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Federal raid targets drug trafficking at Puerto Rico's main airport



Hundreds of federal and state agents were conducting sweeps of Puerto Rico's main airport Wednesday in an anti-drug trafficking operation, officials said.

In addition, there were raids in the commonwealth's capital, San Juan, said Laila Rico, a spokeswoman for the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno told CNN en Español that 42 arrest warrants have been issued, not all of them in Puerto Rico.

He said some arrests would be made in the mainland United States.

The raid was taking place at Luis Munoz Marin International Airport, just outside San Juan.
Related indictments, expected to be unsealed Wednesday, deal with the use of the main airport and other airports to traffic drugs, Fortuno said.

The arrests are part of an investigation of two separate cases, the DEA said.

Fortuno said that 200 police and federal agents were participating in the operation.

The governor told WAPA Radio that because of new controls at the island's ports of entry, it is easier to detect drug trafficking.

Two years ago, authorities arrested three former employees of a private baggage handling company who had worked at an airport in Puerto Rico. Those arrests targeted a drug trafficking ring that used major airlines to smuggle cocaine and heroin to the United States.

  • NEW: Arrests also being made on U.S. mainland, governor says
  • There were also raids in San Juan, says Drug Enforcement Administration spokeswoman
  • There was no immediate report of how many arrests were made
  • The operation is linked to two cases involving drug trafficking

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Coca and heroin? Have at it. That stuff is death, and the world is better without it.
Most of the arguments in favour of Cannabis legalisation hold true for heavy drugs too,. You might not like it but some people like those drugs, and they would be a lot safer, and bring less criminality if they were legal. I think prices would have to be fixed somehow to prevent companies taking over from gangs in the blatant exploitation of addicts.
People who say it would create more addicts are being stupid-- just ask yourself,if Heroin were legal tomorrow,would you go out and start shooting it?? Most people would say no. All the people who want to take drugs are taking them regardless of the law.
Fact is, Heroin can kill you if not "used as directed", but so can an electric toaster. It is hypocrisy to call for legal weed, but leave other drugs in the hands of the gangs. All the talk of legalisation of ganja to reduce gang violence and crime is deluded without full drug legalisation. Fucking selfish too-"I want to get my high safely, but fuck other people who like other highs"
We might not like to call it a drug-but the herb is a drug-it is used to alter the state of mind, enhance the mood, or as medicine. What is another word for medicines?? Drugs. Being down on hard drug users while toking, is just as lame as all the piss-heads(boozers) who look down on us tokers-hypocrisy.
Heroin and crack addiction is bad shit, I know, I've been there and it took years of my life away(both time spent and damage done) and shrivelled me up physically and emotionally--Addiction is not good, but there would be a lot less of it, and it would be much less harmful, to both the users and to society if it was regulated. In the UK, the name in the law for illegal drugs is "Controlled substances" what a joke.
We need, worldwide, legalisation, nuns vagina tight control on all aspects of sales and distribution, a goodly portion of profit made to to put into treatment as a condition of entering the highly restricted buisiness, and proper education that deals with the real issue, honestly, seriously and again HONESTLY,
I'll sign off with

Stay away from the heavy stuff boys n girls-seriously.
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I don't get it.
Why do people indulge themselves in such substances when they know they are so harmful,I think they know.
I know of 3 high school buddies that Od'd,perished from "dope".very sad..they were good friends who enjoyed the acid I use to get back in the 80s...toilet monster..memories.
Even my son was hooked.and he's only 20.God bless him.
but really,who am I to say anything,I'm addicted to ciggs..they will be the cause of my death..just a slower one.