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Pelosi: It would be ‘really important’ to take on medical marijuana in Congress


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Another story in the news..seems we are seeing a bunch of new articles in the past few days. DD
from RawStory:
Pelosi: It would be ‘really important’ to take on medical marijuana in Congress<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
By Kay Steiger<o:p></o:p>
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 14:39 EDT
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi reiterated her support for medical marijuana on Wednesday and indicated Democrats might be interested in taking changes to federal law after the election. <o:p></o:p>
“I’ve been very clear on the subject of medical marijuana over time, in committee and on the floor as leader,” Pelosi said told Raw Story at a round table of bloggers.
<o:p></o:p>“I think that it would be really important to do that,” Pelosi said. “It would be hard for anyone to agree with the fact that someone who has HIV/AIDS or has cancer and they find relief from pain in medicinal marijuana that should be something that should be a priority to raid on the part of the Justice Department. Going along with that, we need to address some of the penalties for any non-violent crime that are out there.”<o:p> </o:p>
Pelosi previously attacked the administration on medical marijuana raids in May, when she criticized the administration for carrying out raids on medical marijuana facilities. The Obama administration has carried out more raids than the George W. Bush administration.
Her statement at that time said, “I have long supported efforts in Congress to advocate federal policies that recognize the scientific research and clinical research demonstrating the medical benefits of medicinal marijuana, that respects the wishes of the states in providing relief to ill individuals, and that prevents the federal government from acting to harm the safe access to medicinal marijuana provided under state law.”
Her fellow congressmen from California, Rep. Sam Farr (D), said to Raw Story, “Medical marijuana is one of those issues where if you get enough states, where when you get enough, then you get it. California had already started that process because of cost concerns. That didn’t cause any scandals or upheavals.” <o:p></o:p>
Farr has introduced several bills in support of medical marijuana, the most recent of which would have banned the federal government from spending money on raids of state-sanctioned medical marijuana facilities. The House passed the bill on May 10, but it awaits action from the Senate.

“What you see is incremental changes on medical marijuana. Congress will not lead but follow what seems to be a trend in America,” Farr said. <o:p></o:p>
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) told Raw Story, “I think our marijuana policy in this country is absolutely nuts.” He predicted that within 10 years, the country would move on medical marijuana policy nationwide.
And an increasing number of Americans agree with Blumenauer. A recent poll showed 74 percent of Americans agree that the federal government shouldn’t interfere with states’ laws on medical marijuana. A Gallup poll from last year also showed that 50 percent of Americans now support full legalization of marijuana.

Guest 88950

DD, thx

im reminded of one of the many classic quotes by former potus, Little Bush

'Fool me Twice"
"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

do something before the election and i will believe, otherwise its a move to secure enough votes to get re-elected.


Active member
Given this administration's record to date on mmj a move toward easing enforcement to garner votes could easily backfire. "Waffling" can be political suicide unless it's regarded as "seeing the light." I think that mmj's an issue the campaign won't touch with a 10 foot pole, though I could be wrong.

It's great, though, that changing the laws is being debated openly in the stratosphere of Washington. It wasn't long ago that statements like Pelosi's would have doomed a politician to ridicule and ostracism.

The ball's rolling.


Registered Non-Conformist
Did Farr say "within 10 years..?" Gee, thanks...

Pelosi as mouthpiece for BO's administration..? Maybe.. Keeps the Candidate from having to make a stand which could hurt him in elections - although we seem to believe that Action (or promises of such) would garner a nice boost of Votes...

BO showed little or no respect for MMJ this term. He laughed at the fact that the Internet Town Hall Meeting had as its' most asked question MMJ and Legalization..

Would that attitude change like Night and Day..? Hard to believe...

I will still vote for the Slippery Dude, because our other choice is the QUICKER end of some of what I like about 'Merka.

A Ron Paul vote is not possible. He'd be the best option for MMJ and the USA..

Thx for posting DD...
I have a total of ZERO respect for Ms.Pelosi. I fax/call/e-mail her at least once a week (and Ms. Boxer as well). They both are only in it for the power and $$$. (my OPINION). That said, and even tho this may only be election year pandering, THE SUBJECT is again in the forefront and I thank her for that. As I tell them each time I contact them.."DO SOMETHING, preferably the right thing." As Mom usta say, "Actions speak louder than words". -speaking words of wisdom, Let It Be-
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Active member
> A Ron Paul vote is not possible. He'd be the best option for MMJ and the USA..

Actually no. Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein supports legalization of mari jah wahna and an end to the drug war. She is also a Harvard educated M.D.

So we have 2 candidates for President who are M.D.'s who support legalization. Neither has any chance of winning. -granger
"after re-election" lol.
Yeah sure, ok. we believe you Nancy.
I will say this- I do believe if they(dems) were to take a stand, it would be during the 2nd term, not the first.


Well-known member
credibility aside, this is still an inch forward where there is some believable MJ dialogue at the federal level<br>
i know we've had the recent bill in the house, but that wasn't going far, and we all knew it<br>
MMJ is more accepted than balls out legal MJ, at least at this point in time<br>
which really comes down to rescheduling, if you want to see federal rescheduling this is the venue


I think there needs to be separation from the Obama administration and Nancy Pelosi. They don't always see things eye to eye, for instance Pelosi's ardent support for the public option. Having a top politician, house minority leader for that matter, bringing the topic of mmj to the forefront shouldn't we all rejoice? Have we not all wanted mmj to at least be discussed by Washington and hopefully supported? It sucks to actually see so much negativity, cause let me tell you there was nothing like this coming out in the 80's or 90's so why not embrace it and lets get energized rather than being lazy in thought by assuming that every politician is just lying to try to get reelected, not that that doesn't happen its just not always the case with everything? How else do you guys expect us to get legalization? Because just like the end of alcohol prohibition this will take time and orchestrated political maneuvering in order for us to win. Lets start talking shit about the politicians who still think that mmj has no medicinal value, not the few that are obviously on our side!


Kiss My Ring
no one remember announcement of the O's health package?

uh...when Pelosi said "we would have to pass it to find out what's in it"

yeah she said that. while Reid inserted language precluding repeal.

if her lips move, she's lying! after all, she is a politician.



Active member
no one remember announcement of the O's health package?

uh...when Pelosi said "we would have to pass it to find out what's in it"

yeah she said that. while Reid inserted language precluding repeal.

if her lips move, she's lying! after all, she is a politician.


Wait, you can see that broads lips actually move? With all that botox? I hope her plane I pay for crashes.


Registered User
Sorry dd... accident by hittin dislike! My bad

The way to get this to go thru is to attach defense pork to it plus an expansion of penal spendin w an offset of tougher laws against the poor... need to maintain 90% occupancy in state jails after all... mayb a bailout addendum for wall street in a future yet undisclosed catastrophe. Easy as apple pie.

Jon 54

There will be NO candidate worth my vote in this upcoming election. They are both fucking liars and aren't worth the time it would cost me to cast my vote :moon::moon::moon::woohoo: Jon 54


breathe deep
Pelosi: It would be ‘really important’ to take on medical marijuana in Congress

Anyone else find it a strange wording? How about, "IT IS" really important...

"It would be" is contingent, and justness is not contingent on anything.
Wait, you can see that broads lips actually move? With all that botox? I hope her plane I pay for crashes.

You pay for? How much did you pull last year?

I bet if you're honest it's less than she paid in taxes herself.

I know what you mean though. Fucking useless kunt, making something of herself instead of coasting through an easy life with a trust fund (as many do here), taking an unpopular stance in favor of the sick and dying and unfairly punished.

Stupid bitch. I hope her plane crashes too.

What have you done w/ ur life compared to hers?

Sorry, I don't have a soft spot for easy cheapshots against all politicians. I know several growers who have never done another nice thing for another human or animal in their lives who have no problem railing against politicians because it's easy. It gets old.