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Another tube carport conversion


I figured out that my above problem was with my res. I cleaned it with soap, 28% H2O2, then rinsed with 190 proof clear springs. I thought that was enough. The pH ran low for a few minutes on drip but was corrected immediately (10 minutes)
Problem is the res was used for Greek peppers. I apparently didn't clean enough... Having spent $30 on the res itself, then another $30 to clean it only to lose so much potential. Oh well, plenty time left.
This doesn't help the stealth much, early morning sun ray angle, roof opened.


Glad I found this thread! sorry to hear about the issues, glad it's not effecting the majority of the crop. Your greenhouse is gorgeous! I foresee great things from you this grow season!


Through the roof

Through the roof

a little update for those that want to see what an old carport can produce... The big one on left has had to have the top bent over three different times due to hitting the roof. The roof on the right side is retractable and I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet because it is a Sour Strawberry Kush and has no bend, it will snap off right away with any stress placed on it
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Looking lovely in there, unfortunately those buds will keep stretching out but hitting the top is a good problem to have...means your doing something right! How about bugs any problems or methods of prevention?


ALL of these are severly trained except the Sour Strawberry,the would all be 3-4 ft out the roof if not topped and tied down, luckily it can't be seen casually.
Luckily, I've had no bug problems at all, (?)mid 90's day time 50's at night all organic. I've got all kinds of shit ready if there is a problem.

The entire floor of the gh is covered in very aromatic herbs for bug control, garlic,chives, clove, rosemary, mint in pots,lemon balm, at least so I've heard. Maybe it's working?


FLOWERS finally

FLOWERS finally

Finally flowers!!! I was almost losing hope.
Just today, that means approximately 10 days ago the change occurred. According to charts there was 13.8 hours of daylight at my latitude. Or 10.2 hours of darkness to kick them over.
That is assuming that these flower like their clones inside. I get flower starts 10 days from flip.

My soil is an accumulation of many reruns, amendments, 25%coco and more amendments, blood, bone alfalfa, kelp, bla, bla bla all kept live and moist via tropf blumats.

Now the paranoia sets in...lights, cameras, high tech do dads...