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Have you ever changed drivers on the freeway?


Professor Organic Psychology
Well, we beat the case. It was classic. I spent most of the day trying to keep from puking and she spent most of the day actually puking. Luckily when they called her name she was doing dry heaves and able to be present. But yeah, we beat the case and anyone that has ever read me should know what the case was about. We beat it on a search and seizure motion and that was the ticket. Never tell me that good legal council is not the way to survive this fucked up planet.

We got good and ripped immediately after leaving the courtroom. Both of us have been so tense about this for so many months that we have not been able to enjoy life. On the way home (like a 9 hour trip) She had to pee. There was nothing in sight, not even a bush and she had to pee. I am like just pull over here, and just open the doors a certain way it and it will block you. She is like fuck no… oh yeah, she is driving and swerving and holding herself. So finally I believe she is serious and I am not going to find her a place soon enough. I tell her, “Go climb through the slider window of the truck, into the canopy and pee in the dog water bowl (and ice bucket we stole from the motel). She is game. So I have to slide under her and grab the controls of the truck while she climbs out and into the back of the truck. That slider window is skinny man, like I don’t know how she got her ass through it. It is like what they say about a rat, “If a rat can get it’s head in a hole it can slides it’s whole body” and that is how she got her ass through my tiny sliding window. When I slid under her to get control of the truck we were going like 67 miles per hour. She is wearing these really sheer short shorts and I got a bit excited.. I had a hard time letting her go. She said, “Jorge I have to pee you son of a bitch, if you don’t let me go right now you are getting a golden shower”. Well, I am sort of old fashioned and not really into that and I let her go. But what is really funny is that while she was trying to climb though that slider window I kept steering the truck from side to side making it almost impossible for her to get through. I did the same thing when she tried to climb back into the front. We had a cool fun ride home and god damnit we beat the pigs. I know all of you do not like coke, but she beat the pigs at their own game. It cost me about $20k but fuck it. We beat them and get to have sex (again) tonight.


20 k for sex ? damn bro that's expensive :)

just kidding man...

i'm happy your happy

congratulations on the win
Was on a bus trip / ski trip once where the drivers switched doing 60+ mph on highway, at night. It was freaky - but no golden shower there either.


Professor Organic Psychology
I know I know I know... this is not the behavior of a responsible citizen. I need to learn to be more like those that get a license to smoke weed and just have sex to make babies. My bad, I sorry


Game Bred
I know I know I know... this is not the behavior of a responsible citizen. I need to learn to be more like those that get a license to smoke weed and just have sex to make babies. My bad, I sorry

it's not that bro...
but if you keep doing silly shit for the sake of doing silly shit you won't ever get ahead of the game.
this entire story.
just left paying 20k in stupid tax and fucking 'round on the way home?
please tell me you weren't holding?


Professor Organic Psychology
I wasn't holding anything that would lead to an arrest in both the states I was in. Less than an ounce is decriminalized in Cali right?

I didn't do the shit that cost us all that money, she did. She is a bit younger than me and still in training. I think she has learned her lesson. We were celebrating on the way home and wanting to scream out the windows. My girl was looking at a couple years in jail and walked out of the courtroom a free lady. She is a wiser lady too, in ways you will never know. And I believe she won't be taking any more candy from my outlaw cousins.


Active member
yes, because we did it at 25, we decided to do it at 90 on the highway.

the hard part is maintaining speed and steering.

be aware of all limbs. the only reason we did it at 90, is because it worked at 25. If you think, the only thing has changed is the speed :)

I dont recommend to anyone. You have to trust your mind and body and someone else's mind and body.


Active member
yes . the old lady was driving and i wanted a bj. so we switched places and i adjusted the steering wheel. before long we were doing 110


Professor Organic Psychology
We turned the whole affair into an inpromptu, couple day road trip and in fact we are just getting home today. We went all over the place, out of the way places, to an island on a ferry, visited some family, it was a total killer weekend. Home now warming up the hot tub and having some friends come over to celebrate properly. It feels like the first day of summer. BBQ at the lake tomorrow. Next month to the lake on the desert with 4 wheelers, jet skis and boats. It's going to be a good season.


Active member


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What I don't get is she's gotta pee so bad that she's swerving and yet she's able to climb thru a tiny window without losing control of her bladder? When my wife's at the swerving stage (I assume that's the same as having to go so bad you can't stand still) there is no way she'd be able to slide thru a window barely big enough for her to squeeze thru and not lose control.