to the earth.

Fluffy Clouds

they dont smoke, they just suck resin from THE PLANT :D i dont want them in my garden...


I've a feeling we're not in Kanabs any more...

I've a feeling we're not in Kanabs any more...


h^2 O

terrance mckenna had a theory that mushrooms are a highly advanced alien organism that landed on our planet via a cosmic dust wave.i think his idea is theoretically sound as fungus reproduce via endospores which can survive temp extremes(like the cold in space)and can stay viable in a vacuum(space) they only survive on already dead material and have there own section in the kingdom classification model completely different than any other organisms on earth.clearly the most advanced organisms on the planet all things considered.side note if your eat specific type you trip balls and the organism shows you where you can improve as a person and humbled my once to prevalent male ego i.e spiritual growth-sorry for getting super tangential on your original post

that's pretty interesting. I personally think mushrooms have a part in early hominids developing larger brains