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Legal grow states are not setting good examples!!!


Scholastic Warrior
If you think anyone is representing our community in a bad manner.....I say take your eyes off the people that just want to smoke legally. Take a gander at the thousands that have changed their business to make as much as they can. Know why it's that easy for anyone to get a card? Cause the doc's make money from seeing the person, not turning them away. And I'm not saying look at docs only, just giving 1 simple example.

And I'm pretty sure rckymtnthuglife meant that any use of cannabis is medical in that its always used for something. Even when I was younger and my use was recreational, you could also say I was self medicating a harsh depression. Was I? Definitely, was that all I did it for? No way. His point was something small like this.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
They should change the Rec time to 5 years. This every year crap sucks. When I had good insurance and had my Doc Sign my Rec there was no cost. These pot doc are 100% in it for the cash..


They should change the Rec time to 5 years. This every year crap sucks.


i know a wheel chair bound MS patient that has do a renew every year.

i would like to ask the board of health if they think a lady with MS in a chair needs to go through the whole clusterfuck. she is not going to get better! and get this shit ...... the fuckhead of a doctor that treats her MS wont prescribe it for her, (real compassionate son of a bitch that one is) so she gets to bring the diagnoses from that prick to another prick who charges her for it.

she is one of the people who gets screwed the worst because she needs it the most ......... and all she is trying to do is make it through the day


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
And I'm pretty sure rckymtnthuglife meant that any use of cannabis is medical in that its always used for something. Even when I was younger and my use was recreational, you could also say I was self medicating a harsh depression. Was I? Definitely, was that all I did it for? No way. His point was something small like this.

Certainly anything can be broadly construed as medicinal even if it simply makes you feel better. What I was referring to was the statutory interpretation, and what was intended by the voters back in '96. Claiming that "all use is medical" is like claiming that California's basic speed law excuses you doing 120 on the freeway in your car that was designed for autobahn usage. It might actually be safer than doing 70 in some old Detroit iron, but it's not going to get you out of the ticket. Cannabis should be completely legal, but the current system of mmj is parasitic and the truly ill are the hosts.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Ya I dont understand what all doc dont do it. They wont be charged for any crime.. I dont think the Original writers of 215 wrote this bill for people that have hurt fingernail or stubbed there toe. I think they where talking about really sick folks. It went though a transformation after it passed.


Ya I dont understand what all doc dont do it. They wont be charged for any crime..

they can damn sure be threatened by the DA. take a docs ability to prescribe anything at all away and it is pretty much over for them.

i think they are a bunch of pussies, but in a way i can understand why some of them don't even want to have anything to do with it. why put a target on your head in front up a bunch of power hungry fucks who are bending and changing the rules all the time?

the 10% are going to keep the game going for as long as possible


I took myself off the liver transplant list ten years ago. Been growing and smoking over 40 years. Now I'm addicted to methadone due to pain. My smoke allows for less need for the opiates. It is an absolute thrill to grow my weed. Card or no card. I got one and even wonder if I'm gonna renew it every year as this is my first year with a card.
Set an example? Easy? My primary care provider will not sign the card so I've got to go to a retired 'yes' man, pay him $200.00, then pay DHS $200.00 for a yearly pass.
Is my diagnosis going to change? Been living with HepC over 25 years, I think not.

I actually went to a 'Harvest Fest', get this NO JOINTS. You had to smoke out of a pipe! No beer, no cigarettes. It felt weird but good. Setting an example?

A good example? How about ALL of the administrations that have perpetuated the lie of Schedule 1 classification. when the facts of medical benefits are screaming down their throats, Fucking liars...all of them

The legal status of marijuana has no bearing on whether I choose to participate or not. I can tell you though what the positions are of any politicians that are up for election in my area.
Setting an example? FU


Registered User
They should change the Rec time to 5 years. This every year crap sucks. When I had good insurance and had my Doc Sign my Rec there was no cost. These pot doc are 100% in it for the cash..

Then is it 'medical' anymore? Or just a five year exemption from the drug laws?

What doc-med condition get a rec or a script and a 'check back w me in 5'?

Simple fact... The drung laws are unjust, borne from ignorance and fear, used to empower and enrich.

Medical use-benefit was our way in... The only available option to make a dent in the war on drugs... And it actually does have medicinal benefits. But really... We just want to not be put in jail. Pretty simple base motivation for it all.

Sure there is money to be made... That's a problem w the entire system, not just weed. Imo. Peace


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
People that are obviously very sick I dont think they should need to go back every year to renew..


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I took myself off the liver transplant list ten years ago. Been growing and smoking over 40 years. Now I'm addicted to methadone due to pain. My smoke allows for less need for the opiates. It is an absolute thrill to grow my weed. Card or no card. I got one and even wonder if I'm gonna renew it every year as this is my first year with a card.

One reason to renew would be the methadone. My doctor danced around with the DEA for a couple of years, but they finally forced him into drug-testing his pain patients to make sure that they had opiates in their system. He had told me in advance that if I might test positive for mj, then I had to get a card or I would be dropped out of the pain program. According to him, the DEA is only concerned with drugs being re-directed to the street and street drugs, so the drug tests are to make sure you aren't peddling your Rx's, and if you have a card then you are ok in a mmj state if you test positive for mj. Funny, up until then I hadn't considered myself as qualifying for a card....it was a real eye opener when I went to the pot doc. Suffice it to say, I live way back in the sticks.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
my Rheumatology Doc He Prescribed all of my meds. I have been seeing him for about 3 years now. There are many RA patients that take Opiates to control the pain. I did not know that. I thought they took RA meds.. Now that I have RA in my hand,Back,Feet I know how painful RA is. I just took some updated X Rays my back L4 disk is fucked. He wants me to get Disk Fusion.. Oh and not 1 drug test in 8 years :)


Registered Non-Conformist
Anybody else in the states feel like the few states that have regulated marijuana are abusing it and putting off bad views of us as smokers? What im talking about is the people that are growing way more than there allowed and then selling it, having huge smoke outs in broad daylight, Giving anybody in the world a medical card, and the list goes on and on...

I just feel like there representing all of us in a negative manner. And to all the legal growers and honest patients, keep up the good fight!!:thank you:

Every state that has tried this MMJ thing has gone through the same Gauntlet of problems, prejudice, blocking, etc... For example, Dispensaries must be 1000 feet away from schools (which is not unreasonable).. Then that morphs into churches, playgrounds, next it will be supermarkets.. It is almost uncanny how similar each Medical state has been regarding responses to the same reactions.. From all sides..

The states that are doing the worst are those who have no program..! Or states like Hawaii in second place where the program is so ponderous that it is ineffective and dangerous. It is not Medical States' fault on any level. Although I can gear Politicians in NON-med states Citing these "Problems in Medical States." That's just an excuse..

From another perspective. Many areas that one can safely grow in are VERY low on the "Legit work opportunities" so things can become a bit more difficult.... Staying within the numbers is not very effective, most people would tell you... One needs clones for the next generation to be ready to flower each and every 2 months or so.. That means clones, teens, and mothers.. Plus Flowering plants, which pays the bills....And guess how much your stipend to the Bank or to the Landlord is..? Plus the High cost of Electric... And all the rest.. Adds up to mega-high Overhead. Then the Isolation factor.... You know the drill.

The profits are just not there for growers like it was 5 years ago.. Amount of the "donations for Medicine," is about 50-60% of what it was in many cases. The liabilities of growing have actually increased.
One cannot always depend on EVERY run being perfect. Yieldwise or quality-wise. New pests and problems seem to appear..! But, there's no room for error..

You've just got to nail it every time...! Maybe 10% of indoor growers are that skilled.

Not that any of this applies to me personally. But, it is NOT like Manna from heaven.

There are not "open smokeouts." In fact that is deffo frowned upon in a social outdoor gathering, unless it is private. Or reggae festivals and the like. people look at you funny sometimes at regular music festivals, except for the Earthdance sort.

People do not 'Just light up,' just anywhere. No one ever sees me smoke outside of the house..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I would agree. I have seen runs that where outstanding . The next run the quality was not that same. They did something different/changed something. Its not easy finding out where you fucked yourself. Sometimes everything seems to be exactly the same but the end product is not. Getting High quality cannabis from run to run is not easy..


I took myself off the liver transplant list ten years ago. Been growing and smoking over 40 years. Now I'm addicted to methadone due to pain. My smoke allows for less need for the opiates. It is an absolute thrill to grow my weed. Card or no card. I got one and even wonder if I'm gonna renew it every year as this is my first year with a card.
Oh my goodness, this brings back such memories. I had a dear, dear friend who was a transplantee, got TWO livers. He lived another ten years post-transplant, then let himself go into rejection because he had never planned on living that long after the transplant. He had a lot to say about how he felt people are not well prepared for living life as a transplantee, and if he had it to do over again, he would have simply gone his way without the transplant. I am SO GLAD for two things--you didn't do the transplant and you're here, ten years later, loving life still.

Bless you and bless John Verdugo, may you rest in peace, my old friend.
Set an example? Easy? My primary care provider will not sign the card so I've got to go to a retired 'yes' man, pay him $200.00, then pay DHS $200.00 for a yearly pass.
Is my diagnosis going to change? Been living with HepC over 25 years, I think not.

I actually went to a 'Harvest Fest', get this NO JOINTS. You had to smoke out of a pipe! No beer, no cigarettes. It felt weird but good. Setting an example?

A good example? How about ALL of the administrations that have perpetuated the lie of Schedule 1 classification. when the facts of medical benefits are screaming down their throats, Fucking liars...all of them

The legal status of marijuana has no bearing on whether I choose to participate or not. I can tell you though what the positions are of any politicians that are up for election in my area.
Setting an example? FU
I think we set excellent examples.


Active member
They should change the Rec time to 5 years. This every year crap sucks. When I had good insurance and had my Doc Sign my Rec there was no cost. These pot doc are 100% in it for the cash..
couldnt of said it better. my rec is free from my doc. he told me i dont need a new one yearly. but he gives me one anyhow to keep it dated recent.
This is bullshit. I've been using cannabis in one form or another for well over 40 years, and about the first 30 or so was purely for recreational reasons. For the last decade, it has been medical, and if you can't tell the difference, then I suspect that you haven't experienced medical usage yet. As I said in a previous post, I have absolutely no problem with any cannabis usage, but this attitude is destroying access in California for people who are true medical patients, and as the OP inferred, is keeping other states from following in our footsteps. I completely understand the civil disobedience side, and concur to a point. However, the epidemic of large grows in residential areas and "carpet baggers" coming into rural areas for huge seasonal outdoor grows has caused the inevitable reaction of the straight populace reacting with zoning bullshit that is eliminating access for people who have no other recourse.

So, you have no problem with ANY cannabis usage. But you don't even make it to the next sentence before "this attitude is destroying access in California for people who are true medical patients..." Seems like an oxymoron to me. Or something a politician would say.

Tell me how FREEDOM destroys access to CANNABIS. Tell me about the hordes of MEDICAL cannabis patients in California that have no access to their medicine. Give me something better than zoning laws.

Well, I've been smoking for over 20 years, and I've been picking up rocks (as a mason) and wood (as a firewood cutter) for just as long. I think my back knows a little bit about medical cannabis. When I was young and my back was strong, how could I possibly have been using cannabis as medicine? Simple. It was the only thing that would slow me down, keep me calm and therefore, relatively sane. Cannabis has saved my life.



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
So, you have no problem with ANY cannabis usage. But you don't even make it to the next sentence before "this attitude is destroying access in California for people who are true medical patients..." Seems like an oxymoron to me. Or something a politician would say.

Tell me how FREEDOM destroys access to CANNABIS. Tell me about the hordes of MEDICAL cannabis patients in California that have no access to their medicine. Give me something better than zoning laws.

I don't have a problem with any cannabis usage. I have a problem with recreational usage masquerading as medical usage, and it's subsequent impact on people who are too sick to grow and lack the connections to source it on the black market. I have a problem with declaring "all cannabis usage is medical" when the law clearly states for whom it is intended - the seriously ill. I spent right at 40 years on the illegal side, and the potential punishment , at least is California, is now far more minimal than it has ever been. We had a chance a couple of years ago to legalize recreational usage, and between apathy and greed it was shot down and has been used ever since as a "mandate of the people" to restrict our rights. As I said above, the current system of mmj is parasitic and the truly ill are the hosts.

Go to the on-line version of any newspaper in NorCal and see what is going on. Look at the threads on here about the changes taking place in every county in NorCal. Nevada county formerly had the most liberal regulations in the state behind the Emerald Triangle, and now, amongst other things, they want you to put a fucking sign out front to let everyone know that there is pot growing there in order to ease inspections. Do you suppose that might get you a little attention from some rippers? The straight community is fed up with the epidemic of huge grows, the piss-poor neighbors that growers make, the impact on their lifestyles, and they are demanding that their civic leaders find a way to eliminate the problem. Great. The cash croppers who actually live 500 miles away move on, and the old folks that really need mmj are now fucked out of growing it in the yard of the house that they've owned for 30 years.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Never read or herd of a Physician being charged or threaten by prosecution for giving a rec. I can see a Doc using this as a excuse not to give them thats bogus. They just dont want to be associated with Cannabis. They have there blinders on. No matter how much Proof is offered they dont want anything to do with it.


Registered Non-Conformist
"" now, amongst other things, they want you to put a fucking sign out front to let everyone know that there is pot growing there in order to ease inspections.""

Dude, now, you are being deliberately provocative.... But, as the OP that is your perogative...

FACT: It has always been suggested that one put up a copy of their Dr.';s recommendation either on the door of the grow room, or greenhouse...

FACT: a certain subset of the population is always going to be outraged.. (Oldsters, Old landowners, Punks running for office, local people who have been inherited businesses.., etc.)

Most of your feigned outrage should be directed at OUTDOOR GUERILLA GROWS.. That is a real source of problems for the "Movement's" Image.

What I love, is how normally Conservative Local Legislators get Eco-Conscious when talking about these grows.. Logging Companies and paper mills have degraded so much of this area, and yet they are so upset about the damage done to the watersheds and forests, etc. For once I agree with these "Leaders..!" Dumping Diesel fuel and pesticides, as well as nutrients in Watersheds is the worst..!!!
That is a situation worthy of changes...

Every newspaper from Michigan To California is loaded with "Pot-A-Ganda." That is nothing new... Same as the TV shows, such as Marijuana Inc., Read a local paper, and see HORRIBLE tales of the awful 100-plant indoor grows.... That number is about what it takes, give or take a few, to get it done, Bruddah. Of course, that does not apply to me..

Full-on Bar Brawls, or Robberies at Liquor Stores do not get much press.. But a holdup at a Dispensary, or a house where people are growing MMJ gets Front Page news - for days... There are serious inequities in News reporting... That is nothing new.

Both Michigan and California are experiencing a sort of "Blowback," and "Rollback" on the MMJ laws.. It is the natural way of things... If there was a similar Outdoor Growing Season in MI, like there is in CA, the exact same scenarios would play out in that arena.

FACT: a majority of people in NorCal are YES on MMJ. An even larger majority in Michigan..!!! 63%...! AMAZING>> So, what's the problem...? The politicians. The Bill Schuttes....

The "Leaders" are ignoring what the people want..

That is the most Deplorable thing.

With all due respect., this discussion is based on Incomplete Information..

But, thanks to the OP, and contributors for a lively and interesting conversation nonetheless, to help dispel some "Rural Myths.."