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Organic grow in the alps


Hi there,

thx for stopping by. This is my second time trying to keep records of my grow operations. I already had a report running herea report running here on icmag, but that was an old appartment of mine, which doesnt exist anymore. Due to job reasons I recently had to relocate a couple of times, but now I finally got myself a spot, where I can stay long enough for 2-3 grows.

Last time I had 9 beauties in 6.5l pots, which are currently supplying me and a few friends with everything we need. Before that I had 7 smaller plants in even smaller pots 3.5l and of course a smaller yield, though the light setup was the same. The plan for the coming operation is to get even bigger pots than last time, but only 4-5 plants. I haven’t got the bigger pots yet, but there is still some time left before I will need them.

Seeds: Northern Lights feminized (and auto flower, but I wont give them longer than 6 weeks in 18/6 before switching to 12/12). I put them into wet towels yesterday and will plant them into some

Soil: Plagron Bat Mix

Fertilizer: BioBizz Starters Pack, I just love bio stuff, because you cant overfeed your plants and I plan on consuming it afterwards. Also the big packages always expire too early, I cant finish them on time with my small setup, so a starters pack every year is enough for me.

Indoor Grow in a modified Homebox Twin (1.2m x 0.8m x 2.0m) with 1 big chamber (I removed the separtator [see photos])
Lights: 200w purple CFL + 250w HPI/HPS lights
Small fan running 24/7
A humidifier (I live in a dry place) for germination & the first weeks
A TropfBlumat system with a 20l tank, but I am not sure, if I use it this time.
Temp/humidy sensors, box stands in a very dry location 700m above sea. During rain humidy goes up to 80%, but the average humidy is 40-50%, 30%-40% in the box. Max temp during summer was 36 °C.

Here some visual proof of what has been done so far


And the 5 Northern Lights seeds in their current home


I hope to keep track of the plants development much better than last time and check for optimization options. I really would like to switch to a smaller box while keeping the current yield. Suggestions on that are always welcome. Now enjoy the show and :thank you:


3 days later some seedlings are showing their heads. I just watered them and took this nice photo


100% germination rate, thanks to the online shop with the same name as a rock band or an indian word. They are pretty, or it feels fast for me having seeds germinating and growing this fast


Little plants like these don’t do much but growing, but it’s finally time for some updates. There are 2 first-time-experiences coming up:

A week or so ago I got four 3gal. SmartPots. 3 days ago I filled them up to the top and completely flushed them. Then they had 2 days off in my bathroom to let the soil breath a little before being used.

2 days ago I moved them to the box and transplanted the seedlings into their new and last home. Also I started using the Tropf Blumats for the first time ever. There are 4 of em, 1 for each pot. Actually I am expecting to see my box being flooded by water coming from the 20 liter reservoir sitting on a shelf right next to the box 5ft above the ground, but the ground protection from the box should be able to handle maybe 10 liters, so I only filled the reservoir up to 50%. Before penetrating the soil with the Blumats (doesnt this sound perverted?), I watered the soil again and then pushing in the Blumat. It worked out very well. After opening the water came out pretty fast, but adjusting everything was pretty simple.

Yesterday morning while checking the plants I saw a little drop hanging on the Blumat and then finally dripping onto the soil. Guess this means, everything is ok. According to my investigation you should plan a week of checking and adjusting the flow, before you can just let nature take over. Thats perfect, in 11 days Im on a trip, which might take another week. The donor of the seeds will check the reservoir every 2-3 days and refill, if necessary. Today the water level in the tank went clearly down, so I had to refill it to ⅔.

Fertilizer … I had a bad first buy experience with a local online store. The fertilizer is currently on its way back to the seller and I got no clue, when I can expect a package, which didnt expire last month. But with this bat sh** soil I should have 4 to 6 weeks, before the plants really need anything more but water. From then on I will topfeed them with whatever I can get a hold of.

Here the reservoir and a family photo of the plants in their new pots and the water reservoir.



I appologize big time for not updating this. 1st my camera went missing on a trip and my phone always saves the GPS data, so no secure photos possible. Also somehow a set of different bugs invaded my growbox, probably with bad soild from a chili plant parked in there for a week. Usually I used Neem oil for prevention, but this time I was out of stock and as usually I spent more time on business trips than at home, so I noticed it only, after most of the plants lower levels were already invaded. Right now the plants are still alive and I even ordered a whole set of predator bugs, but I gave up hope on this grow.

I only want to let you guys know, that the autoflower feminized seeds from the supplier with the same name as a famous rock band are really impressive. I got 5 and 4 were growing in the box. Out of curiosity I put #5 in a 0.5liter pot on my balcony and is probably the only plant I will be able to smoke, because there are 0 bugs. Even though its summer time in the alps, the plant went into flowering immediately, first signs were visible after 2-3 weeks. Of course #5 is not as tall as the 3gal pot plants, but should be ready as fast as its indoor sisters.

Now the next grow has to be a huge one, or I will be out of stock with something far more important than Neem oil ...