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Possible Nitrogen Deficiency? pic

Indoor Odor

New member
3 round of pics, Plants getting worse!!!

3 round of pics, Plants getting worse!!!

Again thank you to all who have stopped by and offered help. I'm really in a pinch here and need to figure out what is going on.

I have tried several methods of fixing this problem and nothing is getting them any better. Most posters said they thought it was salt burn, I have since flushed and brought the ppms and EC down by half and they are yellowing even faster. Yellowing is concentrated around the main stem. Starting at the bottom and moving up quickly. I thought it might be low on nitrogen so i gave it a dose of Fox farm grow big 400ppm but the did not like that. Gave one plant FF grow with epsom salts added and they hated that. Added worm tea to a couple of plants and they didnt like that either. I thought it might need CalMg but Ive added epsom and dolomite lime is already in the mix. Temps are good, air circulation is good. I would really appreciate any help and opinions that you might have.


Active member
Wow.......You've gotten every type of advice from too much nutrients to not enough nutrients.....high PH/low PH...high salt/low salt....add this/take away that...etc..

You seem to have covered all the angles with what you said in your last post there brother and your ladies are just getting worse......I truly and honestly wish I knew what to tell you my friend.

At this point, I would have to ask if you've considered some sort of disease or unseen root pest being the issue? I am not too big of a man to say that this is way out of my meagre knowledge base. Just hope you figure it out before you lose everything...

All my best and good luck!!! :bow:

Indoor Odor

New member
Wow.......You've gotten every type of advice from too much nutrients to not enough nutrients.....high PH/low PH...high salt/low salt....add this/take away that...etc..

You seem to have covered all the angles with what you said in your last post there brother and your ladies are just getting worse......I truly and honestly wish I knew what to tell you my friend.

At this point, I would have to ask if you've considered some sort of disease or unseen root pest being the issue? I am not too big of a man to say that this is way out of my meagre knowledge base. Just hope you figure it out before you lose everything...

All my best and good luck!!! :bow:

thanks bud, i got the last round through with the same problem. quality was good weight was not. hoping to get this figured out soon.

Indoor Odor

New member
So I have been racking my brain and going over my notes for the past 4 weeks. I keep track of all nutes ph,ppm, and EC. I use a Hanna meter that is calibrated, a Truncheon meter and ph color tape. So it cant be that the instruments are off because I calibrate them and check them against each other every time. When I started this round in flower the runoff was coming out at 6.0 ph, even thought I was giving watering them at 6.8. And the plants were growing like monsters. Several inches a day. Now over the last month of watering at 6.8 the soil runoff is coming out at 6.5 -6.7. So my theory is that I have raised the soil PH too much and now they are just not happy. Combine that with a possible overfeeding and I think thats where the burnt tips came from. Several people have suggested watering between 5.8 to 6.3, which I suspect is correct. My pops use to keep his ph at 6.3 using pro mix and he never had these problems. I am using a soiless mix amended with organic crap like worm castings, kelp meal and stuff like that. Im going to try and give a couple of them a flush with 6.3 and see what happens. Sorry to ramble just getting it all out there.


Use directions on a nutrient as a base reference. There are so many hybrids today that you can not hold all plants to a feed regimen. Ive had plants from the very same seed mother that had to be fed differently. Thats part of the fun of growing. Working with each and every plant. And tailoring a feed schedule right for it. Live and learn.