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Sweet Tai, 200W CFL, SCROG (rookie)


Hello guys, I've been taking care of this girl for two months and about a week ago I changed it to 12/12.

It's a Sweet Tai grown from feminized seed. This is what Sweet Seeds has to say about it:

Excellent crossing of our Super Tai with a Early Skunk in which it predominates an pleasant flavor and typical very penetrating Tai aroma and spices of some of these exotic Asian varieties. The crossing with the Early Skunk trims the time of flowering, it contributes more density and resin to the buds and it equips to the plants with one more a more compact structure to better suited to the requirements of indoor growing.

Variety of very stimulating and cerebral effect.
So it's a 70% sativa 30% indica hybrid that is cheap and suited for indoor grow ops. Great!











I used an 18/6 photoperiod, now it's in 12/12.

It's growing in a 1:1:1 humus soil, perlite and peat moss growing medium, in a 10-12 litre pot. It looks a bit more perlite rich because there was some perlite at the bottom of the bag we used to mix it lol!

I water it every two days approximately, when the medium is dry.

I fed it a mineral NPK 15-12-17 fertilizer about two weeks ago, because it started showing a nitrogen deficiency and it was about time to flower.

The fan in the pictures is now on top of the screen. There's a 120mm fan pulling air out, and an 80mm fan pulling air in from behind the pot (the big one is at a lower voltage). Ideally it would be blowing air at the plants but we had to raise the pot this time due to a little mistake on our part hehe. Not to worry! it's still nice inside.

The bulbs are three 60W and one 23W, at 10cm above the plants, in a cabinet that's 60x60cm and 80cm high.

Things to do:
-Get a proper reflector.
-Get rid of the aluminum foil and use mylar.
-Get a better fan.
-Change the 23w bulb, which wasn't meant to be permanent, for a 60w one.



I noticed these leaves yesterday, what gives? They're the oldest and largest leaves, but new growth is healthy. Could it be a phosphorus deficiency? Is it getting rid of its old leaves?


What could it be? Thanks guys!

Space Ghost

That is a fairly advanced Mg (magnesium) deficiency, just give the plant some epsum salt (not table salt) at a rate of 1.5TEAspoons/gallon pH'ed water or nute mix.

Great start, after the initial hit of epsum salt, start giving it 0.25-0.5TEAspoons/gallon every feeding, that leaf will probably die because of all the necrosis, but all the other growth will benefit.


Thanks for the reply! I think Mg deficiency is correct, and have added Epson Salt as per instructed.

Thanks again for the advice!


When people tell you to leave the fan leaves on the plant,
They really mean this;

As a leaf (Such as your MG deficient crinkle leaf) dies, the plant sucks all of the minerals out of it. I think this is why they display deficiency in a pattern. So do not chop that leaf off until it falls off by itself. So yes it's "getting rid of it's leaves" but only in order to feed it's more efficient canopy leaves.

Just thought I'd tell you this from the beginning.

The grow looks excellent, but that seedbank/description sounds very very shifty.
Hope the genetics are alright!


Thanks for the input! I had never thought of it that way about the plant getting its deficient nutrients from their older leaves. I don't really like cutting my plants, and I've only taken two small leaves that were obviously dead, they didn't get much light and went chlorotic til they died off.
The seedbank is called Sweet Seeds and it's a pretty well established and reputable bank from Spain, and its seeds are popular here in South America, I think because it was one of the first ones to reliably ship seeds across from Europe (to Chile, anyway), though I'm not too sure. They've got some great genetics such as their Sweet Afghani Delicious and Psicodelicia, which is among the best strains I've had the pleasure to try.
I watched a growroom that contained three Psicodelicia plants and a couple of Royal Haze (from Dinafem) and both genetics were very consistent and a pleasure to smoke from.
I was looking for a cheap, sativa dominant strain, that was suitable for indoor grows. As a college student, my budget is limited, so this strain was exactly what I was looking for. We'll see when the curing is done!

Thanks for the advice!


Active member
loooookin good! Also if you know that leaf is going to die what you can do is this. Bend the stem of the fan leaf down so its vertical with the main stem CLOSEST to the main stem. It should do 1 of 2 things, 1 you will feel it snap but the stem of the fan leaf is still attached with no outside lacerations at the base, it will be a clean/soft bend OR, 2 you will bend the leaf and it will snap right off at the base of the fan leaf without leaving it with open wounds.

I do this for my plants and i just started growing... i figure if i dont need scissors to take a fan leaf off while doing it a more natural way i will. this is just personal preference

GOOD luck on this grow!


Hey guys! Nephrosis, good advice, I also do this with the leaves I'm not sure about, but lately I just leave the leaves on until they die on their own. I'm happy to report Macarena (that's what we named her!) is coming along nicely and buds are starting to appear. The necrotic leaves are dying but the rest of the plant looks healthy, just like Space Ghost said.


Hey guys! Seems like it didn't post correctly so here it goes again: Just a quick update, we've been flowering for about 15 days and the Mg deficiency has been taken care of, but when I wasn't looking (plant is at a friends house) an N deficiency sneaked through!! It wasn't that bad and only compromised some of the older leaves. I fertilized with a balanced NPK (12-10-14 or something) because it was also time for her periodic P and K, plus I added some red guano, which should do it. I was surprised to see how nitrogen-hungry this one turned out to be! Things are going good apart from this little glitch, and my prediction for harvesting around the first weeks of August still stands.

Here are some pics, the serrated edges look curled up and I believe this was because the plant carer neglected to pull the tops from above the screen, which caused the buds to get a little hot. It wasn't that bad and no other signs of heat stress have shown up (love these CFLs!).





We're on the third week of flowering and this plant is still hungry for N. The soil has been amended with some humus as well as the chemical NPK we've fed her. She gets her usual Epsom salt and red guano. She's frosting up nicely, considering we've still got a month and a half to go.







Hey guys! Update with pics! 56k internet users will suffer. We're nearing the sixth week of flowering! So 3-4 weeks to go!The grow has been getting on without problems, other than this girl's hunger for Nitrogen, which was a bit unexpected. I've amended the soil with humus and she has responded positively. I'm starting to dig this organic fertilizer thing, even though it is a bit more expensive. We fertilize every couple of waterings with Red Guano, Epsom Salt and an organic NPK 0-12-15 that also contains Boron, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum and Zinc. It's made locally specifically for cannabis cultivation, called Humix (by Powerplant).
For the next grow I think I will add more humus maybe before flowering and will leave the plants in vegetative for a while longer.








Thanks, Budz! It really pays off, this growing business. What a hobby! I'm looking to grow a couple of Deimos automatic, because my mate is going on vacation on November, so it's going to be a tight squeeze going from seed to harvest in less than 3 months.
I bought 5 feminized Deimos seeds, any idea how many I should plant in my cab, considering it's 60x60cm and 80cm tall? (that's about 2x2ft and 2.5ft tall). I'm thinking of scrogging them, too, I've seen good harvests from scrogging automatics.


Space Ghost

Keep it up! Looks very good... the next month will get very interesting for you...


Thanks, Space Ghost. Hope everything is okay over there in Ghost Planet, too! Yes, next month will be very interesting to say the least, harvesting, smoking obviously AND planting that Deimos. AF is something I never have had experience with.



Hey guys! I'm back with more pics! We're entering our last two weeks of flowering and things are looking splendid. Buds are ripening and fattening up, trichomes turning almost all cloudy, just the way we like it over here. CBD is for pussies! Just kidding, we love them all hehe. Anyway, winter here has been very cold, and apparently, our little girl felt it, too. She has been showing us some interesting colours, which was unexpected. I'm not complaining, though, all the more fun!

On to the pictures:

Let me show you guys the compact, dense structure and the short internodal distances. Pretty cool for a sativa:

Aerial shot:





This one I shot in RAW and adjusted the colours in PS for a more realistic spectrum, you can really see the purps in there!


That's it, cheers!

Space Ghost

not to rain on your parade, but you've got more than two weeks to being done.

and trust me the wait is worth it, both in quality and quantity...

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