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Strains which won't hinder spatial thinking/cloud your domepiece


Well-known member
I'm looking for a strain which would be conducive to the fulltime student. Before anyone says anything yes I do plan on smoking NO cannabis this semester, even getting a 20 day headstart on the semester to get 100% detoxified of any cannabinoids before it begins.

I do however plan on growing this semester and it would be nice if I could test the fruits over the summer break and find a pheno of something which would be comfortable and non-distracting in times when I need my focus and clarity the most. I was thinking F13 would be a good place to start, but that can't be the ONLY strain that's 100% clearheaded. For those who have smoked copious amounts of F13 how does it affect memory compared to other more indica leaning strains?

I was just on a science and chemistry board (the field of study I'm entering) and the consensus seems to be that Cannabis is non-conducive to studying hard science subjects, but I know the majority of them who speak from experience were buying that Cannabis and have nowhere near the knowledge of different strains that I do. I'd really love to be the guy getting A's while toking up that magically clear Cannabis :D

So lets hear it yo! Clear thinking, non-memory affecting, non-cloudy/spatially distracting CANNABIS.

Blue Socks

Grow any strain you want and pick it 4-5 weeks earlier than it's supposed to come down and that's the clear headed (weak) high you're looking for


Well-known member
Naw dawg def not what I'm looking for. I've read about Flo and F13 being clear headed, expansive and ceiling less highs. Looking for something with no fogheaded aspect to the Cannabinoid profile, genetically.


Active member
Did my undergrad in Cellular and Molecular bio. Almost finished a masters now. I'm a daily smoker. I found it helped me study. Of the few that where constantly the top of the class, 50% smoked pot to some degree. Some where weekend tokers, two of us where daily smokers.

Best advice is just read ahead. If you've already got the basics of whats going on in lecture, you will miles ahead.
Sorry not meaning to give unsolicited advice. Figure out what works for you.


OGK: I have recently been smoking a high CBD strain I grew from seeds. They were called "outdoor mix" and are Indicas crossed with a high CBD variant of Cannatonic (from what I can tell) put out by the CBD Crew.

I grew 5 seeds and two seemed to grow better but the high was the same with all of them, very unique to me and something I hadn't experienced in about 25 years or more.

Everyone who smokes it remarks on how clear headed yet high they feel at the same time.

The first time I smoked it I went for a walk outside and it felt like my brain was in overdrive; everything was interesting and I felt very aware mentally and clear headed. Also for some reason very energetic, I conceived of lot's of interesting ideas and projects I wanted to get started on.

Also for some reason my memory seems to be supercharged, I can remember stuff very easily, it's like the opposite of normal low CBD weed which can hit my recall hard depending on the strain.

Only downsides are you can't get "gooned" on it at all so I tend to blend it for party type situations because I'm really liking the CBD and it tends to make you stay up later than normal because you definitely don't get sleepy smoking it.

For lot's of unbiased science based info on CBD and it's medical uses and strains see this site: projectcbd.org

big twinn

Super Member
Just smoke when your through studying. Depending on the subject, it can help spacial abstract thinking like organic chemistry for instance. I am a daily smoker and premed about to be in med school and all I can say is self control is all, I don't know how I would have done it with out cannabis balancing out all the stringent studying, it's my daily vacation after a long day of studying. I've found it only positive for my mind, physiological body, and life. I don't recommend studying high unless you titrate a smaller dose, but smoke when your through and the strain won't matter nor impair your memory. As for a clear energetic daytime no sleepy motivating high, I'm under the impression Kali Mist by serious seeds fits this, I'm growing Kali Mist x Kali Mist, so I'm hoping to find just that.
Best of luck,


Well-known member
Did my undergrad in Cellular and Molecular bio. Almost finished a masters now. I'm a daily smoker. I found it helped me study. Of the few that where constantly the top of the class, 50% smoked pot to some degree. Some where weekend tokers, two of us where daily smokers.

Best advice is just read ahead. If you've already got the basics of whats going on in lecture, you will miles ahead.
Sorry not meaning to give unsolicited advice. Figure out what works for you.

No, thank you. Its very encouraging to hear different perspectives on the effects Cannabinoids have on the ability to effectively study. Can I ask what kind you were smoking? Did it matter or did you know? From what I have heard there is a lot of memorization necessary in Biology courses so its very affirming to hear that it can affect people in a positive way in relation to their studies.

OGK: I have recently been smoking a high CBD strain I grew from seeds. They were called "outdoor mix" and are Indicas crossed with a high CBD variant of Cannatonic (from what I can tell) put out by the CBD Crew.

I grew 5 seeds and two seemed to grow better but the high was the same with all of them, very unique to me and something I hadn't experienced in about 25 years or more.

Everyone who smokes it remarks on how clear headed yet high they feel at the same time.

The first time I smoked it I went for a walk outside and it felt like my brain was in overdrive; everything was interesting and I felt very aware mentally and clear headed. Also for some reason very energetic, I conceived of lot's of interesting ideas and projects I wanted to get started on.

Also for some reason my memory seems to be supercharged, I can remember stuff very easily, it's like the opposite of normal low CBD weed which can hit my recall hard depending on the strain.

Only downsides are you can't get "gooned" on it at all so I tend to blend it for party type situations because I'm really liking the CBD and it tends to make you stay up later than normal because you definitely don't get sleepy smoking it.

For lot's of unbiased science based info on CBD and it's medical uses and strains see this site: projectcbd.org

I have always been interested in what Cannabinoids cause the different and highly variable effects in a given strain but never gone into any detailed research, this seems like an excellent starting point thank you for the link.

I'd be very interested in hearing from anyone else who grew/used Cannabis throughout college, thank you junior grower and de145 for the replies.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I have an interesting experience with DJ Short's Flo. Grew a small amount in a small cab a few years ago (my last garden :( ) before moving cross country to a new city. I haven't been able to set up a new garden due to apartment complex living and a few other things.

I didn't do a great job growing Flo, only had about 18 inches for the plants and she likes to stretch, also had tiny soil containers, Flo likes her root space too. Nevertheless, I was happy with the buzz quality, she was the most clear headed weed I had ever smoked.

I brought about 5 ounces with me, that lasted me about 1 year (I'm a lightweight cheap date), and then I got a mmj permit in Oregon. Been going to a dispensary for about the last year, asking the bud tenders to recommend clear headed offerings they have for sale. Haven't been too happy with what's been available to say the least.

Anyway...a couple of weeks ago I was down to no weed, and no money, and went looking in the fridge to see if I could find anything. Found a small jar with a tiny amount of Flo in it. Loaded a small pipe, took a few hits and VOILA...there was that Flo buzz again, exactly what I had been hoping to find over the last year in the dispensary.

Flo is a good strain to start with, then do a pheno hunt to find that perfect girl and make sure to save a mom. Finding the right strain/pheno for your particular situation is what its all about with weed.


Active member
I smoke 20 different strains give or take. My main smoke is c99, pineapple pheno. I don't drink a lot ( 2 beers and a good time is had), so smoking is my vice. Big twinn is right its a vacation from reading up on sometime very boring crap. Try to have fun, this may seem weird. I go into every class having fun and the grades show it. I have smoked with a few profs to date, even they smoke.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I don't find F-13 that clearheaded.. maybe his momma?

I do find Flo and CK more clearheaded though.. Ck being a tinge more 'wild' , and flo being more 'calm'


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
I found F13 to be narcotic and dreamy. Not to say its affects arent clear, but if your had nothing but foggy strains it is a breathe of clarity. I found S.Jack F6, and Kali Most to be much more clear. I wouldnt make F13 my first choice in terms of clarity

big twinn

Super Member
Reading your posts OP, it sounds like you are following the direction of science...particularly biology. I myself am a premed biology student, a grower, and a daily smoker. Any specific questions in those regards I would be more than happy and encouraging to help answer them.


Ur best bet is to sample as many different phenos of a few particular strains that r believed to be " clear" high type. When u find one be very protective of keeping a mom as that will be ur holy grail. From my experience there are f13 phenos that r wonderfully clear and up beat. There r also many variations that r more dreamy and classic Stoney. Don't just assume that if u find a blueberry that works for ya, that every one u come across to be similar. Although the whole blueberry, grapefruit line is a good start. A friend of mine has an ultimate cutting that I find rediculously up beat and motivating, very clear to. I've never had anything quite like it, and I believe it's an indica Dom. Strain. Weird, I know, but it's true and it goes to sho you just never know. Good luk and happy hunting!!
I have an interesting experience with DJ Short's Flo. Grew a small amount in a small cab a few years ago (my last garden :( ) before moving cross country to a new city. I haven't been able to set up a new garden due to apartment complex living and a few other things.

I didn't do a great job growing Flo, only had about 18 inches for the plants and she likes to stretch, also had tiny soil containers, Flo likes her root space too. Nevertheless, I was happy with the buzz quality, she was the most clear headed weed I had ever smoked.

I brought about 5 ounces with me, that lasted me about 1 year (I'm a lightweight cheap date), and then I got a mmj permit in Oregon. Been going to a dispensary for about the last year, asking the bud tenders to recommend clear headed offerings they have for sale. Haven't been too happy with what's been available to say the least.

Anyway...a couple of weeks ago I was down to no weed, and no money, and went looking in the fridge to see if I could find anything. Found a small jar with a tiny amount of Flo in it. Loaded a small pipe, took a few hits and VOILA...there was that Flo buzz again, exactly what I had been hoping to find over the last year in the dispensary.

Flo is a good strain to start with, then do a pheno hunt to find that perfect girl and make sure to save a mom. Finding the right strain/pheno for your particular situation is what its all about with weed.

Another enthusiastic vote for Flo. The mental stimulation combined with an inner calm can only ,for my constitution, be compared to clean, low dose MDMA. My only complaint was wanting to stay up too late. Search for the topic of state dependent learning. Psychological research found a positive correlation for improved academic achievement if both studying and test taking occurred in the same state.


To Have More ... Desire Less
Apollo11 x c99...... works every time....
clear... upbeat...energetic...m00d enhancing...wonderweed
and the c99 brings down the flower time......


Oh yea, regarding the other part of ur question. I too went thru college using heavily. It definitely prevented me from maximizing my full scholastic potential. But that's me, everyone is different. Almost all cannabis makes me a bit complacent and a tad lazy. But my memory retention was the biggest set back.
I can remember one class in particular, I would always go to pretty medicated. Well I would get these grand ideas and super intracate theories on several issues we wer covering and how it all ties together. Meanwhile the entire class hanging on my every word, just to have a brain fart 2/3 of the way thru and completely space what my point was and have to apologize to the class. lmfao!!!!
I started out as a environmental science focus and later switched to sociology because it was interesting and way easier,lol. But I was never really disciplined with regards to much especially school. I'm the type that gets by rather easily without applying myself and for the most part ok with how cannabis has impacted my life, for better or for worse.
OGK: I have recently been smoking a high CBD strain I grew from seeds. They were called "outdoor mix" and are Indicas crossed with a high CBD variant of Cannatonic (from what I can tell) put out by the CBD Crew.

I grew 5 seeds and two seemed to grow better but the high was the same with all of them, very unique to me and something I hadn't experienced in about 25 years or more.

Everyone who smokes it remarks on how clear headed yet high they feel at the same time.

The first time I smoked it I went for a walk outside and it felt like my brain was in overdrive; everything was interesting and I felt very aware mentally and clear headed. Also for some reason very energetic, I conceived of lot's of interesting ideas and projects I wanted to get started on.

Also for some reason my memory seems to be supercharged, I can remember stuff very easily, it's like the opposite of normal low CBD weed which can hit my recall hard depending on the strain.

Only downsides are you can't get "gooned" on it at all so I tend to blend it for party type situations because I'm really liking the CBD and it tends to make you stay up later than normal because you definitely don't get sleepy smoking it.

For lot's of unbiased science based info on CBD and it's medical uses and strains see this site: projectcbd.org

This is great to hear. I've been researching CBD strains since the BBC documentary titled "Should I Smoke Dope?" from a couple of years ago. The bliss on that woman's face as she smoked CBD said it all compared to the day she smoked THC and felt paranoid and fearful she was going crazy. You should post this in the CBD thread on Dr. Jay's medical forum here.


I also like a clear "thinking" weed, and have found both Mandala's Satori and Beyond the Brain excellent in this respect. I find I have difficulty sleeping after smoking Satori (it's quite energizing) so I tend to prefer Beyond the Brain as I'm generally an evening smoker. Strain descriptions from the Mandala website:

A clear, cerebral high and strong potency sets in quickly; it supports concentration & creativity; very inspiring and stimulating. Ideal for writers, artists, musicians, or other creative people. Since it’s introduction in 2005 our Satori has become one of the most sought after cannabis strains among sativa connoiseurs. Although Satori ranks among the most potent strains ever created it is especially the quality of the high that is appreciated by so many creative and spiritually interested people. Potency without quality is simply a waste of potential. To harness the psychoactive energy and use it for positive transformation is our own personal intent when we smoke Satori. The name of this strain reflects how it can inspire the mind: “Satori” is a Japanese term in Zen Buddhism for enlightenment. The word literally means "understanding". It is sometimes loosely used interchangeably with Kensho which refers to the first perception of the Buddha-Nature or True-Nature, sometimes referred to as "awakening". Kensho is not a permanent state of enlightenment, but rather a clear glimpse of the true nature of creation in everyday life. This can be taken a step further to deeper enlightenment or “Satori”. Satori is therefore an excellent example of an entheogen that facilitates a higher level of intuitive awareness. This is how cannabis is used in ancient traditions, to open the “third eye”, dispelling the clouds of ego-centered ignorance and reuniting the mind with the rest of creation.

Beyond the Brain
Crystal-clear cerebral high; expansive; active and social; energizing; transcendental. Especially valuable for creative and spiritually orientated persons and nature lovers. Beyond the Brain is the definitive connoisseur high for the discerning cultivator. If you have tasted your share of sativas and are searching for the purity that only exceptional genetics can offer then you will appreciate this strain. Let Beyond the Brain open your doors of perception to new realms of awareness! [...] One will grow as a modest plant that discreetly hides her secret until the very end, when all her inherent power is revealed as a true consciousness expanding herb of incredibly clarity and power.

I've also heard good things about Kali Mist, Apollo 11 (genius pheno), and C99, but have never had the opportunity to try any of them.