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Cabbage Worms, Oh No!



I went into the garden today to discover most of my brassicas chewed to hell, and the culprits are little green caterpillars crawling all over everything. I'm new to organics, does anyone have a pesticide suggestion that's organic and works on these guys?


cabbage worms

cabbage worms

Baccilus Thuringiensis is sprayed on the plants. The worms eat the spores or bacteria along with the leaf material. The worms stop eating almost immdediately and die a few days later. The bacillus thuringiensis produces and enzyme that opens up the intestinal wall and the worms die of sepsis. It really works. The worms hatch from the eggs of those harmless looking white butterflies that flit through all the brassicas.

Sat X RB

wood ash sprinkled liberally works a treat. gets down between the leaves of cabbages and the heliosis hate it!

the price of organic brassica freedom is eternal vigilance!


Active member
i been chasing white butterflys all day LOL they are trying to inhabit my brussel sprouts.i spray em down with water so they cant fly and i crush em dead. save the brussel sprouts


Thanks for all the suggestions! If I'm not mistaken b. Thuringiensis is the active ingredient in mosquito dunks. I'll have to give this a try before they do any more damage.


Active member
never heard of using wood ash before. gonna try it thanks. the neighbors prob think i am crazy chasing butterflys all around my garden.home depot has the green bottle safers cat killer. its bt


Both my cats, one of which is a main coon that loves the outdoors, are alive. It states on the bottle that mammals are unaffected by Bacillus Thuringiensis