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Cancer returns after Montana medical marijuana dispensary closures cut off supply of the cannabis oil that kept Cash Hyde’s malignant tumor in remission.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) July 28, 2012
The Cash Hyde Foundation is calling for donations of cannabis oil to help a 4-year-old child suffering from cancer in Montana.

While receiving medical cannabis treatments, Cash's brain tumor had gone into remission twice; but after a wave of federal raids shut down marijuana dispensaries in the state, his supply of therapeutic cannabis oil has been cut off, and his cancer has returned.

After traditional treatments and medications had all failed, the father of two-year-old Cash Hyde turned to high-CBD cannabis oil to treat his son’s malignant brain tumor. Shortly after, Cash’s health began to improve. He was comfortable, had started eating again, and had recovered his desire to play.

But then federal agents staged a series of raids on medical marijuana dispensaries throughout the state. Rather than face the risk of being stormed by armed agents and subjected to steep fines or jail time, many legally-compliant medical cannabis dispensaries in Montana closed down.

Now that cannabis oil is unavailable in Montana, Cash can no longer continue his 2,000 mg/day cannabis oil treatment. His doctors reported today that Cash’s cancerous tumor is no longer in remission.


Cash’s situation is the latest example of how federal actions shutting down medical marijuana dispensaries are endangering seriously ill patients of all ages.

“The federal government’s continued closures of legal state medical marijuana dispensaries will cause needless suffering and even death to patients like this little boy in Montana,” said Andrew DeAngelo of Harborside Health Center.

If the feds are successful in closing Harborside Health Center in Oakland, the father of a five-year-old diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome, a rare and debilitating form of epilepsy that begins in infancy, may soon lose access to the cannabis tincture that is controlling his son’s seizures.

Visit http://www.cashhydefoundation.com/ for more information.
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Thanks for the help Payaso. This must make everyone in Law Enforcement So Proud!!

They keep tellin us it's 'for the children'.........dirty rotten so.............


Such a damn shame...my heart goes out to the families involved. To be in a situation where you know what is right and what is best for your family, but the feds say no.


pit wisper/ rare strain collector
this is why we need to teach folks to to grow,make there own extracts,ect........

if it was my son i would have gone around the the "clubs" and asked to speak to the folks who bring in the tinture.or even as go as far to ask if he could show me how to make it.i know everybody doesnt have the space or time but if its your kids life in the mix im sure parents can find all the time in the world......

it would be the same as if our bodyies need pepsi and the goverment closed all the factories,then what would your first step to obtaining the pepsi you need?

education when your going to a medical dispenceriy is pricless if its the right info..........

hope all turns out well for the two kids..........

damn 2000 ml a day..........thats a lot of tinture.......:comfort:


That's exactly what the patient group I work has made its goal--teaching people self-sufficiency in cannabis acquisition. However, for many it's just not feasible, they still need 'retail' access, something that's walk-in/walk-out.

Poor child, poor family. :(

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah making extracts is not easy but it can be done I hope it works out for these ppl sorry to hear all this headband 707


New member
It's such ashame this situation. it's also a excellent example of why more must be done to educate the masses on the exceptional medical benefits of cannabis, my thoughts go out to cash, his family and friends.




Active member
Wow, amazing what this plant does in such a wide spectrum of illnesses. Can't believe the Feds do this.
If I lived nearby that family I would have no problems donating whatever I could to them and do my best to teach them everything I know.

Reminds me of a patient I had in our dispensary before the Feds shut us down. Was a 4 year old boy that had brain defects and didn't have the dividing line that separates the left and right side of the brain. He couldn't communicate the way he wanted to and would become angry because of this and hit his head, wouldn't eat etc....
Got his mom to try giving him Bhang bars(cannabis chocolate) and it almost immediately stopped the symptoms. They couldn't really afford the stuff and after I started to see it work when he would come in with his mom, I just started giving them 4 of the extra strength bars a month for free. Didn't even bother asking my bosses if it was okay. I wanted to sponsor them. That was one of the biggest eye openers for me on what this amazing plant can actually do


The Dude
This is the kind of story that makes me sick. Big Pharma sends its Goons in to shut access down cause they know if this gets out that he is being treated and people actually believe it we are in deep shit they thought. I mean serious Montana, outta all the other states that have shops they choose Montana. Seems fishy like Pharma.


The Dude
I wish I could sponser at the moment but my room is empty for a while till I find something to put into it. Just found out my seeds got stopped in customs today.....the wait continues.

Anybody in Montana that can help?

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