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A few tips before I flip my first vert...

Hey folks, I could use a few more tips for my first vert grow.

I have just 3 seed plants with a good 2 months veg, they are in 5 gallon buckets pro-mix with added perlite. The plants were lst'd and have a pretty low profile. I did not top them this time, and they haven't bushed out as much as I hoped. They were vegged under horizontal 600hps with reflector, I just switch to vert yesterday and hope to flip em within a week. I hope to encourage some stretch in the last week of veg and the stretch phase of flower. I have 2 whitefires and 1 firebubba. Of the whitefires one is very fire leaning and the other is white leaning. The firebubba is a nice mix of both I guess you call that an intermediate pheno. My main questions:

1) I have the bottom of the bulb just about level, maybe slightly over the height of the plants...is this good for veg?

2) I have a good idea where to place the bulb once the plants are into flower mode, but I wonder if I should hang the bulb higher than the plants for the stretch phase to encourage more stretch? As mentioned earlier the plants are pretty low and wide right now.

3) If I get enough stretch in the first few weeks, any reason not to stack a 2nd 600? Since I do have spare parts just sittin around.

4) The distance from the plants to the light (horizontally) is about 14" - 18"...should I get em a little closer?

I'm in a 5 x 5 tent with 6" exhaust full speed and 6" intake on low speed...got the temps under control thanks to your help.

Thank in advance.


1. Yes
2. Keep the bottom of the bulb even with the top of the plants for now. Once they are done stretching, lower it to be in the middle to maximize the amt of light being used.
3. 100% go for the second bulb, just watch the temps.
So just question #4, the distance from plants to lights...I have em about 14" - 18" which is the same distance I used horizontally.
I'll try to answer this to the best of my knowledge...
First ill ask you, what you have beneath the bulb to push air up slowly away from the plants..
I used 20$ cheap honeywell fan's on 2nd power and it works great.. I can get my 600's about 6 inches away from the plants too no ill effect..
I also use a Pro Silicate to help my plants resist environmental stress. :)

So really, push your envelope to see what your distance can be, move a inch closer each day... wait for either signs of light bleach, or heat stress.

But #1 thing is get a low power fan under that baby!

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Properly set up with good ventilation and cooling blast from the fan at the base, the correct diameter for the scorch screen is 18", which puts the outside just over 8" from the lamp, the pots will sit about 4" away from the screen

Make sure your extraction is as close to the middle as possible, it'll knock 5C or 8f off the temps

With the lamp running you should be able to comfortably put your hand on the screen
Thanks for the info guys. I do have the same honeywell fan everybody is using, with an 8 to 6 duct reducer...set on the lowest speed.
3rd day of vertical and my plants seem to be lovin it. So tempted to flip em but wanna see what a little more verg veg will do for em...


passing the gas
from my time in 5 x 5 's running bare vert I think 600 w would be plenty for 3 plants in
5 gallons. I could be wrong...lets see 'em. I prefer a bare 1000 in my 5 x5's over 2 600's but if you have 600's I get it. I don't know see 3 compact lst plants filling a tent that size but I hope you girls go nuts. I prefer to tie back to the walls or make a bamboo trellis
thats anchored into the pot so you can pull them out while you are working on them.

good luck!

Guest 142956

I would be tempted to run a light mover vertically instead of adding another light.

Zen Master

I would be tempted to run a light mover vertically instead of adding another light.

I got my 1000w on a vertical mover. basic light mover on a rail with pulleys at the end.



works like a dream.
I have leafs/nugs that are literally 3 inches away from the bulb and I get no scorching burning or light bleaching. No hotspots either (heat or lumens).
Thanks for the additional infor folks. I have switched to bloom a few days back, I highly doubt that my plants will grow tall enough to warrant an additional 600...but this is my experimental run next time I will grow the plants to be taller so that I can stack a couple 600's.


Keeping the bulb wrapped in plants!

Keeping the bulb wrapped in plants!

Try not to let light escape, dangle and dip good and low homies! In peace


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Try not to let light escape, dangle and dip good and low homies! In peace

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I agree. Don't freak out if you mistakenly break a branch as they will recover if you support the branch.

Here is a branch that broke and the same branch 14 days latter.



The broken branch is in the lower left.

Cravenmore is right fill it in so you maximize your light.