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Guano and ACT


Well-known member
Hey guys I'm looking for a little help with a few things. I was wondering if it's beneficial to use a high P bat guano (0-15-1) in my ACT? or would I be better off top dressing the soil with it?

I have a 5 gallon setup with available items such as Alfalfa meal, black strap molasses, liquid seaweed, Neptune's harvest fish and seaweed. I do not have any EWC as no one carry's it here. I will have to make due with some bag compost.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i dont know about teas, but i would advise you to mix some guano into your soil mix. topdressing might work, but P isnt as mobile in soil as N, and the P guano is usually fairly slow to break down. i use my P guano in my soil mix at a rate of 7-8 grams per litre of soil which i think is about 1 oz guano per gallon of soil.

good luck



In my experience top dressing with guano, and then applying ACT to works better. The guano provides the nutrients, and the ACT helps break it down and make it available to the plants.


i dont know about teas, but i would advise you to mix some guano into your soil mix. topdressing might work, but P isnt as mobile in soil as N, and the P guano is usually fairly slow to break down. i use my P guano in my soil mix at a rate of 7-8 grams per litre of soil which i think is about 1 oz guano per gallon of soil.

good luck


MicrobeMan suggests ACT should be just for the microbes .... manures and guanos should be run through the worm bin or used as a soil amendment.


I have had great success with using guano in my tea's. I will run further tests,but it did increase my yields vs. a slurry. Top dress worked the least.

I would first start by mixing it in your soil. Once you find the right amount that works for you then play with it in your tea.

I have seen no microbial difference in a tea with guano vs without. So from that perspective it doesn't do shit.

Pun intended.:)

I can not conclusively say why my yields were bigger, but they were. I can only speculate at this point.

Once I run further tests I can get a better idea of what is going on.


I ask because an ACT is supposed to be a microbe source. I run 3 different "teas"; a macro-nutrient source, a micro-nutrient source, and a microbe source.

the first two I use as often as needed... the latter I use once in veg and once again in mid- flower...


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I think that VG gives some sound advice here based on his experience. If you use guano in ACT, assuming you're trying to multiply organisms, it may be a food source for the microbes but if you want to use the guano to benefit the plants (as a nutrient, especially as a soluble one) then it seems to make more sense to apply it to your soil.

We can also not ignore Ozarks results. However do not forget that not all guano is created equally.


New member
This is basically the info I was looking for in MY thread, i guess i worded it completely wrong. Thanks browntrout for asking the correct way, the way I should have. Thats for the info guys.



Well-known member
Good discussion here boys, thank you. One thing I forgot to mention was that I'm outdoors and plants are starting to bud. Therefor I cannot mix with soil as they are already in the ground. I have lightly top dressed with guano, but am unsure if I should do it again.

Thanks to everyone and keep it up, Browntrout.

Much to respect MicrobeMan, I have read a lot of your posts, I and many others would be nowhere's without them.
Thank you.


You can top dress fairly heavily with guano outdoors, especially if the plants are good sized. Keep in mind if the plants are starting to bud they still have many many weeks to go and still need lots of food. This is the point where they use the most food and cannabis is a serious nutrient hog, so don't under feed them during early flowering!

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