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canadas kindest bud - 19.6% thc!

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the med man

hey chimera, name calling 101 just called, and they want there best pupil back, mlaaaah boi

hahahahahahahahahahahah, lol. i guess character assassination was the first topic when you learned "the scientific method'" lol. or is it all you really have to try to feel better about yourself? what a joke. wait till your peers get ahold of these, and all the corporations you've been brown nosing lmfao, mm
lol u got bigger probs with that grow .. hey chimera its been a while .. seems things dont ever change round hee er' .. its the old i am the man complex .. naw .. any grow u can smokes a good one .. pfffffft .. who am i kidding .. roflmao ..

see ya round like a dounut .. ss

the med man


i have 32 kb/s. these took me 2 hours to find/

if i was anyone who cared id just google nixon administration knew about cannabis and cancer cure. it was a 3 or 4 year long study in the side effects of cannabis. right before the war on drugs.

even rastas in camps deep in jamaica have known about this forever, but i know shamans in jungles and other minorities plus people without dogmatic degrees are just ignorant savages in the eyes of elitist Darwinists like chimera and his band of for profit cronies, mm

Marco Renda

Active member
What are those things you are trying to get back from customs then Marco? And you weren't taking meds till you got caught, you were entering the cup, no? Say what ya feel dude. People really do know whats up, even if you sugar coat it. Peace GS

GS the seeds that I am waiting to get back from Customs Canada were DECLARED GOODS! I have paperwork that allows importation of seeds. It's Health Canada that is delaying the release of the seeds NOT Customs Canada, as a matter of fact Customs Canada is prepared to come to court on MY BEHALF.

What is your problem with me wanting to carry my meds along with a cup entry considering that I was way below what I am able to carry on my person.

Time to give it a rest GS as you are only making yourself look like a fool with your BS statements.

Take Care and Peace

Marco Renda

Active member
i think its only for eu countries that signed the sch?????? (weird germanish name) treaty.

Schenker Treaty I believe is what it's called. Yes it's for EU countries and I am a citizen of an EU country. But fact of the matter is that it's my medicine and that I should be allowed to carry it on my person. The UK is the only country in the EU that doesn't follow the Schenker Treaty for some reason and I was willing to fight it in the courts.

Folks need to stand up for their rights and quit bowing down to LEO.

Take Care and Peace


I think that I read something recently from Tommy Chong saying that while he did his Stint in prison (no smoke) for selling pipes and bongs he had developed prostate Cancer. He was also saying that he is now taking the thc pills and the cancer is receding. There has to be something here
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