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A World On A String



More #1 and #4.....couple of inline donor vessels

More #1 and #4.....couple of inline donor vessels

Selection #1 (left...at day 59) #4 (right...at day 64)

The #1 is the most OG Jam influenced out of the run....thumper of a girl...she's a machine...push push push...

Why is it important to be able to select in veg?

"Besides saving yourself time/space/energy...you are demonstrating that plant expressions can stand out amongst a population through their auras. You are recognizing physical traits...vibrational traits...thusly dipping into the wells of plant language. You are slipping in the slipstream meditations within your garden....senses of enlightenment...without the voices of thought...filling the rabbit hole...full of shit."

The #4 has more Odessa in her influences...her flowers not as dense...yet still thick and stacking to the sky..very nice

* I don't know where all the bubblegum aromas come from...but all the Hell Hound sisters have it. The aromas...as they flush...are a very sweet cherry(ish) bubblegum. The stench is thick....quite amazing. At a loss though...deciphering how that came to be.

** Tomorrow I'll start flushing selections 7, 8, and 9

*** All the Hell Hound sisters are good yielders....some better than good

**** Great run of plants...very happy with this creation. One of my best crosses to date.

What will the Salvation transition bring?

All that arises...eventually passes


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
Hola Pablos, the bubblegum your experiencing most likely from the Strawberry Creme seedline, as i get quite a few in a population.


Hola Pablos, the bubblegum your experiencing most likely from the Strawberry Creme seedline, as i get quite a few in a population.

Can't be CBF....the Hell Hounds have your OG Jam mated to my Odessa (Casey Jones X Cindy Jones). Should be no Creme in there.

The Salvation cross I'll run this fall...it has the Creme genetics mixed in the blend. I-HOP Highend X Hell Hound....the Creme coming from the I-HOP

I'll tell you...sweet/fruity bubblegum smelling and tasting plants are up high on my list for desirable. I've been searching for sweet condensed milk flavored plants....plants that go well with coffee or tea. I like all kinds of flavor and aroma profiles...variety...but consistently come back to the sweets.


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
my bad then, but yeah im a sweet/fruity, citrus toker myself.

id imagine then that the combination of terpenes between the 2 lines created the bubblegum profile, and you could as you well know chase that bubblegum to the point of a seedline that is dom for it.

have plenty of trouble keepin my own seed work straight let alone anothers, do my best to follow along though:D



my bad then, but yeah im a sweet/fruity, citrus toker myself.

id imagine then that the combination of terpenes between the 2 lines created the bubblegum profile, and you could as you well know chase that bubblegum to the point of a seedline that is dom for it.

have plenty of trouble keepin my own seed work straight let alone anothers, do my best to follow along though:D


Yeah dude...I feel ya...and I certainly don't expect anyone to keep up on this all this shit. I forget or in the process of forgetting myself. It's kind of crazy...because when I started breeding...I was a stickler for details. After a while...I pretty much snapped...so...whatever is documented in the thread...is about all the records there are. I don't keep a notebook anymore...out of deliberation rather than laziness.

I have come to the same conclusion...that the mashing of the resin profiles...of the two lines...has opened up a pathway to sweetness/bubblegum. What continues to blow me away about Cannabis....is its constant mimic of other aromas and flavors. I mean...how does a plant smell like bubblegum?

* Off to garden...I'll be back with some pix of selections 7, 8, and 9


Active member
Figs Full of Goodness

Figs Full of Goodness

The early, intense heat has plumped up the fig this year....you know figs, they ripen fast. How to eat them all in time is the challenge...gonna give them away, too.



I know exactly what you mean about the bubblegum flavors, P. I found bubblegum recently in my sour/haze cross, much to my delight. I'd sniffed some allspice notes in the father line, and kind of figure that the NYCD heaped sugar on top of it.....which is the recipe for actual bubblegum, so...
I had two out of five (albeit, heavily selected) phenos, so I really hope to be bring it out more often in future generations.
It's kind of nostalgic to be smoking bubblegum...but man...this stuff blows away the bubblegum I remember.


Morning OD temps were below 40...hovering barely over freeze

Morning OD temps were below 40...hovering barely over freeze

Still dealing with cold nights....but well into the 80s during the day. A challenging place to garden outdoors...but indoors it's pretty easy.

Hell Hound selections 7, 8, and 9....day 54....entering flush

I didn't differentiate here....these sisters are duplicates of one another. I pollinated the #9 for the inline into the next generation...but I could have used any of these girls....they are that close.

* I call these: "A Better Odessa Flower"....which just means...that the OG Jam has held up its end of the bargain...and densified the...habitually....looser Odessa flower. You may be able to see how they have tightened up.

** Harping on aroma again...yup and yes....the blending of the parental tributaries has created a sweet bubblegum river of waft and gooey goodness

*** Yielders? They look good for that aspect of the cultivation game

**** Flower Xs....these are 70 day plants...give or take 5 days to your preference. I don't see ultra fast expressions here...no lengthy ones either

***** No signs of intersex anywhere...or at anytime. I...myself...don't mind some intersex (as I've documented)...but for those that are puritan sinse types...these would pass the test..they love everything/can take abuse

These are the last batch of sisters...in the run...to go into flush. They will be the last plants harvested before I shut down for summer. I surely can not complain....again...very happy with the F1 generation...knowing that the following generations will be built for performance. Good good stuff


I know exactly what you mean about the bubblegum flavors, P. I found bubblegum recently in my sour/haze cross, much to my delight. I'd sniffed some allspice notes in the father line, and kind of figure that the NYCD heaped sugar on top of it.....which is the recipe for actual bubblegum, so...
I had two out of five (albeit, heavily selected) phenos, so I really hope to be bring it out more often in future generations.
It's kind of nostalgic to be smoking bubblegum...but man...this stuff blows away the bubblegum I remember.

I know it. Honestly...most the stuff I've been working with in the last 2yrs...blows my mind. I can not bitch about these modern hybrids. I could only dream of stuff like this back when I was a kid. To actually be creating...tailoring....my own stuff is such a blessing.

I know the stuff was great back in the day...but it's great now as well imo. Trips me out...when peeps say different.

I'm chasing Sweet Condensed Milk flavor...really...all things sweet fruity citrus...

* I smoked a few joints last week...I rolled up herb with dried Spearmint....like brushing your teeth while getting high


Out of the cold

Out of the cold

The Fuck Show sisters....pulling out of the nose dive of plummeting night pit temperatures. Just above the freezing mark...no worry.

Sun is already on them...it'll be 80 degrees in there real quick like. Fed their mix...and bent in another round of mangling...twisting...crunch down bondages...scarring up the branches...forcing bushy style even growth...many headed canopy...low-profile-not-to-be-seen

Fuck Show= Hell Hound (Premium expression) X Bubba G

Hitters? You bet. This shit will be all kinds of gnarly...no way it won't be. I'll have...for sure...2 different expressions. Is the sweet condensed milk in there?

* "Mother's Milk"...is a line I'm looking to create...already named...looking for the expression mash that matches up to the name.

** Hell Hound transitioned into Fuck Show....then I will take Fuck Show into Salvation

Mother's Milk recipe will be made of: Casey Jones, C99BX, SFV OG, Ghost OG, Katsu Bubba, Strawberry Dog (Screme'n Dawg), and Highend....I call that a high performance oriented pool. I will stop at nothing short of the next rabbit hole
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Wow I really have a lot of reading to do but from what I saw on the first few pages I can't wait to see the rest! Great work so far I can't wait to see the rest and what you do as you continue!


#4 selection Hell Hound

#4 selection Hell Hound

Manicured flowers....harvested day 71

Odessa blended to OG Jam has brought forth some tasty and very potent expression. A lot has come together in the Hell Hound transition...leaving much more wiggle room in the generations that will follow.

* The last few days I've been smoking nothing but...Hell Hound selection #3....no cure...flavor is there even fresh off the vine...sweet funky as of now...the high can hobble your thought process initially...then sails you away. +++++++++++

** A pathway that I'm considering: Blending choice Hell Hound IX1 expressions to C99 IX1 (the C99 beans I would use are from a Pineapple female donor...drawn out of H3ad's BXing efforts). I have not grown any straight C99 in a while....and would like to come back at the Hell Hound with another dose...as the present Cindy in Hell Hound (via the Odessa) is well layered under

*** Hell Hound as it is...hard to argue with. Great stuff coming out of there. If I were stuck with only Hell Hound to grow...I'd not be freaking out. I love the stuff...love the options bestowed

**** Yes...I do...I love the stuff...and I still have 6 more to harvest/sample


More harvesting of Hell Hound

More harvesting of Hell Hound

The last few nights..under moon lit skies..the coyotes have been singing loudly to one another. A symphony of the pack...or a defiance...or an emotion...who's to say what drives survivors?

Hell Hound selections 5 and 6 got the chop this morning. In their 74th day of flower...they were still pushing forth attempts at new growth...but in essence...they had been stressed short of food for the last 3wks or so...and were more than ready to fold

Still smoking non cured joints of Hell Hound selections 2 and 3...as the indoor studio gets closer to shut down. It does not matter that there is no (or not much of anyway) cure time...they are the jars my hand seeks during early morning frazzles..or heat of the day pre run indulgences of ritual...or under the moon light watering of food gardens....no it does not matter...the smoke...to me...is that satisfying.

* I'm running out of my mind. Hit another gear....another level. The simplicity of the training....run run run...more more more...don't skimp on the gravy in the next drainage...into the next climb out...over that next ridge come looming. Summer running is a different animal...you best have your shit together

** Finding that moving into my late 40's....I have not peaked. I'm going further...faster...and on less water. It's about conditioning yourself to presence. Don't let the "norm"/common opinion distract you....fatten you up....lull you to sleep
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i may not be as strong as i was when i was younger,but im a much better climber now and cyclist....just lack the raw power of youth....im just getting into some long cured buds,some 4 month cured ssh....good stuff...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i was just thinking how liberating getting away from clones and mother plants and such must be...here i am contemplating setting up a separate mother area,which will of course mean more gear to buy and more heat to deal with....and another room to take care of....almost makes more sense to dust the moms with the appropriate pollen to make f2's where i can so i have thousands of chances at it again....at least hundreds at any rate...fuck it,i really really want a road bike first,my ride is 20 years old (still shreddin'!) i may have ridden it over 40000 miles at this point,time for a new bike i think...


trimming away on Hell Hound flowers

trimming away on Hell Hound flowers

Freshly harvested selections 5 and 6....a few of the many nuggets

Easy to trim for the most part...stinks up the location...goos up the scissors...but the flowers are dense/sturdy....don't sponge in the scissors..instead...stand firm to take their trimming.

* It's easy...when manicuring these expressions...to see the effects the OG Jam parent had on the mash. Flower density is like none of the expressions found in Odessa....yet the Odessa parent...can still be seen in the flower structure. The Hell Hound transition has delivered a better Odessa flower imo +++++++++++++++++++

** I'm completely happy with the outcome of mixing Odessa and OG Jam. The expansion of this pool is already being mapped out. To me: I view Odessa and the OGs as having similar resin profiles...perhaps coming from different routes...but compatible in the pool. I believe...because of this compatibility...that I'm experiencing different desirable aromas/flavors in the Hell Hound transition.

*** I predict several of the Hell Hound plants to hit my top shelf. Hands down....my favorite smoke at the moment. It's all I'm smoking. I have no notion of smoking anything else for the next couple months. That's an indicator of how well the cross is working for me

This is what it's all about....fine tuning...tailoring your very own herb. Herb that tastes so good to smoke...and with a powerful enough motor to take you out voyaging. When you document the work done...you can say whatever you want...it's mostly a subjective mission...but...I'm telling you...gold is gold


i was just thinking how liberating getting away from clones and mother plants and such must be...here i am contemplating setting up a separate mother area,which will of course mean more gear to buy and more heat to deal with....and another room to take care of....almost makes more sense to dust the moms with the appropriate pollen to make f2's where i can so i have thousands of chances at it again....at least hundreds at any rate...fuck it,i really really want a road bike first,my ride is 20 years old (still shreddin'!) i may have ridden it over 40000 miles at this point,time for a new bike i think...

Dude...liberating is an understatement. I can't even fathom cloning anymore...it's not something I see myself ever doing again in my canna garden. Beans...if you made them...and know the parent plants you used...are almost as predictable as clones in a lot of ways.

The more I grow...the more I make...the more simple the garden gets. There are patterns...there are methods...none of the going ons are for no reason. The plants have a big say...I believe that...just as well as I believe you can become attuned to their language. When plants start turning out as per your vision...you see your own progression. It's not unlike progressions made on any trail...lot of terrain and time ticks by...but then you lesson your way through it...and shit just starts flowing for you.

* I'm watering up all day while I trim..taking in the fluids and the calories. Ran out in the desert yesterday...hot and hilly...and now getting ready for the next 2 days of the same thing. I love the heat...well schooled on how to function in it. Summer is a wild time.

** got a new pair of trail shoes a couple weeks ago. I bought the exact same pair of Merrell water sport shoes...as the the ones I've been running in since last August. I tried all the new models...but could not find a pair that were better than this shoe..this shoe that is technically not even a running shoe. Go figure. It's all about function and environment...is it not?


Former P.O.W
ICMag Donor
Glad to see you still having a good time PABLOS....I find playing in the grow room very addictive.Its like I cant wait till its time at the end of the day , where I can go into 1 of my rooms to see what crosses are working and which ones that are not...Plus its always nice to come up with something that makes the TOP SHELF...
Enjoying your thread buddy! :friends:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
not surprising,i wear tevas to hike around in the rocky ass cactus and catclaw covered mountains around here,much freer than clunky hiking shoes..


Glad to see you still having a good time PABLOS....I find playing in the grow room very addictive.Its like I cant wait till its time at the end of the day , where I can go into 1 of my rooms to see what crosses are working and which ones that are not...Plus its always nice to come up with something that makes the TOP SHELF...
Enjoying your thread buddy! :friends:

O yeah man....I'm still having a good time with it all. The difficult...overcrowded...overwhelming...slamming of plant lines...the run of years to build the pools...all that's over. Had to go through it though..had to build and lesson up

Now...I'm pretty comfortable/confident in the pools created. It's way more mellow....consistent. I think it's important to be honest with yourself about what you seek...after that...it rolls at plant speed.

learned a lot by threading various projects...not to keep the record straight exactly...but to get down the garden era...how expressions develop into song

* Maybe I'll revert to buying packs of POG and believing I can't go wrong....document the whole thing...Hindu Kush/SK#1..roots down
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