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armstrong stripped of world titles


I love my life
Giving up the fight is not a good look. If it were me and I was truly innocent I would fight that till the day I died. It's about protecting your legacy and reputation and if I had nothing to hide I would fight for that vigorously

Here is the public scorn I mention, spectators who NEVER had any skin in any game (say like people who walk the thin blue line of silence); pass moral judgement on a man in retirement who has NEVER been accused of a crime in this red white and BLUE land of the free.

Makes me proud to be an AmeriKanT.

They can take away his fake as little titles but they can never make it so someone else won the race. (Same thing for Reggie Bush and his Heisman Trophy).



Game Bred
the entire sport dopes.
the playing field is level.
it's not like some fat slob could take "dope" and win...

i love the idea of steroids in sports. i want to be entertained! if i go to a baseball game im there to see 100+mph fastballs and homeruns.
given the amount of loot these guys are making i say they should be allowed to dope as much as they want.
and dont get me started on the pussification of the goddamn NFL
look what that fucking prick goodell did to the saints!
i was unaware they changed the NFL to a two hand touch league?


My suspicions are based on actually having done the background research on the history and advancement of both EPO administration protocols and tests. I've never said anything different. I'm terribly sorry if that pisses off a huge, huge Lance Armstrong fan.

The rest is too ridiculous for me as well, so I'm done.

Rage on


Who gives a shit about background, history, advancement of EPO

We are talking real world .. not anything about the above

Read your posts again - you have said more

Additionally - Your too sensitive

You did not even come close to pissing me off ... if it makes you feel better ... and you want to think that - then ok

Otherwise ... your arguments are off ... but thats it ... no harm ... no foul

Sharpen and harden up

All the best


BTW - here is what I think is going to happen here

This is not the last of it ... just the start

The USADA is out for relevance ... and they are being called out by Lance ... ICI ... the Tour de France ... and all of Cycling

They are all knocking heads now ... and I am quite sure there is plenty going on at the very top level of these organizations and the sport

Unless the USADA knows something more that all these other organizations which have already investigated and tested Lance ad nausea - this shit aint going nowhere

The USADA will have to back down

In America at least - you are innocent until proven guilty


Active member
EPO doesn't magically equate to better performances. It simply allows the body to recover more rapidly from intense training.

Umm,. It makes your body produce more blood, thats def. gonna boost performance.

The USADA has no ability to take his 7 tour titles. Its a French race. This is just a bunch of political BS, he's the lamb, all athletes, cyclists, gymnasts, swimmers, runners, etc. are taking note.

When a sport that demands so much from its athletes prompts one to train 8 hours a day, your body tends to shut down. Supplementing with synthetic ingredients are the only way to be able to keep on your game. The rest of the teams were doing it, too. Its pretty much just the same as Organic vs. Synthetic nutrients. Most of us wouldn't say synthetic chelates are necessarily cheating, but some wouldn't appreciate the final product, most would love it though.

Personally, synthetic supplementation in plants or humans is for the most part wrong, IMVHO. Vitamins and the occasional soda are all one should need for your 'juicing' needs.


Umm,. It makes your body produce more blood, thats def. gonna boost performance.

It's allowing an athlete to train harder and recover more quickly from more intense training. It's a cumulative effect due to how micro-dosing works. If an athlete were to take a 2 week mini-cycle of EPO, the level of injections they'd have take daily to get a full dosage in only two weeks, they'd blow the positive threshold of modern tests out of the water with ease in terms of hematocrit levels.

EPO doesn't make your body produce more blood. rEPO is a synthetic of naturally-occurring EPO. It's a hormone secreted by the kidneys that causes a cascade effect in bone marrow to stimulate production of additional red blood cells. It's not the RBCs themselves that are important, but the hemaglobin contained within the RBCs. RBCs are only the carriers for the oxygenated/deoxygenated states of hemoglobin. Take a look at erythrocytosis if it's unclear. It's very analogous to rEPO use.

Not more blood, but rather an elevated hematocrit level. That's why careful management under care of physicians is used. Blood can literally turn to sludge if the hematocrit level spikes too much, too quickly.

whether he doped up or not doesn't matter.
what matters is over 500 blood tests done on him for doping and NOT 1 positive result.
with all the advanced testing they do you would think they would've found it at some point in his blood. they found others who were doping.

it's a witch hunt!


Andinismo Hierbatero
actually, yes sir, they do kept blood & urine...and not only those of Armstrong...quite common procedure at anti-doping authorities...

by the way, the fact that he was using forbidden products doesn't mean that he wasn't a great & naturally gifted runner...it seems you need more than that to win 7 time one of the most difficult race in the world with such easiness, and that's after a balls cancer...

so what's the procedure when you have all this blood and urine in storage from all these athletes when new ways of testing become available?

is there such an official procedure to begin with? or they just keep the stuff in storage to check over and over and over just to see if they missed anything?

sounds a bit unbelieveable if you were to ask me...

also, regarding team mates testifying, they can say X or Y, but if they found nothing in the blood, it's all irrelevant.

I'm not a Lance fan, not much into cycling, but just seems crazy to me what these guys are trying to do, can't understand on what they are basing themselves.




How's lances testicle(s)? His knuckle looks fluffy! Peace homies



Former team-mates have said he was doping.
I think we should have sports events where drugs are permitted--everyone is doped, see exactly what the human body can do with some chemical assistance, and how far we can take it.
But I would also introduce total zero tolerance in "Straight" events, with absolute lifetime bans, possibly even criminal sanctions(like Spain) for cheats(if prize money is involved-it would be fraud of a sort), no exceptions--using chemicals to see what the dosed body can do is one thing, but cheating stinks.
Proving LA guilty of "Blood boosting" is tough because blood isn't like some drug that they only have to wait until a new test to detect comes along--its blood, quite possibly the persons own blood.
If Armstrong really is innocent then this sucks, but I think he probably was doping--going on what team-mates have said.
Ben Johnson passed drug tests--until they knew what the new drug of the moment was a developed a test for it. Doping is big business, and the doctors and chemists are so far ahead of the testing committees that yes indeed they do keep blood for years, to be tested for recently discovered drugs--and people have been stripped of medals years later..
Performance enhancing drugs are not illegal in sport--only banned substances are, and the bans are way behind the curve.



so what's the procedure when you have all this blood and urine in storage from all these athletes when new ways of testing become available?

is there such an official procedure to begin with? or they just keep the stuff in storage to check over and over and over just to see if they missed anything?

sounds a bit unbelieveable if you were to ask me...

also, regarding team mates testifying, they can say X or Y, but if they found nothing in the blood, it's all irrelevant.

I'm not a Lance fan, not much into cycling, but just seems crazy to me what these guys are trying to do, can't understand on what they are basing themselves.



Usually there's an A and B sample held back for cryopreservation. Samples are held in storage until a new test is developed that either is more sensitive than previous ones or detects a new PED entirely. If an A sample comes up positive, the B sample is then tested to ensure conformity of results in relation to the A sample.

Yes there's a procedure in place, but the problem is cryopreservation was only meant as a deterrent. Doping officials widely acknowledge this fact. Issues of handling, chain of custody, storage parameters, age, thawing techniques and disagreement b/t A and B samples are very real. Athletes have gotten convictions from testing of frozen samples overturned for these very reasons.

Also, it's a one shot deal. The samples cannot be tested repeatedly. Once thawed, there's a short window for testing until the sample is considered contaminated due to exposure. That's why the A sample is tested first. If it comes up positive, then the B sample is tested. Once you start thawing a sample, all the eggs are in that basket

Agreed that Lance has never failed a drug test and honestly, I'd be shocked if he ever does.


D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
is cannabis a banned substance with tour de france? i would smoke a freaky sativa and go into robot mode, half man half bicycle

what would really happen is i would smoke an indica and just putt putt at a walking speed and look at the women lining the sides of the road
have someone hand me a hoagie


Andinismo Hierbatero
Usually there's an A and B sample held back for cryopreservation. Samples are held in storage until a new test is developed that either is more sensitive than previous ones or detects a new PED entirely. If an A sample comes up positive, the B sample is then tested to ensure conformity of results in relation to the A sample.

Yes there's a procedure in place, but the problem is cryopreservation was only meant as a deterrent. Doping officials widely acknowledge this fact. Issues of handling, chain of custody, storage parameters, age, thawing techniques and disagreement b/t A and B samples are very real. Athletes have gotten convictions from testing of frozen samples overturned for these very reasons.

Also, it's a one shot deal. The samples cannot be tested repeatedly. Once thawed, there's a short window for testing until the sample is considered contaminated due to exposure. That's why the A sample is tested first. If it comes up positive, then the B sample is tested. Once you start thawing a sample, all the eggs are in that basket

Agreed that Lance has never failed a drug test and honestly, I'd be shocked if he ever does.


thanks for explaining, I see.

so since Lance passed all the first testings, why would they even want to re-check? sounds weird.

let the man have this titles, he earned them... there's something we are not being told with this whole story, and it seems it has nothing to do with Lance doping or not.



Active member
is cannabis a banned substance with tour de france? i would smoke a freaky sativa and go into robot mode, half man half bicycle

what would really happen is i would smoke an indica and just putt putt at a walking speed and look at the women lining the sides of the road
have someone hand me a hoagie

Oh yea, gimme some C99 and I'll ride 50 miles in 2 hours, serious bike-zen-weed.

Those indica rides are always more enjoyable while you ride, though.


thanks for explaining, I see.

so since Lance passed all the first testings, why would they even want to re-check? sounds weird.

let the man have this titles, he earned them... there's something we are not being told with this whole story, and it seems it has nothing to do with Lance doping or not.


The first readings are done on fresh samples of blood/urine that are subject to the limitations of testing at the time. A and B samples from the same draw are frozen back for testing for when the future tests are developed.

It's certainly a bit of a witch hunt and more is going on for sure. I think it has more to do with UIC and WADA butting heads over who has over-arching dominance in cycling testing. But just because that may be happening, doesn't mean there isn't enough meat in the science of it to make me a bit suspicious.



actually, yes sir, they do kept blood & urine...and not only those of Armstrong...quite common procedure at anti-doping authorities...

by the way, the fact that he was using forbidden products doesn't mean that he wasn't a great & naturally gifted runner...it seems you need more than that to win 7 time one of the most difficult race in the world with such easiness, and that's after a balls cancer...

Maybe I'm out of date on this but is it a fact that he used forbidden products?
I don't really care about cycling, but there are few things I hate more than people who read a slanted news article and take it for fact.
People read the news and automatically assume somebody is guilty before any trial begins. Have you forgotten that we are innocent until proven guilty?

From what I read in this article it doesn't sound like they have any evidence except "witnesses."
I've never heard of witness testimony alone leading to a charge or conviction by itself.
ABC Radio news today. One problem associated with stripping Lance of medals/titles is that 90% of the second and third place folks (who would be, presumably, in line for those titles) have been busted for doping, also.
In sports what is the line. Cyclists have been using caffiene/ergotamine suppositories and blood doping, benzedrine, nitroglycerin, anabolic steroids.

Greg Lemond was one the one of the first American racers to voice concern about Dr Ferrari.

Cannabis is a banned drug not a PED,preformance enhancing drug.

The only sport ganja could enhance is pie eating.



Dude doped. Plenty of witnesses. Have heard he has a terrible attitude.