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first leaves of seedling curling and distorted



growing a single connoisseur genetics grandaddy purple fem seed in peat moss. started this seed using the same methods i always use but for some reason the first leaves coming in after the cotyledons are curling and growth looks distorted. pics attached--all 3 pics are of the same seedling at diff angles. going to leave it alone and let it do it's thing--hopefully growth with be ok as the seedling develops. has anybody seen this in a seedling before?





Active member
Thats a mutation bro I woudlnt waste my time with it there are too many healthy seedlings and too little time.If you want to give it a shot if the next set of leaves dont straighten out,dump it


I've seen a mutated leaf or two in another strain I've grown. It didn't look quite like this but I think you're right about it being a mutation. Going to let her grow and see what happens.


Active member
Hey s00thsayer! Grow it out. I have seen this a few times and most of the plants eventually produced healthy leaves. Let us know how it goes. Good luck!

-BT :smokeit:


Active member
as everyone else is saying,,, grow it out...will be an interesting project.. That is all predicating that you have the room and time to spend on her. Hope you do though, you just might be pleasantly surprised.
Besides, I do not have any personal experience with the strains but I have heard and read that some of the 'blue' strains carry this mutation.


Well-known member
I bet it grows out of it. I've seen the first set or two of leaves start out wonky, but the plant grows out of it. Looks to me like the 2nd set is looking more or less normal. Like I said, I bet it grows out of it.


Active member
give it some time, I've seen this before, and they usually are NOT Mutations.
you'll see in about 15 days whether it's a mutant or not.
it's way to early to diagnose.


Active member
Wow pretty serious tone there what exactly would you call it Obsidian?Fuckin hilarious if you havent seen this,you havent grown much and though its a real neato experiment to see if it straightens out I surely wouldnt waste my time.They are always stunted and far behind any of her sisters


Thanks for the responses. Sucks if you see mutations frequently florida, maybe you should find better genetics. What strains have you seen with this prob? I've grown several dozen different strains over the years and this is my first time seeing mutations in the seedling stage. Like I said I have only seen minor leaf mutations in one strain-ortega-and it occurred much later and only affected a couple of leaves and some of her sisters had the same problem. The mutations I saw before were webbed fan leaves and looked different than this. Believe it or not I preferred the mutants and I kept cloning one of them for a couple years so I'm not giving up on this plant. I'll post more pics as she grows.


i had a bagseed do the same thing one time. wasnt as bad as yours but turned out fine. didnt run it full harvest for security problems. heard the same thing vukman said bout the blue lines being mutant. id keep it around and see what happens.


Active member
I bet it grows out of it. I've seen the first set or two of leaves start out wonky, but the plant grows out of it. Looks to me like the 2nd set is looking more or less normal. Like I said, I bet it grows out of it.
:yeahthats:yeahthats been my experiences too...if it looks bad after 3-4weeks it prob. has some issues chunk it....genetic fuckup


most of the time that is damage from removing the seed coat if the 3rd set of true leaves still has this then you have something to worry about


Space Ghost's runin to mutations for anybody following this. Thanks thelaughingman!

I suppose it could be the seedcoat thing too since this seedling shedded the shell oddly and had both cotyledons pinched for a couple days so I gently nudged it and everything looked good for the first several days. The next set of leaves are looking normal so far. Damn, disregarded that bajangreen since I've had to help seeds before and I never had this prob of distorted leaves afterwards. Good catch! I guess time will tell whether or not it is a freak mutant.


Yo s00thsayer the only other think i can think of is if its Hybrid vigor.

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