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Borg in the UK

Harry Lime

Active member
Spider mite. I gots it. Given they have this tolerance build up to various chem sprays, what the latest advice for this cheeky bastard?

Harry Lime

Active member
Some are ready to chop in a coupla days but I just found it on some fresh rooted cuts and week old seedlings.


Active member
Robert Dyas sell an organic bug spray that I've used to get rid of spider mites. It's made by "Bayer Garden" and it's called "Organic Bug Free". It comes in a bit purple/pink spray bottle.

I've used it on flowering/near harvest plants with no odd flavours, as it says that you can use it on food that you plan to eat.

It's best to apply it right after lights out to avoid pruning of the leaves from the HPS. You do need to spray them a fair few times though to kill the freshly hatched bastards.

roll it large

harker mectin google it then nuke those bastards oh it's safe to use in flower too upti 7 days before harvest
1ml per ltr water 14 drops from pipette

peace and vibes

Harry Lime

Active member
My Hotbox sorts em out but I don wanna use it on the girls in flower cause they will be chopped on saturday. It's only slight in there atm anyway. If I got it right, the little buggers will drop off a chopped plant cause there's no vascular pressure to push the juice into em. Then I can zap the 12/12 room with the hotbox.
Its the cuttings and seedlings I'm concerned about most. That pyrethrum gear nearly fucked the young ones last time I used it.

Can you get the harker mectin at the vets? Might go down tomorrow and ask.

roll it large

harkers spot on treatment for pigeons available for sale over the counter for small animals

eBay is your best bet

it's a 5ml vial and has a pigeon on the box

don't get the poultry one it's different stuff


Harry Lime

Active member
I'll look for it tomorrow. Better over the counter cause these bastards will multiply to millions in a few days.


New member
hiya mate try this Dyn-A-Mite (Formerly Plant Vitality Plus) i found it to be exceptional it sorted my probs right out

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Lavender oil spray works amazingly well and you can spray that on today

About 5 mls to 1/2 litre of warm water

Otherwise RIL has it there ..... other good products are Plant Vitality + and Mite Rid

I didn't believe the lavender oil until my wife made some up for me to spray the black fly on the beans, which was thick with the buggers .... next day all gone, amazing

You're weed will also have a floral tinge to it

Harry Lime

Active member
Okay. So the vet doesn't stock the hankers mectin so I found a supplier online who can get it to me tomorrow.

Cryst - I'm gonna get some dyn a mite for the cupboard. Likewise the lavender oil Bush Doc, I like the sound of lavender buds. Reminds me of Easy Sativa I had in my garden once, that had a kinda lavender smell to it.

For now the plan is to hit the moms, cuts and seedlings with the mectin. Chop the stuff in the 12/12 place tomorrow and hang it there to dry. The borg will drop off coz they cant feed then in a week or so when the gear is dry I'll hit the room with the hotbox.


hiya mate try this Dyn-A-Mite (Formerly Plant Vitality Plus) i found it to be exceptional it sorted my probs right out

yep dynamite works a treat. thought it was different to plant vitality? more concentrated? i used both just to make sure, one application of each a few weeks apart, and never saw them again.

@harry lime, you might want to look into mighty wash. not used it myself, but apparently you can use it during flowering.


ICMag Donor
One dose of this in late veg seems to work to eight weeks flowering , abamectin is closely related to ivermectin and is one of very few usefull acaricides available from DIY sheds and garden centres.


Dont think i would want to spray either of them in late flower.

roll it large

I e tried that maybe I got a bad bottle al show you wot happened to my plants nearly wiped the lot out

only plants I didn't spray was 4 chiesel and they were not affected al posts pic up later when I'm on laptop

peace and vibes

roll it large

this is what happened to me sprayed an hour after lights out

24-48hrs later the beginnings of very sick plants these leaves went yellow and all new growth was allmost white,luckily my mothers where way too big so i took cuts days before this happened.

i kept the plants until the cuts rooted and culed the mothers apart from the chemdog i didnt have a clone of that 4 weeks later and that managed to pull through

the 4 chiesel never got sprayed with it as they were going into flower in the next few days and the other active ingredient in that is a 12 week systemic



looks like an iron deficiency lol

peace and vibes


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i'd watch the harker mectin on young clones and seedlings. i found that it burnt them.

best way with mites is to have an ongoing regime.

get some cold pressed neem oil and use it a 1 teaspoon per litre wizzed up in a blender. if you do this every week on your plants in veg and the first couple of weeks flower them you are unlikely to have a problem. i also use the 'pest off' in the blue bottle to rotate treatment every now and again.

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