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What is OG



Stamp OG on any branded cannabis seeds and the buyers come running.
i heard its a long held "family" strain...grown by the growers who supplied the Hog farm in Tujunga/sunland/sfv...those same "family" growers supplied alot of deadshow herb...it was passed around that area when Tujunga/sunland was all hippies..it was picked up by the bikers and gangsters when they moved in and took over the area...
it is now..on the former black oak ranch...but the original commune was in tujunga...your def on the right path tho cbf just look a little farther back...another clue is the wavy/dead gypsy joker h.a connections...


it is now..on the former black oak ranch...but the original commune was in tujunga...your def on the right path tho cbf just look a little farther back...another clue is the wavy/dead gypsy joker h.a connections...

oh man, this post brings me back to a time when Bonaroo was in it's first session and all the kids went to Tennessee, and the old heads came out to party. The event was called Spring Morning Rain, and it was in a word, UNREAL

once you paid for the poster that got you a ticket, everything was free. The posters were not for sale anywhere in particular, you just had to meet someone who had them.

This was seriously peace on earth at it's highest form