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Way out on a limb



While I remember paraquat and some of this other stuff you're referring to, I don't think the government actually needs to take this level of interference. I believe that pot growers are SO casual about how we do things that we've brought this shit upon ourselves. And as long as we as a group continue to be so casual in how we do things, from using stuff like Eagle20 and Avid with little care or precaution, let alone a mind to preventing RESISTANCE, to burning our own homes down, this will continue.

And the government won't need to do much of anything except capitalize on the situation.


Active member
Well folks, I'm going to say it. The words that noboby wants to hear. I have been growing for thirty five years. I'm just going to come out and say it. There is "something going on with the grow". Mosaic, Broad mites,...? PM. I will tell you a little story of my grow over the last thirty five years....And I know people...! I know people who started the indoor. I know people who started everything..........!!! I live in So Cali and have relatives in Santa Cruz, and Oregon and all points Cannabis. OK....? There is something going on...!!! If your an Ol'timer like me you will remember the "Paraquat" Remember smoking that shit...? I am well respected among my peers and there is "something going on" man it's like the nose on your face. The government has some spooky shit going on. This is not normal.THIS TIME IT'S NOT PUBLIC IT'S ON THE DOWN LOW.....! Take it as you will , I'm rite 90 % of the time.....I was getting the absoulute killer clones from this place in LA. Then one day I went to pick up and something did not feel rite. It was just spooky, I could tell something was wrong. Spidy sense...hehe, Thats when after years of getting my clones from this place I have now been destroyed by the broad mites. And when I went to pick them up it was like different somehow, like there where "Narks" around I could feel it...! Like I could feel the sense of someone getting the better of me..? you ever had that feeling...? Like I had been had...and I was walking away with there poison.
Call me crazy ok , but im always rite, always....!

This is mind blowing, so sit down old man. ( i know your not a solution kind of guy, more of a blamer)

More people grow now, then they did in the " old days".
The more people grow, the more casual types start to grow, more, more , more. When there is so much " more" of anything. You see the odds take a duker. And you see bad things happen, habits, etc.

Another thing to add...Say you get your Med card, say it happens to be a certain black doctor who is a really good guy in LB. Lets say he is rather popular and happens to have a wonderful office with many diff flowers, orchids etc....Lets just say you have to renew your card, and it was busy, so you were waiting around looking at flowers and all the orchids in his waiting room. That guy who is waiting to see the DrJ notices infestations on all his plants, talking aphids, potato aphids...the green ones. All packs on the plants and flowers, all fucking sorts, yes the guy told the Doc and he shat when he noticed. Lets just say some of those hop on X amount of peeps during the busy days. Or vice versa. Ever go to grow shops where they have their lame little gardens in the entrance. Hello.

So again, its the amount of people growing now, habits, easy access to things, LAZYNESS. Its a - more people growing thing.

The question I want to ask is.
Are you Still Invisible's father?
2nd go with mosaic

2nd go with mosaic

First round with "Mosaic" was from cuts from very well known L.A. cut provider. Second , round (Now) Thought I may have had broad mites as is popular now to explain away this soon to be very much of interest to all.A huge life changing "MOSAIC".Seed was from one of the largest seed companys in the world. Maybe got a little carried away with my conspiracy theory. But had beautiful plants for decades could not give them a problem if I even tried. After first go-round I threw away almost everything. Sterrilized with pool shock My rezivour (only thing I kept) ...scrubed everything , threw most things tubing ,pots, clippers , almost everything was eliminated . What was not eliminated , was scrubed inside and out. Walls, floors, with Pool shock and then just to be extra carefull Tri-sodium phosphate (as I had heard it works to stop mosaic from repilcating) ...So this will be my last post.I 'm prolly wrong about the government being involved.It would mostly benefit all the larger opps up north and Oregon who I have been hearing have been doing a lot of crying as there profits have been drying up. If I need my meds in the future I will have to coulnt on my infected grows to hopefully come though as I have had some grows do ok with this virus . By ok I would mean down grading from AAA to a B ,Cause i ain't going to go to dispensary and smoke there "Avid" soaked crap. If you have it , IMHO 95% will always have it. If you don't have it...You will.Take good care...All the very best.
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Insects vector viruses like mosaics.

And I totally feel you, especially after reading what I've read over the years, about going somewhere else and getting whatever some lazy ass grower decides is perfectly fine for you to smoke, like abamectin.

I remember my mother's rallying cry whenever we were going to wallpaper a room. "Get the TSP and SCRUB!" That brings back memories, memories of that 70s groove.

You should look into quaternary ammonium compounds for sanitization and sterilization.
Thanks SeaMaided

Thanks SeaMaided

Insects vector viruses like mosaics.

And I totally feel you, especially after reading what I've read over the years, about going somewhere else and getting whatever some lazy ass grower decides is perfectly fine for you to smoke, like abamectin.

I remember my mother's rallying cry whenever we were going to wallpaper a room. "Get the TSP and SCRUB!" That brings back memories, memories of that 70s groove.

You should look into quaternary ammonium compounds for sanitization and sterilization.

Thought I was gonna die last time I had to clean with "pool shock" so I won't be using that again. Thanks for the advise. I will never give up. Actually I am possitive someday this menace will be defeated (one good thing about this problem is it will eventually affect enough people that an answer will be found) is what I believe. It will eventually affect too many people and a "fix" will be found. I have been investigating the idea that maybe something like a "Fogger" that the fumes permeate evey single area of your grow just by placing a "Fogger unit" in room. And just eliminating all not nailed down eguiptment ,rezivour pots ,fans, ect,ect, (Everything) rite now I'm doing an experiment to determine as had been suggested through reading. That there needs to be dirrect contact with infected material. Because this is very hard to prove, My mothers in another room look perfectly normal. But , this time as soon as they went into hydroton "ebb and flo" buckets within a few days started to get the mosaic ...leads me to believe there was some tubing a very small piece that was reused as well as the rez that both where soaked in pool shock that may be the culprit. There also was a period of "months" in between grows with "hot shots" hanging to make sure any bugs where killed as not to be a "Vector". My problem now is I do get a few knats now and then that could escape from one room to another as a vector . mothers show no signs so I'm now going to put a clone into flower from the normal looking mothers in another room.(separate pot not connected to ebb and flo system) If there is no sign of moasic I will hopefully have my answer. But ,I have read mothers can look normal until a clone is "put into stress " like a clone goes through" after getting roots and put into flower...so we will see. After this test , if it fails ,I will throw away everything again but this time I mean "everything period" and start from seed I have had bread myself some years ago. Peace...!


That has happened to me in the past. I don't have the decades growing cannabis under my belt that you do, of course, but I have seen exactly that.

Had a mother cut that a friend had given me, his own cross and seed starts. I ran it for two years, always looked exactly the same. Then one indoor run ONE cut showed the mosaic mottling on three leaves, along with that slight twist on the mottled side. It finished just fine, very well in fact, and no other cuttings showed the mosaic, either at the same time or after that run. I still have no idea why it happened, but I've lost the mother cut so it's moot.

Stay persistent and you will find your answer. Maybe not when you expect it, maybe after you've given up the search, but I'm sure you'll find it.


That has happened to me in the past. I don't have the decades growing cannabis under my belt that you do, of course, but I have seen exactly that.

Had a mother cut that a friend had given me, his own cross and seed starts. I ran it for two years, always looked exactly the same. Then one indoor run ONE cut showed the mosaic mottling on three leaves, along with that slight twist on the mottled side. It finished just fine, very well in fact, and no other cuttings showed the mosaic, either at the same time or after that run. I still have no idea why it happened, but I've lost the mother cut so it's moot.

Stay persistent and you will find your answer. Maybe not when you expect it, maybe after you've given up the search, but I'm sure you'll find it.

Ya, I have had wierd growth before especially on "The blues" twisted wierd growth. "Mosiac" when you get it you know it. When you grow the same strains as you have before and they all (maybe six different strains) all that you have grown before from different seed companys. And One of the problems is i'm getting old now and it not so easy anymore tp put in the work I use to be able to do. I may invest in one of those kind of expensive "ultra fine mist foggers" that people use to fumigate large grows after I eliminate all possible vectors, ( my grow is not that large). I'm preety tenacious (hey a problem to be solved...!) hehe, Gives this old man something to do..LOL...but also is very depressing .(It all started with a few cuts from a dispensary).

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